Game needs a real tutorial

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by void2258, September 29, 2014.

  1. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I have heard good and bad things, yes, but the comparisons are stupid.

    1) are they trying to argue, since Supcom has all the features anyone will ever need, that there should be no new rts ever? Sounds like they are the ones killing the genre even moreso than EA. If you don't think RTS get the work they deserve amongst video game development, compared to generic shooters, then you know who to blame.

    2) Ta arguably has pros and cons, Faf didn't exist a few days ago, its definitely setting two bruised fruit next to one another, and comparing one's good side to one's bad side.

    3) The time spent in development is different. Ta unpatched original version is not very better than Pa, faf is a patch so supcom original is still a long term developed based from Ta style game, with a larger staff, very likely budget too, very like even including sales.

    And so, what I interpret is...
    They percieve it wrong. Some percieve it as a pyramid scheme. They actually lay out a conspiracy plot, entirely lack of evidence. Some percieve it as a shortcoming of any early access game like Starbound and other games catching flak. It is a negative perception, but it is an incorrect one.

    "Women are bad at math" is a negative perception, but only the most hateful ignorants argue with a disgusted audience that it 100% true backed up by all this evidence. I have seen a lot of reddit posts argue PA is a scam with very similar arguement, half the time I am not suprised if I see Obama or moon landings mentioned in all of it.

    What is the other option if not releasing? I mean, should Assassin's Creed not have released until they had multiplayer and the stupid crossbow and all the other features they added later?
    +1 for a tutorial indeed. A player can make a tutorial, but really Uber should either offer to add a player's tutorial to vanilla game or initiative one themselves.
  2. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Well yes, but to be fair it's partially because of their good times with the games fogging up their memory, because both had glaring issues. I don't however think it's fair to compare PA and FA seeing as FA wasn't the first game it was the second in the series, the first had a real slow down problem, even today it's bottleneck ed because it doesn't multi-thread I believe, meaning the sim speed dies and time dilation takes over. Speaking of time dilation, not only did Supcom and FAF have it, but it also had a peer to peer server, which essentially made the sim only as fast as the worst player's PC, again killing SIM speed. The whole lowest common denominator thing. Supcom also had a balance many TA vets and such would really dislike, the whole direct upgrade thing really made it a bit dull at times, entire games could be handled by who had the most ASFs. (T3 fighters) Lastly the game and it's hard core fans loved to show off the 80km X 80km maps, and they were pretty cool, the only issue is they completely broke the game, it was clearly not made to be played at that scale. The SIM speed would die late game, and the game was already a crawl because of the huge distances units had to pass, it'd even take air units a long time to move from point A to point B.

    Original TA was actually filled with problems that the community would fix later, because Cave dog probably didn't have the time or the money. One being it's terrible AI, the cavedog Ai never utilized any map markers and was running off its terrible base instincts, many mods would later change this. Another huge issue was the pathing, once you had many units on the field the pathing literally broke, units would shuffle or barely move, the community also fixed this in mods such as TA:Zero making something that normally took 10 minutes, take one. O:TA's balance was also pretty bad, samson/slasher spam was easily the best tactic, either than for flash spam with the Arm. The factions weren't too balanced either, the Arm's units nearly always better or cheaper, it took a really good player to use Core well due to many scary units the Arm had T1, it's savior was it's t2.

    Basically when these games originally came out, they were pretty messy, people just remember the good about these. Now I won't say PA is better, or they're better, or what, but if you consider modding with PA as you would TA or Supcom... Then it'd be a much more even match, mods are what really have always fixed these games.
    DalekDan likes this.
  3. christer1966

    christer1966 Member

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    Doesn't the description of the Astreus say that it is a single unit transport?

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