Galactic war - patience

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by epic4242, May 28, 2014.

  1. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    And there are a bunch of reasons why that is happening.

    And one of the many reasons why we need specialized T2, rather than upgraded T2. Because with upgraded T2, the only way to balance it is in cost. So that means you make them too expensive and they aren't really worth building. You make them the same comparative cost as T1 units, so they're not really worth building. You make them cheaper in cost to efficiency and T1 units are invalidated.
  2. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I think they are worth building.

    for one, if t1 units beat t2 units and turrets beat t1 units and t2 units beat turrets, then at least it would be rock paper scissors.

    but it could be deeper than even that. Specialized means, t2 should do something unique but you should pay for that and still use t1 bulk. I think it is close to there. You use t2 income when free t1 metal spots are gone and eco permits some waste. You use t2 units to add damage to the same overlapping ranges.

    the sad thing is, shellers are cheaper better mobile pelters, gil-e are hitscan terrain clearing instakillers, levelers can now snipe some turrets and still reach ant range from farther back with little negatives, vanguards can still solo commanders and trample bases before enough damage gets them, pelicans still protect commanders and drop vanguards, stingrays are practically peregrines...

    t2 is useful to build, the current complaint just feels like people don't like how late game or don't last until t2. Its ok if you don't last until t2, but tell me 4 shellers and 10 ants can't beat 24 ants. 4 levelers and 10 ants might beat 20+ ants though more at debate.

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