Galactic War...Easy?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Geers, May 24, 2014.

  1. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    I was doing that with some buffed eco and vehicle health +50%. Now I'm playing bots (without grenadiers), and wow, bots stink. Or maybe I stink, but it seems like a pretty huge swing to go from <7:00 with 4 vehicle factories to~20:00 finally winning by 20ish factories, 10:1 mobile units and 2.5x weight of metal. Tanks are bad but can be overwhelemed. Ubercannons and the buffed towers with 2x fire rate just shred bot armies.
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    That's the way it is supposed to be... but it is ridiculously easy.

    I quit my first galactic war on Normal when I defeated my opponent because it didn't build a single factory.
    drz1 likes this.
  3. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Subcommanders are named. Ones with the same name will show up as duplicate, so there is a limit on how many you can get. Oh wait, I just checked and there are 25 names, which is why it's a rare event.
  4. nawrot

    nawrot Active Member

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    Uber is trolling us i think.

    New normal is old easy. Hard now is what was normal AI. They renamed it so we feel normal losing to hard AI.

    Uber folks I would like to know which AI is normal and not cheating one. Ie. evil AI that does not have extra income or derps. Current normal is kind of retarded. AI from month or two back was exactly on spot.

    PPS. at some point i got like 5 sub commanders, game won by itself each time.
    I just wonder why my commanders play much better than enemy AI?
  5. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    Bot, Advanced bot, all 3 economy perks, 9-10 minutes flat for every single match. At the 6 minute mark, first 4 T2 extractors are up and an several combat fabber assisted factories flood the whole plant with Dox and Stingers.

    Faction base fights are ridiculous easy too. Unless you force(!) the AI to build Halleys by turning your planet into a fortress, it will send only single transporters - that's pointless. It's almost as if the AI doesn't even knew how to use portals or how to establish proper beachheads. And it's not even trying to intercept invading forces either.
  6. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    This is incorrect. Economic handicaps have been completely removed from AI difficulty in skirmishes. The difficulty level changes how well the AI controls its economy, army, etc.

    In galactic war it changes the difficulty ramp up and eventual economic bonuses.

    A bug in the AI preventing it from building factories properly has pretty much crippled the AI in this patch. There's also the issue that GW very much encourages rush play with its player tech bonuses, and the AI is pretty poor at handling a rush right now. Sorian said on the recent livestream that he was working to improve the AI's opening, but this was a particularly tricky area.
    nawrot likes this.
  7. nawrot

    nawrot Active Member

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    Then there is hope for PA. I loved its evil AI from few months ago, it was frustrating and annoying with its constant pelter creep. Normal was manageable , kind of in sweet spot for difficulty.

    It was losing because of its love for artillery and nukes which are expensive, while neglecting size of raiding groups (or rather letting massive armies to form stream of units).

    Ps. I think there is some bug with Halleys and planet crashing. I got owned by planet crashing, first time it was my fault. But on second game i was prepared for it (had sizable force on orbit with commander, all ready to jump to another planet in case of planet crashing), warning was like 1sec prior to collision, and i had radars and deep space radars. It happened so fast that i could not give orders to my forces for escape. My plan was to get to enemy planet, survive few sec and get back to empty now planet, start again with around 50 fabbers and bunch of tanks.
  8. pieman2906

    pieman2906 Well-Known Member

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    About 20 each? why not just put the factories on loop with whatever ratio you're looking for? then just continually build clumps of factories closer and closer to the enemy base.
  9. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    Now we need to have some of our sub-coms TURN against us, that sure will screw Zaphods strategy over

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