Fun things to do in MNC

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by peachypony, October 6, 2010.

  1. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    showed this to bolt the other day and a few others. on steel peel as the assualt throw at least a level 2 bomb (though three works infanetly better) against the windows of the wall by your opponets base. the glass next to the jump pad that takes you to the upper ring in steel peel. as the opposeing player lifts across tap the x button and watch as they helplessly fly through the air and explode only to fall off the map. might take a few tries to find the sweet spot but the ending result is well worth it.
    also sticking a freezey trap to the door of the spawn will freeze an enemy pro inside his spawn. cluster bomb for the kill sense it goes through the door.
    maping out the jackbot spawn and baiting enemys infront of the bot door only to be launched of the map. fun times
    (wishes he could get a firebase to stick to a gapshot)
  2. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    See how many Uber Streaks you can get in a row.
  3. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Jumping over poorly placed sniper traps then back grappling them with the shuriken launcher.
  4. Bulletr0k

    Bulletr0k New Member

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    Play tank. Run around and grapple everyone you see. SHORYOUKEN.
  5. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    have a assault class with gold speed and silver skill recov, bronze armor, upgrade bomb to max charge to 2 and passive to 2, run in throw bomb and then run away, obviously killing people with the bomb, go for assassins or snipers

    its funny to annoy people :) i might try the tank idea...but i always saw lvl 3 charge as a shoryuken? (for assault)
  6. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    We ran a 5 man today doing nothing but product grenade/rail gun grapple/melee. Absolutely hilarious.

    Skill Recovery
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Lately I have been using my Railgun as my main weapon as Tank and I found this to be funny. Let me say this first, I am normally a Jetgunner and switching to the Railgun is something new to me so usually when I charge I death Blossom afterwards and since I run with the Railgun there is no DB.

    Charge plus Railgun grapple has gotten me lots of hate messages lately. For some reason it is so funny to pull off on an Assassin that has tried to front grapple me. Charge (2) plus gut punch will kill and Assassin and it just looks awesome.

    Besides that I like to try and stand on top of enemy Gunner's heads as a Tank and if I fall off I just Charge (3) them then laser their ***. lol

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