i do not think that new players flock to these classes, even in tf2, i think what happens is that new players stand out more when they use these classes. But i do not see a problem with it, you cant just make every new player be a gunner or a tank cos they are the easiest classes to be, just let them do what they want, as long as they are having fun who cares? And if you do not want to play in pubs with teams full of sins, then join a pug channel and play at a higher skill level. also imo sniper is probs the lowest skilled class in this game
God I'm annoyed, just got to know about the free weekend 5 minutes ago. Why does it have to be just the weekend when I'm not home? :cry:
i play spy first because using deception and stealthy kills basically sums up my whole gaming history. but you have to admit that against a competent team (doesn't even have to be pro nor organization methods such as vent), the average spy will definitely not survive and will die because of how easy it is for people to learn to find out a fake spy. the disguise kit is barely useful and your cloak is a much more efficient and important tool. and my friend for example, thinks the assassin is "the funnest class to play" and there's "no point in playing other classes" after he watched me play but later after i showed him some of SunnyDove's vids, he quickly loved the Tank. so... as i know, "cloaking" and "sneaky classes" has always been a huge attraction to people (who only know games like Black Ops) in games since it's so different from their conventional shooting classes
No there is blatently more assassins. Go play some more. I find every game I've played over this weekend has had at minimum 5 assassins in the game, often times rising as high as 8 assassins. (this is for both teams combined) Before the free weekend it was more like 3-5 assassins. Rarely would you ever see more than 4 assassins. 2 per team.
I'll just share some of my kill-farming pictures http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... 8729384757 Support for Steel Peel. Got a fair bit of healing done too. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... 8742001780 Sniper on G3, ended up going Gunner because RockIt 3's were going up and I felt like farming up some Turret kills. It was an hour-long match too. At least I got my uberstreak (and a 60-something streak.) I kept punishing the enemies, an Assassin kept trying to get to me from the front, so a few loldoublegrapples and a melee kill here n there. An Assault kept standing still when trying to Grenade a turret (easy headshots.) Also got a noscope kill on a Tank running away. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... 8757278113 LazerRazer with Assassin. Not bad for a normal length round. Ended up adding Icey to my Friends as well, he's a good player. I think their win was from a last-second snatch with one of their supports. Should've taken some screenshots of my other classes. Would've also helped to attempt to get those pesky 20-kill protags too. I did tell a bunch of Gunners to use their Mortars for bots/turrets.
The G3 screen had like only 5 original players from the start of the round. I remember getting a handful on Sin kills that round, however I think that person switched classes after I kept loldoublegrapple'ing them. ~Edit For G3, this was an earlier Scoreboard screenshot: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... 8742000898 I turned an Assassin into a Support D:
This. You can never take enough skulls or spill enough blood for Khorne, but by the blood god, did I take a lot of skulls for skull throne.
Khorne is far superior to both of the gods listed in your post. The tenets of Khornate faith are well represented in this game. I particularly like creating piles of skull points on the enemy's side of the scoreboard. I doubt your scheming and politicking will get you very far when a juiced tank is bearing down on you (let alone any "love" or "forgiveness").
If my dying is part Tzeentch's plan then so be it, because I know it is for the greater good and the domination of all the other gods. Trying to analyze his plan would make you go insane so therefore do not even attempt to do so.
Nurgle loves us all and promises long (but rotting) life. NURGLE FOR PRESIDENT!! This free weekend was some fun and I actually helped quite a few players. Though personally it did illustrate the need for better communication methods so newbies could learn faster.