For Backers Only: Megabot Experiment

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by garat, March 14, 2013.

  1. banaman

    banaman Member

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    precisely. your turning the entire asteroid into 1 giant weapons platform. opponents will then be forced to decide whether to devote resources into just destroying it outright (for example, a 2nd asteroid) or attempting to retake it by landing troops on it.

    it is my current understanding the only purpose for asteroids -at the moment- is simply to smash into planets.
    not saying that's not amazing... but in terms of strategy, that seems pretty... limiting.
  2. corteks

    corteks Active Member

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    Pretty sure it's been confirmed that putting asteroids into orbit and raining down units will be in the final game. It certainly has been suggested multiple times, including by me a while back in some old thread during alpha :p
  3. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    That is only the current use in Beta, Neutrino has been talking about using Moons and Asteroids as Orbital Bases with factories, Unit cannons and maybe even more on multiple occasions, going as far back as an Interview from when the KS was still running.

  4. ghost1107

    ghost1107 Active Member

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    Experimental Invader
    -Build in orbit
    -Can travel to any and land on it (only once)
    -Very very very slow
    -Has AA, laser towers and artilery in all directions.
    -Anti nuke
    -It's use, to invade extremely hostile planets, and secure a location
  5. lapantouflemagic

    lapantouflemagic Active Member

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    apparently things are going toward a commander power-suit, but it is not necessarily incompatible with being build in orbit and used as an invasion force (with orbital assault factories, i love this idea :) )

    edit : i'm not sure if that's equal to a confirmation that it will be in the release version though.
  6. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    You do realise that Jon was most likely joking, right?
    Consider that he admitted to teasing the community just a few posts after that one.

    Try not to quote out of context lapantouflemagic.
    stuart98 and archcommander like this.
  7. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    He was joking/teasing from what I could gather because there had already been a HUGE debate over upgrades.
  8. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    No, he was joking because he was joking. The large discussion came afterwards.

    stuart98 likes this.
  9. lapantouflemagic

    lapantouflemagic Active Member

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    well, i don't see that as an "upgrade" but we'll see.

    be it a power suit or not, i'd still be really happy to see it in the game.
    iron420 likes this.
  10. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    Anyway I don't care much about the 'why'. I thought it was funny and that's it. I seen a previous thread somewhere about commander related upgrades or something and presumed it was connected. Can't remember the details. :)
  11. ooddball

    ooddball Member

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    don't you mean NEEDS MORE UBER!!!!

    i like the idea of gigantic robots walking around annihilating enemies it would be weird if there was none however this one seems kinda small when compared to the kind of game this is i mean even if you have a 1000 ill just smash a planet on top of them and they will be gone along with the rest of the area if not the entire planet
  12. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Not read all comments but people have said other comments on other threads about best ways to smash entrance onto a rival's held planet, this unit may be the one that you send in first to establish a beach head it would face enough firepower to severely weaken and probably do enough damage to clear a space and time to establish a beachhead for the player and then be taken out. I like the idea of Uber bringing this thing to the backers for feedback
  13. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Maybe when he said he was teasing about the mech suit he meant he was giving you teasers about upcoming game content :p Either way this megabot business isn't going away until it happens from the looks of it and I for 1 am counting the days :)
  14. 5donuts

    5donuts New Member

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    I definitely think that there should be "super" units in PA, but I don't know what they should do/be to make them unique (besides being gigantic).
  15. zombielordzero

    zombielordzero New Member

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    I love the idea of Korgoth-sized units. Being Big, expencive and taking a long time to build while being powerful is awesome as a concept. A Korgoth could fill the role of a 'defencive line bulldozer' soaking up damage, drawing fire, dishing out some of its own, and allowing all the other units around it to close the distance to their fireing range.

    Another option i could see would be a power armor suit for the commander, to make it last longer than 10 seconds vs an orbital laser, or sustained bombardment.
  16. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    Maybe instead of commander upgrades include immobile shields à la SupCom?
  17. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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  18. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    Love it... scale could be even slightly bigger, it depends on how it looks actually in game against the terrain and other units in a live game really to see if the scale is spot on or not. I think we need more units like this in my opinion, big end game units that takes a lot to build and get a sense of accomplishment from building em. Super Units should just be that, "super"..... I agree and always will that shields should be in the game, just my opinion, but not as a commander upgrade though...
  19. banaman

    banaman Member

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    just wanted to expand on the asteroid for megabot idea:
    as a possible alternative, creating megabots -requires- an asteroid (and is consumed in the process)
    this could create 2 unique properties for them very easily:
    1: by having a map with no asteroids, you cannot have them either (further turning asteroids into 'endgame weapons' option)
    2: you could make it so once a megabot (crash)lands onto a planet, it can never leave. so it's an extremely powerful unit... but once it's used on a planet, that's it. so you have to think hard on when and where to unleash it.

    also, want to throw out some other possible unique properties:
    1: always visible. does not provide line of sight around it to enemy, but due to sheer size, it's impossible -not- to see it.
    2: can attack/be attacked by orbitals
    3: requirement to use metalworld laser?
    4: blocks line of sight for weapons and artillery (smacks into it instead)
    5: death state... does it turn into giant mass to be harvested? does it explode like a nuke?
    6: build limit? easy way to implement: commander becomes core of unit, so can only have 1 (also further improves value of commander if not win condition)
    7: gravity field? due to size, all projectiles of certain kinds gravitate towards it, making it take damage instead.
    8: instead of a fixed weapon platform, allow it to change what it does based on what it loads up.
  20. skywalkerpl

    skywalkerpl Member

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    A robot that requires asteroid to build:
    Fat, chunky, useless.

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