For Backers Only: Introducing the Delta Commander

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by garat, January 30, 2013.

  1. rorybecker

    rorybecker Member

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    You could have 2xTank Blobs. You'd be sacrificing one, but your 2nd could be sent in another direction after you'd received this new intel.

    You don't always have to provoke with your commander though.

    Another approach would be to introduce a unit which had specialist scanning capabilities who would gather intel on the abilities of commanders it came within range of.

    I guess what I'm saying is that there are always alternative ways to approach a problem.

    Whilst I'm not arguing in favour of the hyper realistic, I would point out that rarely does an army broadcast it's entire list of capabilities to the enemy.
    Something should be held in reserve.

    I should also point out that at this point I'm essentially being devil's advocate.
    I'm not actually that bothered on this issue :)

    In my case, my color blindness and other (concentration related) issues would likely mean that I wouldn't even notice additional model adornments. :)

    In some previous games I've found it hard to see the difference between teams except when zoomed out enough to see the radar blips :)

    Although in the case of the models presented here appear to have quite large areas reserved for team colours. Perhaps this will help :)
  2. miliascolds

    miliascolds Member

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    Really like them, those wing like structure, are they planned to shoot missles ?, or perhaps cooling ? like there is reddish stuff in there , would look nifty glowing like reactor cooling vents :p
  3. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I am also a bit confused about the different commanders: Will the commanders have set abilities and the player choses the commander or will the player chose abilities + a model to use?

    In the first case the backer-only acu's would need to be identical to some other kind of other acu.

    Apart from that I am think this feature has to be implemented with care to make sure ranked games don't work like this:

    1. Choose acu with its abilities, some are good for small maps, some for big maps, some for certain other setups.
    2. Start ranked
    3. Get some random map to play on, hoping that the chosen acu will work out for it.

    Either make sure that abilities are not good or bad depending on the map played (which would limit the abilities pretty much) or change it to work like this:

    1. start ranked
    2. get some random map
    3. game instant pauses, players can see what kind of map they are playing on
    4. players chose their acu, game starts.


    About that: If the abilities are tied to a a certain type of acu you could just show the type of acu every players uses somewhere + maybe its abilities in a tooltip.
    The choice of acu would be kinda like the faction-choice, which -in other games- is alway visible, too.
    Unless you play "random-acu"

    If you are at the same level as your opponent your opponent will have 2 such blobs, too.
    If you have to sacrifice one of them just to scout you will lose the game based on a leap of faith or not. That's not making it better.
  4. mrknowie

    mrknowie Member

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    Very nice... only one question: why does the robot need a codpiece? TruckNutz?
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I not just talking about colors, I'm talking about the model be physically different, you'd still be able to notice the difference.

  6. xcupx

    xcupx Member

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    This looks totally cool!
  7. rorybecker

    rorybecker Member

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    I'm curious:
    How many tanks do you feel would be needed to scout if an ACU has overcharge?

    How many tanks do you feel would give your opponent enough of an advantage to make you feel as if the game were unfairly weighted against you?

    If the bonuses\abilities were not broadcast, your opponent would also be unaware of what yours were.

    Would he not also feel the need to detect this in some way?

    Doesn't that level the playing field somewhat?
  8. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    The point is not that it's imbalanced, the point is that it's bad gameplay and should be avoided.

  9. rorybecker

    rorybecker Member

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    That point was addressing Colin's post in which he suggested that the tactic I mentioned would lead to an imbalance.

    Hiding the nature of a weapon being "Bad gameplay" is interesting.

    It could mean..
    - Unsportsman like behaviour.
    - The game being less fun.
    - Something else I haven't thought of (Probably a large list)

    If I understand you correctly (and I concede I may not) you are suggesting that this is simply not as much fun.

    I can accept this. However I'm curious why you feel this is the case.

    Like most other elements of the game, it is simply a logical tactic for which a strategy needs to be found.

    This assumes that your commander is ever in a position where he needs to reveal what his abilities are.

    My experience in these cases is, I'm certain, much less than most people on these boards, but at the point I have to use a commander's own weapon to resolve an issue, it's usually way too late :D
  10. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    The picking of abilities is ONLY for those who bought a custom commander and it's at the time we create the commander. It's not something that happens during the game. So if you know which commander someone is using you know it's abilities.

    Let me repeat, there is NO CHOOSING DURING GAMEPLAY. I was obviously not clear enough. The choosing thing is only for those who are getting custom commanders.
  11. stevenside

    stevenside Member

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    I'm just wondering if the progenitor and Alpha commander will have advantages over the others. Or if they will be avaible for purchase in some manner. This has me concerned due to as far as i know, only backers from kickstarter will ever be able to use these, and those who didnt get to know about the kickstarter, will either be in disadvantage gaming against others who backed this project, or left out. Not everyone heard or got the opportunity to support in time. Personally i learned about this game at the 3rd of January.

    if the case is that every commander will be different in a personal way, how can it be balanced for every player? Will the new thing be something like "Support to Win"? Would love a answer. My way of supporting the game was the 90$ pre-purchase. Hate to see it go to bad.
  12. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Yet again You've set my fears to rest.

    I'm assuming there will be some easy way for a player to see a custom Commander's abilities in the lobby or something?

    Don't think of them as better, they're just different. From the sounds of thing they might have different selections of abilities, but all abilities are drawn from the same pool of abilities. If something turns out to be OP or UP They'll fix it.

    Last edited: January 30, 2013
  13. Bhaal

    Bhaal Active Member

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    For balance reasons everybody should have the same abilities or should be able to chose them ingame. Everything else means someone got advantages in some cases.

    Visual difference is more than enough.
  14. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    I don't think nuclear physics can really capture the power of a disintegrator gun. The value of a Dr. gun is that natural physical laws simply don't apply for defense. Plus, it's not so much of a gun as it is a ray.

    How about a space ray? Because wherever you shoot, there's nothing left but space.

    Well. That is interesting. That would mean we pick our Commander before entering the match, like some kind of hero?

    Having limited options isn't so bad in a team style environment. It is expected that each player has their own strengths that they want emphasized in the Commander. But the value of various team choices can be very different from 1v1 choices, where direct balance between Comms is far more important.
  15. taihus

    taihus Member

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    Don't listen to all the people going wtf at the fin thingies. WE'RE GOING FOR AWESOME.
  16. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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  17. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    God i wish i hade the money to spare for a custom commander :cry: .

    Ohh well, hopefully the normal commander (or commanders if they add multiple) + my bonus commanders (Progenitor, alpha & Theta, if they dont add more to the bonus list with the Delta) will include one that fits me.

    Hmm another name for d-gun... Would "Antimatter gun" be suitable?
  18. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    First: Awesome!

    Colours: Awesome!
    Head: Awesome!
    Torso: Awesome!
    Legs: Awesome!
    Feet: Awesome!

    But: The shoulders are way to big. And the arms, too. The cannons are already bold, but this is a bit too bold, I think.

    Cut the shoulders off. Cut the plates off the cannons.

    And I have a question, because I experimented and closed the gun via Photoshop: The cannon will open and close, right? This would be very cool.

    Please excuse my awful photoshop skills. And please don't kill me, because I played with the pictures. It is only meant to illustrate what I mean.

    Attached Files:

  19. Bouncer2000

    Bouncer2000 Member

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    Seriously... Neutrino-gun sounds good to me.
  20. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    Neutrino-Gun FTW! :mrgreen:

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