Fojib270 Has Become The First Legit 99

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Shammas, August 19, 2010.

  1. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Re: Watch Fojib270 Become The First Legit 99 LIVE

    That's an awfully long post for someone who doesn't care. Stick to 1vs100. Oh wait...
  2. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Re: Watch Fojib270 Become The First Legit 99 LIVE

    The stream was offline this morning while he miraculously shot up several hundred thousand dollars. I know what I saw. He boosted his way past SigMa001337 because he was so obsessed with being the "first" level 99. People who are honest 95% of the time can still be cheats. Congrats to him, but the purpose of the game should be having a good time. If Fojib was enjoying himself while he was boosting this morning, I apologize for responding.
  3. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    Re: Watch Fojib270 Become The First Legit 99 LIVE

    Dude, he legit wasn't boosting, but at the same time, I doubt he enjoyed winning games in 2-3 minutes with 0-3 kills, and then waiting 5 minutes in the lobby.

    Stop being jealous that he beat you to 99. I've played with him every day after work (about 4pm MST) and he's pretty much only been 6-8 levels higher than when we'd get off at night.
  4. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Re: Watch Fojib270 Become The First Legit 99 LIVE

    Why would I be jealous of someone who cheated?
  5. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Re: Watch Fojib270 Become The First Legit 99 LIVE

    Tuesday at 7:00 EST, Fojib has 1,554,074.
    Wednesday at 5:13 EST Fojib has 1,771,415
    Every match up until level 99 after this was recorded.
    A 22 hour difference and only 200,000 more. Fojib also said he never went to sleep. I got those stats from watching the re-broadcast and you can go look for yourself if you want. Everything is time-stamped.
  6. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    Re: Watch Fojib270 Become The First Legit 99 LIVE

    Any questions?
  7. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Re: Watch Fojib270 Become The First Legit 99 LIVE

    He may not have gone to sleep, but he did stop playing for a period of about six hours after 452 wins. I managed to catch up to him during that time and broke 500 wins. When he started playing again, I was a few thousand beneath him. An hour later, I was $10,000 ahead. Then the boosting began.

    Like I said, someone who is honest 95% of the time can still cheat. He boosted his way past SigMa001337 and didn't think anyone would notice. I did.
  8. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    Re: Watch Fojib270 Become The First Legit 99 LIVE

    You're recycling old statements and not paying attention to new facts. Don't worry about what you "thought" you saw, and when he stopped playing. As evident by FACTUAL PROOF, he only ranked up as much as Shammas posted before the rest was on stream.

    Also, I recall you saying your rank was recorded "for fun in pubs", yet you are "enjoying" keeping tabs on the player above you? Seems to tedious to be fun, lol.
  9. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    I am absolutely certain he stopped playing after 452 wins. His earnings/kills/wins were static for several hours this morning. Please don't act like he was playing the entire time. This is not true.

    Further, the period I am speaking of where he boosted is not on the stream. It was only after he passed SigMa001337 that it went back up. Unless every single win was recorded, there's no point in submitting it as evidence.

    Is criticizing me for paying attention to the leader boards the best you can do?
  10. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I really don't understand how he could have boosted at all. Unless you have some sort of proof that he cheated, evidence and stats show that he is legit. Even if he stopped for 6 hours, that leaves 16 hours for him to have gotten the 200k. It really just sounds like you are jealous. Have you even reached 99 yet?
  11. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    No one here says he played the entire 22 hours...that would be ridiculous.

    As far as the stream is considered, Fojib does NOT have a cap card, so the only time he could be streamed is when Shammas was on. You can say what you want about the "coincidence" of him surpassing SigMa and then the stream going up, but that's all it was. Unless you can show that he was in a private ranking up 200k in the 16 hours YOU claim he played (rather than the 22 the proof indicates), then you're really just digging yourself deeper into a hole and trying to save face.
  12. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    How am I digging myself in a hole by presenting the facts?

    The only possible way for his score to have increased so quickly in such a short period of time this morning is by boosting. The rate at which it was going up this morning was completely inconsistent with his standard rate of progression. I know what I saw, and he knows what he did.

    At the end of the day, fojib has to live with being a cheater.

    At this point, no players have reached level 99 through legit means.
  13. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    By that logic, even if Fojib had boosted, you could take that time away and look at the fact he's still been playing all day and would have gotten there by now, 5 hours later. Even if he'd just now gotten 99, he'd still be the first. I don't see what you're trying to prove. He never cheated and it shows.
  14. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    You're not presenting facts. You're presenting what YOU think you saw. Shammas is presenting the facts...he linked you to proof that you're're saying you're not lying.
  15. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    I like it when people put their stats and achievements in their sig - it reminds me that i have a social life!

    Real life ftw (+ casually enjoying games)
    Wh0ring scores for the social loss ;-)

    But congrats, if you dont need friends then all credit to you.
  16. Briq

    Briq New Member

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    Re: Watch Fojib270 Become The First Legit 99 LIVE

    I don't have a problem with anyone, I don't know him personally. What was irritating about the whole thing was how many posts you were all making about being first or top 5 or whatever on a leaderboard that amounts to nothing but time played. It wasn't even enough for one of you to make posts about it, but 2 or 3 others as well. If he just did it and made one post I wouldn't have a jerk about it, I might have even said congrats as if it was some sort of accomplishment. In reality it's about as worthy of praise as being number one in sleeping or watching TV. I'm sorry if I offended you, no hard feelings, I'm just sharing my opinion. At least now that it's over we can stop seeing threads about it, but with this argument that's been going on for the last few pages it still might not die.
  17. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    Re: Watch Fojib270 Become The First Legit 99 LIVE

    To be fair, the only reason the topic was made multiple times is because the original one got deleted because of flaming (not unlike this one).

    All this thread was intended to do was share live updates with the community on the progress of the first legit 99. If it wasn't for jealous naysayers then it wouldn't have amounted to more than a couple of "congrats" before it died into the archives of the forums.
  18. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Re: Watch Fojib270 Become The First Legit 99 LIVE

    One was too many.

    Yep. It means nothing. I admit I've played this game way too much; but, Monday Night Combat is like crack, and I've had some downtime this past week.

    I apologize for contributing to the drama. I shouldn't have said anything, but it irritates me when people misrepresent the truth.

    (To Sauceman and Shammas's credit, they weren't playing with Fojib this morning when he was boosting.)
  19. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    Re: Watch Fojib270 Become The First Legit 99 LIVE

    One is viable for any topic on a message board. If you don't want to read it, you don't have to.

    Can't really say it means nothing when you were right behind him trying to get it, and you cared enough to "monitor" Fojib's activity.

    You're just jealous, simple explaination.

    Pretty hard to be in a party that doesn't exist. Seriously, lie as blatantly as you want to try to discredit the first legit 99 because you wanted it, but there is CONCRETE PROOF on Shammas's re-broadcast.

    -- It seems funny that you write this off as nothing, yet you were aiming to be the first 99, and now that you aren't, you're making up some rumor to discredit the person who beat you fair and square.

    I mean, if you think Fojib doesn't deserve it, feel free to get 3-4 of your friends to play our squad. It won't change the fact that Fojib beat you to 99, but maybe it will make you feel better knowing that the better player got there first....I'm just sayin.
  20. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    I'm not going to argue with you. You've said your piece, and I've said mine. There is no JustinTV footage to the period I'm alluding to where he boosted past SigMa001337. It's my word against his. Unless Uber keeps track of private games played, there's no way to prove whether or not this is "legit." Even then, who bloody cares?

    The reason I responded is that I care about the truth, not bragging about silly video game statistics. Please let it go. Let's get back to enjoying MNC. ;)
    Last edited: August 19, 2010

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