This is why I am beginning to resent this game. It is only once in a blue moon I get a decent (fun) match and that's about it. Other matches have been total stomps, or my team was already getting stomped by the time I entered, or otherwise have idiots for teammates.
I guess that's true in online games. Still, ever since I got into online games, I find myself wishing I never strayed from my old PS2. At least it never killed time (and possibly social life) nearly as fast. :|
I actually feel teamplay in quite alot of matches I play. Usually, I "rack" kills as some would put it, which isn't a bad thing if you have an Assault or Assasin who's only job is to do this. You can prevent their players from pushing if you put enough pressure onto them. Supports nearly always heal you when you are close, most of the time they actually follow a Tank/Gunner around for maximum potential. I think it depends on your playstyle and I don't see how killing the opponent pros aren't teamwork?
Playing the other night I had a few games that reminded me of this thread. Playing a gunner I had 15 kill, 13 deaths, a few assists and 120+ bot kills. Next person on my team had similar k/d and about 56 bot kills. last 2 places: an assassin with 1 bot kill followed by a sniper with 3 kills, 13 deaths, a few assists and 6 bot kills. I look over at the other team and they have k/d's ranging from good to bad but everyone has bot kills from 35 to 60. The other team weren't any better than my team except for 2 small points: 1) they killed bots to push lanes 2) they worked together. "Oh look. one of my team is heading down this lane alone, I'll join him / cover him." /shrug. Sometimes you just have to move to a different server. I can understand noobs learning the game having low kills. I can understand people trying new classes and not doing well at them. I cannot understand people who refuse to help their team when it'd up their kills and help them win at the same time. Btw Gozuu: the assassin is the top bot-killer out there. And the assault is damn good at pushing lanes and collecting bot kills too. Everyone's job is to kill bots. There is no point to killing pros if your bots never make it to their shields!
Assassins push lanes. Pros are second. An assassin who is "racking" kills without killing bots is a bad assassin.
Your pub assassin might do different, my guardian racks 40 K : D ratio :O[/quote] Assassins push lanes. Pros are second. An assassin who is "racking" kills without killing bots is a bad assassin.[/quote] Do you actually play an Assassin? Sure, Assassins are incredibly good at pushing lanes, but they can take out the majority of classes by simply doing a backstab, any good Assassin end up with INCREDIBLE K : D ratio's. Leave Tanks & Gunners to push, Assaults work splendid aswell. Try it out before cussing it
No I don't play assassin, as in ever, never. Period. You don't get a lot of grapples on good players because they are usually very jumpy and, gasp, good. Your best bet is to catch them off-guard or do the next best thing: Kill them in a different way. Also: Yeah...
Please quote properly next time. And assassins clear lanes faster than any other class. You should be focusing on the bots and not you k/d. Protip: Bot streaks are worth more than killstreaks, and bots give you more money/juice than players.
Not only is bot killing more profitable (which means a lot with the way money is in this game) but its more useful and allows you to control the annihilator, the juice bar and to spawn bots or your own in mass. In summation killing bots and then pros is not only more productive but it keeps you out of harms way.
I've played almost nothing -but- Assassin. Typically, my KDR is 1-1.25, but my Bot Kills are 1.5-2.5x the second-highest total in the match, anywhere from 50 to 175, maybe 190. I typically make the most cash per game by anywhere from $500 to $1500. On GrenadeIII, Lazerazor, and even Ammo Mule, I can't remember how many times I've pushed a lane solo to the enemy ball with the first wave of our bots vs one or two defenders. Meanwhile, the sin on the other (aka losing) team with a KD total of something like 7-1, 8-0 and 2 bot kills after the pitifully short (~2:30) game ends sits there and goes "WTF MY TEAM IS BAD L2P NUBS" and rages. <3 (Edit: Had the idiot been doing his job, my bots wouldn't have made it.) Assassin kills bots, turrets, and pushes lanes. Pros are secondary.