Fixing Votekick Console Command

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by Skull Man, March 30, 2011.

  1. Skull Man

    Skull Man New Member

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    I was just playing a game with an aimbotter who was going 19-0 within three minutes of play, who could snipe cloaked assassins from miles away. Yeah. So we started a votekick, and apparently that requires 8 people to vote yes...and we only managed to get 6. Out of the 11 potential voters (seeing the the 12th person isn't going to vote himself out), all but 3 have to vote yes? That makes no sense.

    And the voting process is confusing at best - I'm not sure if the other team was being a**es and purposely didn't vote yes, or if they didn't realize that you have to hit 'tilde' to bring up the console before voting.

    The voting process ought to be streamlined, and in order to boot someone, 4-5 votes rather than 8 makes a hell of a lot more sense to me at least...
  2. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    I don't even know how to vote, lol. A "press [key] to vote yes" system would be very helpful.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I am starting to see a pattern of Uber adding a new system but it still being rough. I think this is done so we, the players, can mold it into something we want.

    Sorry for that off-topic thought. :D
  4. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    I have never seen a vote pass, and I have also only seen votes being made for legitimate reasons (so no claims about the voting system being abuse).

    #1: It is ridiculously hard to get a vote to pass. It just never happens. Lower the limit, and make sure the person who is about to be kicked it not allowed to vote, nor counted in the total votes.
    #2: It may be that votes never pass because people dont know how to vote. They keep typing vote yes into the chat console. Ctrl-Y = vote yes, Ctrl-N = vote no. Votes can be changed one time per person if that person makes a mistake. People will make mistakes because voting will be so easy they will be doing it without much thought and possibly just after leaving a heated battle. This allows people to correct mistakes without being able to spam votes.

    L. Spiro
  5. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Here's an idea(a bit extreme tho)

    "Say" gets ignored when someone punches in "votekick PlayerName"
    Entries into chat(say/teamsay) of "Yes/No" or "Y/N" get counted as a vote
    Once ~1/4 of the current playerbase votes, the match pauses. Bots/Players cannot move, turrets stop firing and any active projectiles freeze in place
    A banner shows on everyone's screen(excpet for the one getting voted on) saying something akin to "KickVote for PlayerX has started. Type "Yes" or "No" into the chat to continue" along with a 1 minute countdown timer
    Gameplay will only resume if one of the following conditions are met
    1. Minimum number of Yes/No votes met
    2. The person being voted on voluntarily leaves
    3. Timer has reached 0. Defaults to auto-fail but resets the votekick-limiting timer to 1 minute(see #2 below)
    If the player is successfully voted out, they will not be allowed to rejoin that server until the next map cycle

    VoteKick cannot be started under the following conditions
    1. Overtime has started
    2. A kickvote has been attempted in the last 5 minutes(regardless of outcome). Exception is listed above
    3. Total playercount is 4 or less(any lower and people could easily abuse the votekick)

    As for percentage of Yes votes, that's tricky. Too high and it'll never work, too low and people will abuse it
    At the very least the number of Yes votes required should be the number of the larger team(if playercount is odd) plus one
    Ex: 12 players, 7 Yes required. 6 players, 4 Yes required. etc
  6. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    Im still waiting for evidence of supposed abuse.
    As I already said, it doesnt happen in Monday Night Combat.

    And in games where it does, a 5-minute waiting period only enhances the lame (and so does pausing the matchthat actually gives llamas a reason to troll). If someone abuses voting, the others should be allowed to vote him off immediately.

    The only application for a vote cool-down is when one person votes and it fails. This is usually the guy who is trying to troll. A failed vote could mean a 30-second waiting period before voting is enabled for that player.

    Trolls never succeed. Its not like people are going to vote yes to a random vote for no reason.
    The criteria for passing votes does not need to be so high (currently they are so high it is impossible to kick anyone for any reason).
    When people have the ability to vote-kick trolls and trolls have no ability to hog the voting menu, the result is simple: If you troll, you will get kicked. And people wont troll.

    Finally, as we say in programming, dont optimize unless there is a need.
    Or, make it work, then optimize it.
    Optimizing for trolls is completely unnecessary at this point.
    Relax the voting conditions, make it easier for kids to vote, and apply voting cool-down only to the guy whose vote failed (the suspected troll), and then the community can handle trolls themselves.

    L. Spiro
  7. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We're going to give Votekick some love next update. I would say more but we're still working on it and it's not final.
  8. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Considering MNC's VoteKick isn't exactly fleshed out, I'm using other games as a reference, primarily UT2004. One server I used to frequent spent months trying to fine tune the vote ratio. Like I mentioned, too low and a handful of people could punt out anyone they didn't want on the server, too high and lamers wouldn't get removed without an admin present

    Is what I posted perfect? Hell no, but it's better than "votekick is useless"

    Maybe rig it so a successful vote has to wait 5 minutes before another can be started, a failed vote(failed by No majority) gets a 1 minute cooldown and an insufficient vote gets a 30second cooldown

    Also the reason I commented about "at least biggest team +1" was so that an entire team couldn't just punt off someone that's playing well

    Like I said, it isn't perfect, I'm just punching out ideas
  9. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    I just remembered something people do in my favorite game to avoid being kicked.
    They would leave the server while the vote was in progress. When the vote finalized, and they were not on the server, no action was taken, and they rejoined moments later.

    We solved this by auto-kicking anyone who leaves during a vote to be kicked, but another way could simply be to store the details of the guy about to be kicked as soon as the vote is started (rather than looking it up when it passes). Then he can be temp-banned whether he is on the server when the vote finalizes or not.

    Just wanted to put this out and hope you have a way to handle this already, because I dont think this little bypass tactic was mentioned yet.

    L. Spiro

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