First Annual Survivitol Brawl: LETS GET IT ON!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Im Hudson, October 15, 2010.

  1. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Oh so that's what you all were doing last night. I hope I can sneak by some of you in a pub. match cause I have a felling if I don't notice you first I will end up turning around with an elbow killing me.

    It sucks being in the Fall Dashboard Preview not being able to Party Chat. I will assume that's why you don't party with me atm. I guess I'll have to wait till it releases. lmao :lol:
  2. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Its more of us usually having a full party whenever I notice you are on. :(

    If uber gives us an option for random teams every game in private matches, I'd play them 100% of the time.
  3. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    This. I don't like having to back out and rejoin every time.
  4. No-Blood

    No-Blood New Member

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    AKKK! I'm Here, I'm here.(ZIEuphoriaIZ) I was on the pubs last night! I'm usually on at night though!

    And it's Z(i)Euphoria(i)Z
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Dead Stretch eliminated by Manouso.
    Map: Grenade III
    Classes: Me = Tank / Manouso = Assault

    First off I searched for my first match of the day and got into a game with half the list in the game. So first game of the day I had to worry about the Brawl. Luckily I was not taken out that match. After a few attempts I knew running solo as a Tank I had a high change of getting the melee kill.

    So the next match is underway and I naturally begin to push the right side. I see Billy and think to myself "Damn he is already out no need to try." I was only after one person simply because I knew he was still in and was the name that stood out to me. It turns out I was also the target of Manouso. We tangoed a bit 1v1 and I was feeling good that, as a Tank, I could get this melee kill and I will imagine he knew as well. That's when he started to get Billy to follow him as a Support. Now I really had to work for it.

    We had a few close battles and one were I was not going to give him the change to melee me. The middle catwalk was where I surprised him by using the outer jump pad. Billy was lagging behind a bit so I knew this was my chance. We laid into each other, me with my Jetgun him with his Assault Rifle. We are both near death but I have just a bit more health than him and then this is where it went downhill for me. Billy came to his rescue. I had to make a dramatic move or I was out right there so I jumped over the edge. Talk about a close call.

    During all that my team got pushed back pretty hard. Regardless I was determined to get this kill even with my Moneyball down. At this point our base is surrounded with Manouso and Billy to the right still stalking me. Now I thought they were just playing around by letting their bots damage our Moneyball it wasn't until the last second I realized what he was doing. Farming for Juice. I had charge 3 so I knew if they came after me I could knock him down and try to get away. Well that's kinda what happen.

    Manouso juices up and I charged knocking him on his ***. I was so worried about the Juice I wasn't paying attention to my health. While he was down I, for some reason, tried to finish him off. He gets back up still having Juice left hands me the ole right elbow and I go down. I could help but let it out "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

    Hows that for an exciting write up. lol
    Lucky Bastard!
  6. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I think i am dead, but i am not sure and do not know by whom (i think Manouso) and how so i cannot tell an interesting story about it. I looked at all the players and i thought the only one in the competition was in my team, so i didn't pay attention on getting melee killed.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Yea knowing who is and isn't on the list was what was hard for me. I didn't know Zander was in the Brawl and a few times I was reckless just moseying around him.
  8. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Yeah, Manuoso got you earlier today on Steel Peel. I'm not sure how he managed to get you, because I saw that he melee killed you in mid grapple. Very strange...
  9. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    I'm slow to get to the forums again. Grabbed a bite to eat...

    Indeed back to back ko's

    So, I was playing in a party of 5 sans Jennifer love Hewitt and then I see two familiar names: Hagen and Stretch.
    After Billy checks the list and confirms they are in the brawl, it was my sole mission to elbow some pros.

    1st game

    Map - Steel Peel
    HagenMichiel - Sniper
    Me - Assault

    Now when Hagen says he didn't know, I believe him. I think I got sniper grappled three times before I finally landed one blow. Basically he stuck to the front of his base by the two doors going back and forth inside.

    My strategy was to peg him from above with the AR and jump down from the top ropes elbow first. Ice trap killed my first attempt. Grapples killed the rest.

    It was towards the end when I believe their ball was down and the surrounding area was hectic my man Billy "I'm not a sandwich" Reuben did some damage to HagenMichiel. Now as is apparent by my last elimination, I'm not going to shy away from opportunity. With that being said, I put a few rounds into him and finish it off with a melee of doooooom.

    But wait! I get grappled again! oh no! For some reason I do a backflip and the melee goes through. It wasn't a laggy game, so I think it was the survivitol gods that I prayed to before the game.

    2nd game:

    Map - Grenade 111
    Dead Stretch - Tank
    Me - Assault

    After that game and some laughs in the pre game lobby the next match starts.
    I'm not going for the objective and it didn't look like Dead was either. We had the bug and the only cure ...Bloody elbows.

    I stick with assault as I like the mobility and Stretch goes tank. After scouring the right side with no luck, I stick to the left as it seems He and Hagen favored this side. We met a couple of times, but still no thump to the ribs. Tbh never have I seen a tank as sneaky as Strech. Between the stickers and the jump pads I couldn't get a beat on him. He got behind me out of nowhere and after an extremely close call for both of us, someone takes the wall street dive. Can't say I blame him, for most of the match I had a blue tail thanks to Billy.

    So again, close to end game, they are pushed back in their spawn/ball area. I'm on the left biding my time, killing bots/pros that attack, and most importantly getting juiiiiice. I was wondering why he wasn't coming after me, but that faded after my suit lit up like a christmas tree. Time to unleash the tiger. I run in guns blazing and find Stretch on the bottom floor. I then get dropped like a bowling pin. Dust myself off and put a few juicy good rounds into him and then... Melee of dooooooom the sequel.

    Went overboard with the artistic embellishments sorry.
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I seen what you were doing and I was also trying to get you. I would nade you from the bottom then try to sneak up to your platform. Billy was always blocking the jump pad landing.

    I was going for the objective. The objective to melee kill you. :lol:

    Anyways your write up sounds a bit more intense. Nevertheless I was laughing my behind off the whole time. playing and reading.

    I am calling this now Manouso will win it all. :eek:
  11. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    OH, i do remember what happened, you were the actual assault i grappled?!?

    That is weird, cause i did grapple you, when i died you were prone on the ground or something from my grapple.

    <edit> oh, and apparently i didn't just miss Manouso (i saw him and BRueben, but thought both of them were already "killed"), i also missed seeing Zander on the opposing team.
  12. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Thread updated. Manny takes the lead!

    Great job so far everyone. :)
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Ahh! Now I know what to call him. I've never felt more like a fool trying to pronounce a name.
  14. Rannek17

    Rannek17 New Member

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    oh, this is where manny ran to! i haven't seen you in the gamefaqs forum, big guy! nice ragequit last night btw
  15. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    Rannek, go back to gamefaqs. Anybody that wants to see what he thinks is a good message board should go check out the gamefaqs board that him and feedle ruined. He is a troll to the core.

    Sorry Hudson, I'll leave your topic now.
  16. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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  17. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I am very sad that I did not see this thread during sign up days.

    Anyway, good idea for the next one: kills with dagger lunges. I bet that would be even harder :p
  18. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    I've never played you before in my life. If I did trust me I'd stay in that game until you left.

    Your the epitome of what a troll is and lying like this will only get you banned.
    You never add anything to the topic and the only thing you do is insult people.

    Your absolutely right, I'm done trying to post anything on that forum, as yourself and drunken feedle have ruined that board with your borderline retarded trolling.

    [edit] oh and it's pronounced Ma new so
    Most people say manu oso for some reason
    I don't mind any variations people come up with though:
    Uso < I loled at that one
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Lmao I was saying Man-you-oh-so. lmao
  20. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    Most people do haha. It's my name irl so I've heard every variation there is and I'm used to it.
    Being Greek gets you a funny name but awesome sideburns. It's a trade-off.

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