Fires! PTE! Balance! Oh My!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by BradNicholson, May 6, 2014.

  1. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    The anchors are pretty strong at taking out armies. Can we get a type of T2 vehicle/bot that can fire a missile into space? it doesnt need to be hard counter, more of a slow in slow fire rate and only medium amount of damage, it could help in dealing with the many avengers camping around your base *Just out of range of your umbrellas* and taking out any chance to move out without orbital without spamming so many umbrellas.

    On second thought, it could be applied to Naval, as those ships can realistically (in PA terms of course) carry that kind of armament to deal with orbital units. Would make Naval more interesting as they have even more trouble against anchors
    LavaSnake likes this.
  2. Nayzablade

    Nayzablade Active Member

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    Nice Brad, looks great!

    Regarding tripods, bring them on, who cares about the physiks, they look cool and its a game...its about looking cool.

    Even 1 wheeled infantry would be great! Bring on the diversity! EG something Claptrap...? :)

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