F'ing Stars, how do they work?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by zarakon, March 16, 2011.

  1. killien

    killien Active Member

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    A little too much
    To me, a lot of assists indicate you're working with a teammate, a lot of bot kills indicate you're working for the benefit of the team(whether to advance or defend)
    If you have a lot of botkills but a horrid KDR, that tells me a teammate is still trying to help the team
    Someone that has a high KDR, but very little assists/botkills looks more like a player that only cares about their own stats

    In short, I think Assists/Botkills should hold more weight than KDR
  2. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    I think Cash/Deaths ratio (CDR) would be a good factor. Encourages players NOT to feed the enemy, whilst maintaining a steady income. This would require assists to provide cash if it doesn't already.
  3. CrazyStreetBum

    CrazyStreetBum New Member

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    They do, $15 each. By comparison, the base income for a pro kill is (I think) $25.
  4. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    Like someone said before, the best ratio would be money earned / minute.

    Yesterday I had a match where my whole team was close to being totally useless. I still managed to make a good match, being by far MVP in kills, money and bots. But it's hard to win a match by myself :roll: so yes, we lost in the end.

    And I went from 5.30 to 5.10 or so. Sigh. So much effort ruined by my teammates.
  5. Kaeldian

    Kaeldian New Member

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    Just tossing this in for the sake of offering my feedback on the system -

    I've played nothing but support for the past day or two. I've done my best to keep turrest overhealed and hacked, teammates alive, and even closing off lanes with a hacked firebase. While I never top the scoreboard, everything I've done is helping the team.

    And yet.... my rating is dropping steadily. This system is completly Fubar right now and not even worth using as a measure of anything - let alone how to divide up the teams.
  6. Dead Meat

    Dead Meat New Member

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    what I don't understand is howcome new players (level 0) start off with a 2.0 Star. shouldn't they start off with a 1.0 and eran that 2.0.

    What's the point of having a star system that STARTS at 2.0? It would take a lot of effort to get to 1.x
  7. Overgear

    Overgear New Member

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    It would be nice if it wasn't based on KDR at all as it just promotes the Team Deathmatch mentality that this game isn't.
    Like others, I can play, top the board, $500 more than the next person, kill loads of bots and turrets and contribute to the moneyball, yet amass a 14k 21D and my rank will go down.
    Seems ridiculous.
    Especially compared to that sniper who stands right at the back and goes 21/2, doesnt kill many bots, never helps with turrets and rarely goes for the money ball
  8. TNine

    TNine New Member

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    I think its used as room to drop. Essentially, if a player is worse than a brand new player, his rating can reflect that.
  9. Nekoh

    Nekoh New Member

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    The star system is totally fucked up, I gained .5 of a star for a 9/0 game with 50+ bot kills and say 20 assists while I dropped like .6 for a 55/9 with 220 bot kills and 15-ish assists (hour long game)

    Wouldn't it just be easier to make everyone start at 1 star and not be able to drop below that? Makes more sense than starting at 2 and giving drop room. Kinda retarded.
  10. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    Really, its just amusing that you are letting such a stupid little thing ruin your fun.
    Maybe in 5 years you will look back and think, Gee, that really was stupid. Instead of just playing the damn game and having a blast, I focused on a damn star system and bragging rights and had only half the fun I could have.

    But why wait 5 years to realize the obvious? Such a shame.

    L. Spiro
  11. Nekoh

    Nekoh New Member

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    A lot of the "pros" on here play for kill/death ratio, what is the difference between that and playing for star points?
  12. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    It doesnt seem to bug them so much when they fail that they need to post all over the forums about it.

    Read your posts.
    Do you sound like someone who is actually enjoying the game? No. It sounds as though one little thing in the game is giving you more frustration than fun. If it is such hell, uninstall it and reduce your blood pressure.
    If it isnt such hell, get over the stars and play.
    Dont be one of those guys who takes 5 years to figure this out. Do you want to be that kind of guy?

    L. Spiro
  13. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    The good players play to win, not for K/D. That just comes with winning in pubs.
    Also, they don't care about stars.
  14. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    I generally play for earnings. I could care less about winning as that takes a coordinated team. Lately, I'm on the team that gets stomped because the other team is highly coordinated. So I try to trump them in cash earned. It's all you can really do at that point.
  15. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    As one of the "pros" you speak of, and also xenonox, the guy pretty broadly considered to be the 'best' player in the game (though he plays xbox), I must tell you that pros don't actually play for KDR, we actually just play to have fun. The difference between us and you is that we just play better. Most of the time we aren't actively trying to get a high KDR, we are just trying have a good time. Dying and waiting to respawn isn't fun, so we tend to avoid that as much as we can.
  16. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I am kind of miffed that if I were to play assassin or support (as I am apt to do nowadays) I tend to go for bot and turret kills as well as moneyball damage but neither of those factors into my star rating.

    Though I must say that I do disregard my star rating it is a little disheartening to look up and see that despite doing my team a service I am worth less than I was before.
  17. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    That would be something new. You do know that Xeno is just very good when it comes to pubs do you? In competitive things, well...
  18. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Far as I know he doesn't play competitively, and he can consistently outperform top 'competitive' players with every class in pubs.
  19. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Like I said, he is very good in pubs. Not arguing about that.
    Just the "best player" thing puts me off.
  20. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    You know, this is true.

    Sadly, the game is not populated by good players. They are populated by players who want the biggest kill streak, and to feel Uber (pardon the pun). Designing a rating that does rather seem to be based on K/D/Money ratio is promoting a bad message to newbies or those who do care about KDR.

    I mean, why should a new player listen to me, stop focusing on kills and worry about the bots if the game is telling them with a higher rating that they are doing the right thing?

    It does not promote unified front when you're worried about personal acclaim. A lot of us will be placed on bad teams because of it.

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