F'ing Stars, how do they work?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by zarakon, March 16, 2011.

  1. Cainun

    Cainun New Member

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    To an extent. Kills aren't everything though, even to the pro-killing classes.

    That said, I have noticed a correlation between kills and deaths against opponents of various star ratings. Positive, or 1:1 ratios against people of higher ratings gain stars over time, negative ratios against lower ranked people drops your star ratings.

    These have just been my observations while jumping between 4 and 5 stars, and now staying firmly at a 5 star rank as sniper and gunner.
  2. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    You know a good way to do that? Put in Turrets as one of the stats. How much damage you did to the moneyball. All that good business.

    Instead of lauding the CoD stats that you decry. I agree there is nothing worse than playing a game where people ignore bots to kill pros. Or, Sins who think the game is about backstabbing people instead of destroying turrets and taking out Supports and Snipers.

    Like I said, I haven't lost a game since I got 4 stars yesterday. In fact, being the team leader in my last game, THAT'S the game I went back to 3 stars. Even though we won.

    And given that ratings are NOW starting to affect how you play the game (so many people flooding the 3 star servers or the 5 star server that other people are putting up lag ridden servers and you're losing because of that), people are trying to figure out why this is going on. That so bad?
  3. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    If we could see how the stars were figured out, then we could put to rest the K/D assumption everyone is making. Then and we could provide more emphasis on objective based tasks. If those actually hold decent weight in the algorithm.

    Id be willing to bet that a low amount of deaths is very key. Not neccisarily a good K/D ratio but just a low amount of deaths.
  4. Nekoh

    Nekoh New Member

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    I got more deaths than kills and I'm 4 star.
  5. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    God, I hope not. Then you'll just get a ton of snipers or people who just don't push until overtime. That will turn this game into a community of turtlers.
  6. o

    o Head Honcho Official PA

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    The All Star Rating system is a work in progress. It, like other parts of the game, will evolve over time. Much of the evolution of the game is driven by your feedback. We really do listen to the community.
  7. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Can you provide any details on how it works?

    I'd guess not as that would just lead to gaming the system even more so...

    Suggestions for contributions to star rating:

    - Annihilator uses
    - Money ball damage
    - Bot kills
    - KDR I guess... should be limited in effect

    The other things are too difficult to create stats from, like for example killing a pack of bots in your base about to bring down the shield before a juiced player kills you. Or hitting the annihilator to break a contain. Or a million other things.
  8. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    I'm guessing that money earned per minute is how it works. I've dropped ranks because I didn't make enough money but I was MVP and won the game. Though I would like the official report on what exactly the star system is based on. That is my only assumption.

    I would, however, like to see my rank again and my pins earned. Why even have a leveling system at the end games when you don't show them or even see the tags you earn for going over 100?

    Maybe show them both in the lobby? There is still room to add another little column. Other than that, the star system is pretty accurate. I always watch out for 5 star pros and can judge how a match will turn out by what ranks are present. I've said, GG, you win to a couple games before they even started.
  9. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    Money Made Per Minute and W/L seems to be the most important stats that should be or is tracked. Money Wasted Per Minute might be another stat to track, but it's a faulty one as there's no reliable outcome at all time.

    And don't fret if you've had plenty of good games and your stars isn't increasing. It probably takes a while for the stars to update. Seeing how the stars in overall are a low priority when it comes to bandwidth usage.

    Just my 2c.

    MOOMANiBE New Member

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    I'm not sure that is how it works. I was four stars for a very long time and got MVP after MVP after MVP. 18-0 k/d rounds, 30-10, etc. Probably 30 straight games of nothing but MVP, against players of all levels, even five-stars. Then I switched to a different class for variety and had three bad games in a row. 4-8, etc. I was immediately demoted to three stars. What the hell?
  11. Sayed Stafa

    Sayed Stafa New Member

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    I feel as if the Star Rating is officially broken. I just got out of a game. What I don't get is how someone is playing assassin, not killing bots, and constantly trying to backstab me (I was playing a tank and he successfully stabbed me once out of a zillion tries) can be a 5 star player, yet when I am the MVP many games, get over 100 bot kills, take out many turrets, I end up stabilizing around 3 star.

    I really dislike this system, it makes me feel like I'm worse than I actually am. I'm not the best player, but I feel like I'm a good contributer to the team. When I join late into a game, and the team I'm assigned to is getting stomped, I get dropped down to 2 stars because I was last place in the losing team. How is that fair? Join late in a losing team, and I mean moneyball is not only down but dieing too, and I get down to 2 stars?

    I just don't like how I go from 2 stars to 4 stars all the time, and it really makes me feel like I suck when it gives me a 2 star rating. I don't like this new system, I don't understand it, and I would like to see it either fixed or changed.
  12. Skull Man

    Skull Man New Member

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    I've decided that it primarily has to do with how many stars the players that you kill / the players that kill you have.

    I lost my 5th star again after a match where I was 28-13 with 250 bot kills...because there was an extremely good 2-star on the other team :?
  13. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Maybe someone should lose a star if they go through all the trouble/money of fully upgrading a LazerBlazer from scratch
  14. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    More like all stars at once. And if you buy LongShots or GapShots on Steel Peel. Players who build LongShots under the spawn ring.... Just taking the stars away isn't enough... :D
  15. killien

    killien Active Member

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    I saw someone accidentally(I griped, he said he built the wrong one) build a Longshot on the right-hand nub under the spawn ring on Spunky and it was actually able to fire from that position
  16. MasterXC

    MasterXC New Member

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    I usually go 20-1 on average every game but can't seem to get that dreaded 5th star. I think I did once, but joining late in a game and going 4-2 fixed that. :( Haven't gotten up there with another 10 matches.

    It seems like it's really easy to lose rating but hard to get it.

    Edit: This is also with being MVP on basically every map if it just started...including bot kills, cash, etc (as sniper even).
  17. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    I got my 5 stars after I amped up my offense. It seems to be heavily based on the speed of your score.
  18. MasterXC

    MasterXC New Member

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    Hmm...guess I'll have to expose myself to sins more to get the 5 stars or learn another class. If I'm not "always" towards the back of the rest of the team I usually get picked off by not being able to hear the cloak (or they don't use it since no one else is looking anyway). :(
  19. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    just go 44-0 and you should get it....(how i did it on the free weekend before a admin booted me)
  20. Sayed Stafa

    Sayed Stafa New Member

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    I can think of a lot of cases in which Level 3 LazerBlazers are actually better than RockIt turrets -_-

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