Final Release Graphics

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by btustorm, September 11, 2012.

  1. erastos

    erastos Member

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  2. gmorgan

    gmorgan Member

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    By SC2 I mean Starcraft 2. Not SupCom2. Unless you meant Starcraft is terrible.
  3. erastos

    erastos Member

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    Little of column A little of column B...
  4. thorneel

    thorneel Member

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    No, Starcraft was a great game on its time.
    Starcraft 2, OTOH...

    More SupCom-like explosions and FX would probably clash with the cartoonish style, the style of the trailer should be kept with those effects. Maybe make the asteroid impact and such more violent (for the lack of a better word), or nukes may look like toys, though.
  5. gmorgan

    gmorgan Member

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    They could have explosions but they should look like cartoon explosions.
  6. btustorm

    btustorm New Member

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    Thank you for the response, and I do apologize for ranting but it is effective in getting message board hits...

    On a serious note I am really happy with everything in the game and wish it were possible / funded to make graphics cutting-edge (for an RTS...) on top of it all, but we can only get so much.
  7. btustorm

    btustorm New Member

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    No, they were good, but battlefield 3 explosions make me happier... and those are just tanks exploding. When a planet explodes it should be FAR more dramatic.... Of course I'm comparing apples-to-oranges with an fps-to-rts, but on an entire scale I will get more laughs out of watching a tank explode from a C4 attachment than slamming an asteroid into a planet? I hope not...

    Okay I have to answer this one seriously as I was constantly Top 100 and stayed in Top 50 quite a bit in Supp Comm... TA was not really ranked so I can't say.

    My advice to you is to do what YOU find to work... just because something works for other people doesn't mean you should make it YOUR priority. I beat the Top 10 players because I came up with strategies and ideas no one else had ever thought of - not because I "followed orders."

    In short, whatever makes it easier for you, go for it....

    To me it does... obviously it doesn't matter to you so oh well.....

    Meh... it's not top priority. I'm just saying I don't believe with modern hardware this is not possible. I feel it's more a time/money thing, but who knows; I don't make games for a living.

    No, but it gave me a good laugh and ensured I shouldn't take you seriously since you clearly don't know what it takes to make good artwork haha. Good luck with that porfolio...

    But in all seriousness, if you are going to claim an "art style is good," how can you do so when you yourself don't know what it takes? It's a lot easier to make blocky, simple things with "style" than complex stuff with style...

    E.G.: Look at a game like Bioshock which has been hailed as one of the most amazingly visual experiences to date. It's graphics are not super amazing compared to other fps games these days, but I still am in awe at the workmanship done.

    Wait, didn't I mention the Metroid Prime series already? I did...

    No, I cannot take you seriously with an art portfolio like that in your sig...
  8. comham

    comham Active Member

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    Uber has a very limited budget. Simple things age better and are easier to get right, so they should go for simple.

    Bioshock looked good for its time. It still looks alright. They were aiming to convey an experience though, going strongly for the marine/art deco/ urban decay themes. As a first person shooter, bioshock just isn't that great. They had an art team the size of the whole of PA's team.

    PA is going for simple graphics so the team can concentrate on making the gameplay amazing. People still play TA today because the gameplay was incredible. People will not be playing bioshock in 15 years for the gameplay; for the aesthetic, perhaps, but not the gameplay.

    Lastly, so his DA portfolio is full of scribbles, who gives a ****.
  9. thedbp

    thedbp Member

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    Hm, I'd prefer to be taken serious, when I'm making the couple of drawings I have in here I've been under the impression that people like them, the reason I responded
    Was becuase I thought you were being a jerk for the cause of just being a jerk and thought I just give back with same.
    I have some more questions in the matter, but this is a bit off topic for this thread so I'll send them as PM.
    You're not dumb, I somewhat disagree with some of what you're saying but I like your arguments.

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