Feature request: Shift Click unit selection icons.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by klovian, August 20, 2014.

  1. klovian

    klovian Member

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    So by reading your bug post and testing, you CAN hold control to dis select units. Which is a lot easier than trying to click the X's.
    That's a +
    Still would be a great addition when you have 5-6 units to click the ones you DO want though.
  2. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    so you want something like:
    -Shift-A select Air only, shift-N naval only...
  3. klovian

    klovian Member

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    Whenever you area select and have 8-9 different units ALL selected from a group. There are icons at the bottom left of the screen.
    Those icons need to be shift clickable in order to select different combinations of units you ALREADY have selected, instead of having to UNselect every unit you don't want.
    So if I area select a certain section about to engage, I can shift click let's say vanguards and infernos, and send them ahead. And then area select and then shift click shelters and blue hawks and move them to the rear.
  4. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    No, I mean if you click Shift-A for example you get every Air unit in the map/planet!

    Anyway, one thing was suggested a time ago, I just don't remember where this is now, that if you had a bunh of units in the same place you the UI would group then and show the group of the same unit instead of every units
  5. klovian

    klovian Member

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    How do you ask me what I meant, and then tell me "no"

    Must be a language barrier here, confused*
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    that doesn't matter, you can also comment yourself. to my knowledge @n00n is a player like you and me.

    by comenting a lot on the tracker, we can show that this feature IS necessary.
  7. klovian

    klovian Member

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    I casted my vote, and I would suggest more people do the same.

    This feature(bug) would greatly increase mass unit macro. More options for these unit selection icons!!

    Go here:
  8. yakcyll

    yakcyll Member

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    If I got this correctly, then, in the meanwhile, the other option is to collect the units of all the types (and only those) you want to have in a group (not all of them, just at least one of each type), and then press Ctrl+Z - it selects all the units in the general vicinity of the original ones of the same type.
  9. klovian

    klovian Member

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    That's option one, to tediously select one by one the ones you want and press Ctrl+z. BUT, you can't technically be specific how bit the selection area is in this instance.

    Option 2 would be to select a bunch of units, and then hold Ctrl and click the ones you DONT want, to get rid of those. But don't misclick!

    My suggestion would be for the easiest option (3) to shift click the icons to select the ones you want to keep. ALSO, if you happen to make a mistake you can still save the situation without having to start all over because you aren't "removing" units with click but preserving them.
  10. yakcyll

    yakcyll Member

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    I'm still not sure what's up. When you have multiple types of units selected, you can deselect specific types by ctrl clicking their icons in the bottom left. That also allows for selecting a box group of whatever, deselecting certain types and then ctrl+z'ing. Is this what we're looking for?
  11. klovian

    klovian Member

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    Being able to just shift click those icons and pick more than just 1 unit... Then have the units you want out of area selection without having to do my than one area select, and no control Zing.

    Just area select a group, then shift click (tank)(dox) and have 2 types of units selected to assign commands. Instead of 5 units being in the area selecting and having to Ctrl click and dis select all the unwanted ones. Imagine if you have different fabbers and planes and a commander mixed in there.

    Simplicity, for already used icons is all. I describe in In better detail (I think) in earlier posts.

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