1. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    So I go to fill in some gaps in our defenses and decide to rebuild a moneyball rock-it. OOPS YELLOWSKILL HI LAZERBLAZER! Please make me look stupid! >.<
    Last edited: January 21, 2011
  2. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I once joined a game on Steel Peel with 3.3 Longshots next to the Moneyball.

    I constantly derpcharge over the edge of the map, or find myself too low on money to activate Ejectors and jump-pads.
  3. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    That's happened to me, too, haha. I'll go up to an Ejector, giggling mischievously all the while, and then when I get there I press Down...and nothing.

    Sometimes I'll stand there for a bit jamming Down and wondering why nothing's happening, and then I'll realize I've no money.

    Good thing I usually cloak when I'm on those things or else I'd be bullet fodder, haha~
  4. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    I love when Assasins I've hurt then they smoke bomb up that bridge to use the ejector. I just jump and set on my jets, making them standing there waiting for me to land but instead they get an headcrab to the face.(Love you Rev and Syd.< P)
    I rage whenever I get grappled by an Assasin.(And as an Assault, it's an fail.)
  5. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    So I was playing on Ammo Mule, and I get into a sticky situation; I don't remember what got me into the red but I decided to make good my escape and use the annihilator for good measure: the only catch was that it had about four, five seconds left? So I cloak, but before I can fully cloak, I die. To a GAPSHOT. And as my camera switches to it I see it strutting out of the enemy base like "Sup bitch?" You'd think I'd hear it before that happened!

    SHOW YOUR HEART New Member

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    Every tag except the airstrike one, correct? HIYO.
  7. salomdi

    salomdi Active Member

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    i once join a game where the entire enemy team bar one man was assassins. i go 38-?-11. how you ask? well, the host was american so one jackbot rang me out 3 times, the one guy who wasnt an assassin was a support and i kept on finding that i would mysteriously have been ground zero'ed, charged off the map whilst running from a support shotgun, and i got herpaderped by every assassin on the enemy team simultaniously. DEEEEEEEEEEERP >.>
  8. Shhmowzoww

    Shhmowzoww New Member

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    Now when I see a gapshot I think of this every time!! :lol:

    Now for my fail 'n' rage... I was playing support and started out the match like a always do, hack a turret and over heal them. Then I set up my fire base but get back stabbed by an assassin. Sure, I can let that slide, it's the game, whatever. But this same assassin after that, every time I see her, she either has juice or IS juiced and everytime I would think "ok I just died, she just wrecked the base, it should be safe to go out" but nope! I would walk out to see the damage and she would be there waiting for all of us juiced again! This seriously happened the entire match. I ragequit :oops:
  9. lilslayertorres

    lilslayertorres Member

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    Grenade III
    I was a gunner on a 24 kill streak Then mickey cantor annouces BULLSEYE so wanting juice,money, and Praying for bacon to help with my kills i jump down in the middle and began shooting and smacking bullseye with my gun. all was well UNTIL I WENT TO LEAVE! I rane eagirly towards the jump pad so i could get my last kill to get my uber streak(I also had earned juice from bullseye.) Just as I was about to jump on the jump pad SOME RANDOM DUDE uses the ejector and ruins everything. I flew off the map. I wanted to break my controller in half. And to make matters worse HE TAUNTED!!!
    P.s Another fail of mine was i was also on Grenade III When i was in the middle i went to use the jump pad and accidentily pressed the X button as he gunner and slammed right into the deep dark abbyss :cry:
  10. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I played sniper today, picked up bacon at 12-0, climbed up to 22-0 very quickly...

    and got lolderped by a level 0 sniper while avoiding the yellowskill glitch. Darn.

    Final score, 29-1.

    Also, I was very close to getting my first Uber with the gunner when an assault decided to tryhard the moneyball. Final score, 22-0.
  11. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    The game rolls into overtime. Half the enemy team is on the offensive, the rest of mine is nowhere to be seen as I perch up above the moneyball, Juice at the ready, shurikens at hand. But as soon as I start firing, a ******* random-*** Jackbot shot flies out of nowhere and knocks me from my nest of destruction; causing me to fall down into the nest of rock-its! Never mind going back and buying juice for another run, I get gunned down by respawning enemy teammates and then we lose the game! F!CK! Where the f!ck are the shotgunning supports when I NEED them!?
  12. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    I still haven't gotten a melee kill yet.
  13. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    Try using juice for those sweet melee kills.
  14. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    Easiest to be done with assassin - after a grapple when the victim is left with a slight
    amount of life :lol:
  15. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    Epic fail last night...

    I'm Tank on Ammo Mule and see a support drop a firebase in the middle near their entrance of the dome...and I'll have none of that nonsense!

    I line up the jet gun and blast the holy hell out of it...and it was taking no damage. After cursing the game for lag and host issues over chat, I realize it is a teammate's firebase that I am firing away at.

    Been playing the game off and on since launch (mostly on recently) and have never had a derp moment quite like that one.

    Only thing that could have made it worse is if I got sniped while standing there doing it.
  16. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    Glad I'm not the only one that mixes the team colors up from time to time :lol:

    Thank God this game doesn't register friendly fire
  17. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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  18. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    I was respawning and lunged down to our base to save a turret that was being raped by a Juiced tank. I spent the money, and just as its upgrade shell starts to rise, the host quits. I'm left at 100 dollars; the game completely negates that the turret was being upgraded, so I'm left dirt poor with a turret that's a shot away from dieing! I mean come on, why is it every time something good happens host migrations ruin it!?
  19. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    I got headcrabbed three times in a row. Damn you, Jon.

    But on a lighter note, played with SlinkyGuy yesterday and the host left. During that I killed everyone who was there and I froze into a rocket turret.
  20. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Zoom got tore the f*** up by a level 26 stock Assault! lol!

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