Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Lextoc, September 24, 2014.

  1. colonelsheppard

    colonelsheppard New Member

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    yes this is only the forum but not the server that actually runs the software of FAF to which the client connects
    tatsujb likes this.
  2. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    That would be insane, even for you brad.

    Worry not, we KNOW it wasn't you guys.
    tatsujb and squishypon3 like this.
  3. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    Bad attitude problem, threw a hissy fit, took his ball and went home.
  4. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    And @tatsujb just managed to get me to play the mods there too!
    tatsujb and squishypon3 like this.
  5. Lextoc

    Lextoc Member

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    [QUOTE="LennardF1989, post: 1006328, member:
    This seems easily recreatable, am I missing something?[/QUOTE]
    If you could recreate the FAF lobby, that would be great :D
  6. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    FAF was a full replacement for GPGnet with ladders, leagues, a mod vault, a map vault, chat, galactic war and whatever else features I don't even know of. Depending on how much of the code zep could delete without anyone else getting a copy this equals a loss of probably hundreds or more likely thousand+ of hours of programming work.
  7. odin002

    odin002 New Member

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    Sorry to invade the forum, but zep redirected the faf forum to this one... so we are using it to communicate to all people who don't know what happen yet on faf... (we were more around 500 players each day on faf lobby (280 at worst, and sometimes we reach 700-800 players at the same time..))

    Yeah zep gave up faf and closed everything (the lobby, the forum and so on) so the communication is rather hard to explain to people what happened.... Rather bm from him to shut down everything like that, it looks like he's trying to kill the fa community.

    Whatever, we're strong and we'll never give up : D After the death of gpg, and now the death of faf (epic lobby though, sad it ended that way), now is the time to make another lobby (really FULL open source this time, because we had only the sources of client and not the server) in order to be able for fa players to play that epic game fa again.

    NEVER GIVE UP. And rest in peace faf/zep, we will never forget you, thanks.

    Let's just hope we don't loose too many players before the new lobby is ready.

    EDIT : Yeah faf was born at around july 5 2011, so... it's not recent, hours and hours of working... At least we have the replays/maps and the client source, everything is not lost.
    Last edited: September 24, 2014
  8. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    Was the source ever disclosed (of the client tool)? Cause I decompiled that just now in like 5 minutes.
    tatsujb and squishypon3 like this.
  9. farmerjohnbm

    farmerjohnbm New Member

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    Unless somebody put something on the board right as it fell I am the last person to donate FFA. I spent most of the last few days thinking about the promise of the 5th_dimension V2. Ironically, I have not been playing- instead I have been reading on how to squash all the bugs... almost had them beat too. So, 4 days reading, 40 euro spent, the server goals down and I think my bad fix. So, I am in the middle of a clean reboot of my entire system.

    I am new to the community, but read almost all the forum(except mapping) in the past year. I will eagerly support the new crew. After four days, I have never seen ZePilot be anything other than a tool to people starting to learn FFA. And it aint like there is a big "start here" sign.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  10. rk4000

    rk4000 New Member

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    Do you mean the lobby or the server? Because we already have all the lobby code. It's the backend server code we do not have.
  11. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    The backend server code would have to be recreated then, however the things the lobby communicates with (like APIs and such) could be easily* deducted and recreated based on the source. I do this all the time for things I don't have and don't want to wait for...

    To get the source of the latest client, just in case your code is outdated in any way:
    - Download the client: http://web.archive.org/web/20140705043603/http://users.edpnet.be/zepilot/FAForeverLobby-0.10.121.msi
    - FAForever.lib in the client-tool is actually just a zip-file full of Python files, open it up and extract.
    - Run http://sourceforge.net/projects/easypythondecompiler/ on all of the .pyc files

    * Easily doesn't mean fast, but given the client code you can completely reconstruct it, then fill in the blanks yourself with an (better) implementation

    EDIT: A better question to ask: Is it worth continueing on something like this rather than recreating?
    Last edited: September 25, 2014
    tatsujb, shootall, Remy561 and 8 others like this.
  12. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    This is very unusual, now what is he going to come to the forums and complain PA isn't enough like? :p

    But more seriously... This is really sad, and honestly pretty ironic. I can't wait to see a real community effort to get FA reborn up and working, I'd help if I could... But I don't know anything about all this so well.. I can't. ^^;
    cptconundrum likes this.
  13. Anaryl

    Anaryl New Member

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    Hey guys I heard about this when I woke up.

    I've created just some quick and dirty tools in the one place for you.

    There isn't really any need to panic at all. I'm working on the backend and can probably get some kind of stripped down client up and running within the next few hours. There is a bit of an overstatement about how complicated this job really is.

    Hola, quick progress update:

    [ I can't post links?? Damnit man] {query FAResurrection on facebook - I have also posted details there}

    In progress:
    - setting up a server for the back end of faf
    - seeing what can be salvaged from the client and what can't
    - social media'ring - getting the word out to where other players might be looking
    - getting posts eaten by the shitty forums - keeping anyone who comes here in the know

    It's plausible to restore at least limited FAF service within 12 - 24 hours. These services aren't intended to be a replacement for FAF but a substitute to tide the community over so there isn't any fragmentation until people with better development chops than me step up to the plate.

    Viking's gurut is also still available - although FTP is not really an issue.



    P.S : I am aware some of you may have had personal differences with me in the past - but I think in the circumstances we put that aside in respect to a greater interest at stake.
    Last edited: September 25, 2014
  14. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Good luck getting things back to normal, guys. While I am not part of the FaF community I can really appreciate everything you have done for the genre and I do have some idea of the work that has gone into it up to now.
    proeleert and squishypon3 like this.
  15. warrenkc

    warrenkc Active Member

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  16. xfreezy

    xfreezy Member

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    What the actual ****... I already thought my browsers are bugging because of the redirect, then read the sparse info that we have... I've never seen anything like this. An prospering community project that kept an awesome game and an awesome community alive all crumbled over the ego problems of one single person? Unbelieveable...

    Ze_Pilot if you read this: Please don't be egoistic and don't ruin everyones experience because of some personal issues you have. Please at least share your work. It is totally fine that you want to quit and everyone is grateful for everything you have contributed, but this was meant to be a community project and the community should have top priority. Also please keep in mind all the recent donations... And in case you don't care for the community anymore: At least care for your reputation, an end like this shouldn't be your legacy.

    And to the folks that are already working on a solution: Big thank you guys! I hope you will succeed and that not that much is lost in the process.
  17. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    Not seeing it...
  18. farmerjohnbm

    farmerjohnbm New Member

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    No way. I don't even know what to say that's just... impressive.

    Gonna end my night on that, wake up and not be mad at some kid I only heard about a few weeks ago. Still going to be thankful for everybody pulling this out of the fire. I'm cutting out whiskey like its lent to help. Get up a paypal when you need it. Maybe kickstarter? There will be a lot of people eager to take a chance on a great game.
  19. gnatinator

    gnatinator New Member

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    How poetic, the guy who originally maliciously held the community Facebook page hostage is back now?

    Anaryl, you realize you're probably a great contributor as to why Ze_PilOt decided to just drop FAF and leave?

    I recommend you all be extremely cautious as to what power is entrusted to Anaryl. What he says sounds good, but the "help" is without a doubt a lot of hot air and hype, and anything of substance will probably come with significant strings attached (if it ever comes).
    Last edited: September 25, 2014
  20. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I don't know, "Ze_PilOt" as you know him has been on this particular forum for a while, something really must have pushed him to stop hosting FAF, as he normally paraded it around as perfect, and something PA should have been. The irony of the fact he wasted thousands of euros, pounds, dollars, etc.. of donations are completely contradictory of why he disliked Uber...

    What exactly set him off? Does anybody know? I know it had /something/ to do with the servers.

    Also, as I haven't caught up with FAF at all, truly out of the loop, what happened with the facebook page and such?
    cptconundrum likes this.

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