Factors that you base a person's skill level on.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Strobe, January 29, 2011.

  1. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I just wanna say that assassins like me can go 13-1 and a gunner can go 25-2 and the assassin will get the MVP award due to money.
  2. Shmyea

    Shmyea New Member

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    KDR is the primary indicator of skill. My post went on to talk about game earnings which effectively rate your team play abilities in kills/assists/bot pushing/turret killing/money ball etc etc.

    My post simply highlighted that in any game someone who gets an uber streak is gonna be a great player compared to his opponents.. A score like 30/40/50-0 doesn't come with luck. Different people have different objectives.
    When I play as a sniper in a pub match, i won't lie, my primary objective is to KDR hoar. Games in which I've gone 45-2 and lost I had more fun in than games in which I went 25-10 and won. This doesn't mean I'll just leave my base open.
    I'll defend the balls off it, I just won't go playing try hard base poker. I save that for overtime.

    When I play with clan friends in a pub stomp we don't just set out for the money ball off the bat. Against scrubs we could plough to the finish in a couple of minutes but that's not our objective, it's boring. We'd rather put a world a pain down on a couple of trash talkers for the full 20 minutes.

    So to assess a player you need to look at what he's trying to do and see how well he's accomplishing that objective... Or just look at his K/D :/
  3. zerj

    zerj New Member

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    I think that somewhat proves my point actually. Certainly if you define skill as the ability to pwn other players K/D may be the best metric. However perhaps I'm in the minority here but I define skill as the ability to help the team win a round. You stated that isn't your goal and your goal is partially to achieve a high K/D ratio. So I would say that indicates less of what I would consider skill by my definition.

    Myself going 45-2 and losing would piss me off to no end, I'd much rather go 25-10 and win the game. So all things being equal I'd see the KDR of 22.5 of the loss indicates less skill than the KDR of 2.5 and the win.
  4. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    I'd usually agree, but playing pubs you usually end up on a team that would require an act of god to win, so you may as well just farm some kills in the meantime.

    Sometimes just farming the enemy team can keep them at bay until overtime, then you can juice rush for great victory and essentially win it yourself.
  5. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    45 > 25 kills. I don't even look at deaths as long as it's not some insane number like 20+. Blaming the guy with 45 kills for losing the game for you is pretty bad. Pub is very random, sometimes it doesn't matter what you do because your team is terrible.
  6. Traitorr

    Traitorr New Member

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    NOPE. Stop playing with shitty gunners. I don't care if you are an assassin, the only way you'll beat me on cash is if 2 snipers are harassing me all game.
  7. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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    I don't look at the scoreboard to find out how good someone is. I can tell by their speed, accuracy, decisions, teamwork, etc. Besides, the scoreboard can be misleading: I've seen very good players make a huge impact on the outcome of the game, yet finish with little money and/or a so-so K/D ratio, and vice versa. Furthermore, your own money and K/D will be reflected based on the skills of everyone else in the server, i.e. If you're a good player and you're playing vs. a noob team, you'll get lots of money and have a great K/D. If you're the only good player on a team full of noobs, you're usually going to make less money and have a worse K/D, and so on.

    That's why you have to be weary when anyone posts a screenshot of themselves with like $10,000 and an impressive K/D ratio. Who was it against? More likely than not it was against beginners, which makes it not impressive at all. Let's see you duplicate that success against 6 good, talented players who know the game like you do (hint: you won't be able to.)
  8. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Sooo... Pushing snipers are good right? Since they can flak turrets and stuff quite frequently?
  9. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    - If they use the annihilator.
    - If they make it to the annihilator before I do.
    - If they successfully gank an enemy heading for the annihilator.

    - If they always seem to have juice right when you're about to get them.
    - If I'd sooner avoid or scare off the Assault than fight him to the death.
    - If they use that mobility to get at people from different angles.

    - If they don't grapple me.
    - If they do grapple me and I didn't see it coming.
    - If the moment the moneyball shields are down, they're in position to hammer it with shurikens. Especially from the upper ring.

    - If they understand their job first and foremost is to tear an opening through the botwaves and smash the turrets as soon as possible, like within the opening minute.
    - If they spam mortar fire blind around corners or over inclines while in transit, because they've got all that firepower -- why not?
    - If they're spun up before me.

    - If they actually move with the bot waves and clear out enemy bots.
    - If they use traps and flak intelligently.
    - If they fire quickly and accurately enough that I don't feel comfortable spamming them with mortar fire.

    - If they put the firebase somewhere that's a real pain to deal with.
    - If they understand they're often the first line of defense against assassins and ready up the shotgun.
    - If they use airstrikes for jackbots, ground zero, turrets, and intelligent area denial, rather than just flinging them at the first chance or as a panic button.

    - Not sure. I am literally the best tank I have ever seen. I'm not bragging. I just haven't seen good tank players. I guess someone who uses the upgraded Product Bomb often, and doesn't try to Death Blossom every fight.
  10. Kordy

    Kordy New Member

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    I agree fully, but I'd like to add some more to tanks - harasses players, preferably supports, gunners and assaults with railgun. Supports are extremely vulnerable at range and while the railgun doesn't have the sniper's punch, it sure as hell doesn't tickle either.
  11. kash

    kash New Member

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    So what?

    Only if you go back to DotA first. :roll:
  12. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    This I believe is what insulted your feelings, if so then I apologize as I spoke too soon, as I already stated earlier.

    Afterwards you attempt to make me seem like a totally inexperienced player judging every class by first impression and not facing a greater variety of them, and then you judge me by my sniper kills, and my total playtime. I believe all the other stats except playtime were reset after launch, hence those sniper numbers are not true. I played the game throughout the december beta til launch and hence you cant judge my experience with the game by judging the sniper stats, since I played a lot more things than just Sniper before launch. After launch I took a break and became a lot more casual.

    Hence this was completely unnecessary from your part:
    Because I know very well h2p.


    btw I don't play DotA. o_o
  13. kash

    kash New Member

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    apology accepted.
    BUT, don't use abbreviations you don't know the meaning of. :)

  14. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Oh, i'll keep that deal with pleasure if you stop judging people before you've seen them play. :)

    And before I ask what abbrevation I used and didn't know the meaning of:

    What's an abbrevation? :?
  15. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    You don't know google, do you? An abbreviation is a short form of something, lol being "laughing out loud" etc.

    Can't add anything to the topic at hand that I haven't said before.
  16. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    I know google, I just find it a lot easier to have the answer given to me. :D
    Thank you :3

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