Factions/Unit Set

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Yourtime, September 7, 2012.


What do you think about the factions?

  1. Only One, no need for DLC!

    88 vote(s)
  2. One per release, more with DLC!

    33 vote(s)
  3. Actually I think it's important to have more than one in the beginning.

    32 vote(s)
  1. pivo187

    pivo187 Active Member

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    Wasnt TA only one faction or pool of units but just different skins for the Arm & Core? I dont mind one faction but just give us lots of units & tech to choose from. Such as subs, aircraft carrier, every kind of ship, plane, tank, nukes, long range missles, cloaking, and 1 experimental for each side. I think I heard there will be four legged bots. I think in TA it was called a fido? Lol it had a big canon on its back
  2. nlspeed911

    nlspeed911 Member

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    They had a few unique units per faction, but all equivalent units had different stats and looked different.

    Also, why oh why does this poll contain the word DLC? Burn it. :p
  3. cmdandy

    cmdandy Active Member

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    I think I might just be greedy, but I want a huge - fully fleshed out choice of units on day 1 release (for one side) and then another, equally fleshed out side to be dropped ASAP. One of the few things that disappoints me with PA at the moment is the one faction - and I will worry (until more are added) that the one side we are getting just wont be fleshed out quite enough!
  4. Hydrofoil

    Hydrofoil Member

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    Im not sure if its been said already but the main reason is that one faction is cheaper and easier to balance than trying to balance a number of factions with different characteristics and styles also it costs less on creating the models and stuff like that so that is their main reason for doing it.

    How ever they have said that modding PA is going to be a massive part PA and the question of modding factions in has been raised a few times with the answer generally being if there is a demand for it they will build the hooks in to mod your own factions into the game.

    You wont be without units though like TA there is going to be a massive community of modellers probably churning out new units just look at knight he already has several un textured models waiting for a lick of paint and some animation.
  5. generalzhod

    generalzhod New Member

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    I'm sure that someone will mod the Arm and the Core back into the game.

    I seriously hope this happens by the way!

    Same units and commander designs as well or as close as can be achieved but with updated and revamped designs.

    Epic ;)
  6. pivo187

    pivo187 Active Member

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    I hope we see sum diverse, unique units that have only been seen in pa!
  7. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    Please bring back ARM and CORE, at least by using different skins. Faction specific units could be added later on but [Prefix]Annihilation needs to have Arm and Core IMHO.

    printf("No DLC please!\n");
  8. sunsetsurprise

    sunsetsurprise New Member

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    I to am disappointed that there is only one faction. I wish they had spent less time supporting other platforms, and outdated operating systems - looking at you 32bit (ooo controversial!) and spend more time adding extra content. Had there been two factions from the get-go id be dropping $90 for the alpha right now. As it stands, I'm not.
  9. bodzio97

    bodzio97 Member

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    With one faction I'm not looking forward to buying the game. I my brother isn't either for same reason.
    Imagine playing a game where you fight with exactly the same units all the time. Imagine bots facing same bots, tanks facing same tanks aircraft facing same aircraft and ships facing same
    ships........ Would't that get boring?!

    This is especially anoying taking in to the concideration the fact that the graphics in Pa are simple and it wan't take long time to design the second faction.

    I also want core and arm back and possibly a third faction in dlc.
  10. bodzio97

    bodzio97 Member

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    The trouble is that you are not able to play mods with the majority of the people through internet. As a result you can only play a mode with a limited ammount of your firends if you have them at all. Your not able to play a bigger game . Mods are also not balanced that well. There were many fan made expansions to TA that had many awesome units which were not balanced at all.
    When devs implement factions they balance them out. If people are to design whole factions then they surely will not be balanced and matched to the exisisting one.

    One more thing. There is no need to balance if there is only one faction, simply everything is equally boring.
    Last edited: July 18, 2013
  11. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    Imagine a game without faction imbalance.
  12. truemasterofdisaster

    truemasterofdisaster New Member

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    Imagine playing Supcom or Ta with only one faction available. It would get boring much faster than if you would be playing the normal version of the game.

    What you probably are trying to tell me now is that PA is a different game.

    Well Ta and Supcom are the ancestors of PA. Additionally every game get's boring if played too long. What you can not deny is that factions add a diversity to the game that lengthens the time for it to get boring.
    Last edited: July 18, 2013
  13. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    I think what you should be asking is "Imagine playing Supcom or Ta with all the factions rolled into one." The devs have stated that they are aiming for over a hundred units and structures in the released game. The goal is to give the player more strategic options as to how they prosecute their war, not limit each playthrough with only a subset of viable options.
  14. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    ARM and CORE didn't really have much in the way of differences.

    UEF, Cybran and Aeon... the same. They had different skins and different Experimentals and that's it.

    yourlocalmadsci has the right of it. Access to all the units, not just a subset of copy-pasted ones for your faction
  15. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I suppose it depends on the level you look at nano then.
  16. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Yup. If you think that adding a percent in speed here, trimming a percent of health there is "different" then good luck to you, I want none of that piffling tripe.
  17. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Neither do I.

    Although the distinction between projectile types is interesting, as are differing locomotion types.

    But really, that should have all been assimilated.
  18. truemasterofdisaster

    truemasterofdisaster New Member

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    ARM and CORE did differ with some units and capabilities. Arm had stronger bots while Core had stronger vehicles.

    Stating that Aeons, Cybrans and UEF differe only with skins and experimentals is a overstatement. Aeons have strong navy and airforce. Cybrans have the strongest t3 ground unit and are good for rushing in early game. They also have the best choppers. Not to mention the best radar jammers. While UEF has the strongest defence guns.

    Factions are there to add identtity to the game and make it less boring. Different skins are finally an important factor as well.
  19. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    yeah well supcom had


    that uber would make a little over 100 units does not impress me

    However I am of the opinion, that what Uber is delivering to us is more of an engine than a game, or at least that's the way I want to see it, we can easily mod our own races into the game : Nomads prooved that.

    Uber has no time for making races. they need to make to core engine into a polished gem. More units or races can easily be done later.
  20. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    There was a lot of redundancy and obsolescences amongst those units. 100 unique units and structures would offer more strategic choices than 400 units with a lot of repetition.

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