Exploit Reports - Title Update edition!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by forrestthewoods, October 13, 2010.

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  1. OoPpEe1985

    OoPpEe1985 New Member

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    Wondering if the MegaJump glitch got fixed that Scathis contacted me about. I can make a video on how to do it if needed (obviously not shared with anyone but devs)
  2. PhiyerBayse

    PhiyerBayse New Member

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    This is sort of hard to explain and I'm not sure if it has been mentioned already but there is an issue regarding the charge skill (for Assault and Tank, but seen a LOT more with Tanks) where if the player charging dies during the charge the charge is still left behind and can damage or even KILL a player after the charger has died.
    The person that dies by this 'left behind charge' is shown at the top right as being killed by a charge (charge icon) but by no one .
  3. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    This has been brought up before. The devs said it was intentional, as it would make sense that a tank would still carry deadly momentum even if killed mid charge. The problem is that the tank's body seems to retain it's charge damage even when it comes to a rest, meaning that you can die simply by touching the motionless body on the ground.
  4. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    The charge makes sense, but it's stupid when they aren't moving and can kill people. Still, people tripping on tanks is hilarious.
  5. G00seEggs

    G00seEggs New Member

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    The Support full health glitch, I know this has been discussed but these are my findings.

    *A support guy "juices" and if he changes between heal and drain (sometimes gets full health)

    *ANY PLAYER "juices" and a friendly support (none-juiced) touches you with a healing linkgun, the "juiced" players get fulls health.

    *ANY PLAYER "juices" and an enemy support (none-juiced) touches you with a drain linkgun, that "juiced" players get fulls health. (FOR NOW, STOP USING YOUR LINK GUN TO DAMAGE AN ENEMY, YOU'RE ONLY HELPING)

    This is why so many juiced players around Supports always seem to get 100% health randomly. I was playing as a gunner yesterday and I had two supports behind me. I juiced and I watched my health 3 times return to full health.
    (1) My teammate support player
    (2) My teammate support player
    (3) Enemy support feel down and "drained" me to 100% health. LOL


    *Also, is it me or does the sniper with explosive damage not get juiced super fast now if you blow up multiple bots a the same time? I am talking about without juiced in your selection, I was getting the 2 and 3 kill and each one gave me around 1/5 of my juiced bar. I was getting juiced around 12-15 shoots.

    I juiced 5 times within 2 minutes yesterdays on the Grenade III.
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I think it's also a problem that the dead tank will damage his own teammates. Why more dangerous dead than alive?
  7. PhiyerBayse

    PhiyerBayse New Member

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    Haven't seen or even heard of this happening.
    This better not be true :shock:
  8. Nayr

    Nayr New Member

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    Two glitches that I'm sure have been mentioned.


    The dash on her glitches and it stays full, when using dash it makes you look like you're running but you're moving at walking speed. Your dash stays full and stopping dash and starting doesn't fix it.

    Pretty annoying considering I play assassin, death fixes it... for awhile

    Second, swapped kills/deaths and teams with other players after host migration.

    Okay so this happens all the time, I go to the host migration screen and come back on the opposite team, usually with a class I wasn't playing and with no money or skills. But today I got switched to the opposite team and a person on the team got switched to mine. The guy was playing assassin and was insanely negative, I check the stats and he is now an assault(was an assassin) and he has MY K/D. So this kid went from a terrible score to a really positive k/d, while I lost mine and got reset to 0/0. Not sure if the kills I had as an assault got counted but it was odd to say the least.
  9. DistinctQuantic

    DistinctQuantic New Member

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    As for the glitching, it can appear that way sometimes if the Assassin has picked up enough boosts (the little feet) to get the gold speed endorsement and dashes. If this was insane speed like how it was pre-patch, then probably hax.

    Likewise, if an Assassin upgrades to Dash 2 out of spawn, it's possibly to make it to the opposing side's entrance, especially if you were slow to skill pick and exit. I can't explain the bot line though. Maybe it just seemed to get there fast? Considering you would've been distracted by an Assassin.

    I could be wrong however ^_^
  10. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    I was playing as Assassin on Ammo Mule and at the end of the game my cloak time went from about 50 minutes to 7 hours. I got the Gone and Behind The Line protags in one game.
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Is it intended to have skills on a cooldown after spawning? I noticed when using a skill then dying upon respawn it is still "cooling down."

    This happens with any players Supports in the game or not.
  12. mute

    mute New Member

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    Yeah, thats not a Support glitch.. its the way it works on all juiced characters right now. If you get their health down nearly all the way but don't clip them off immediately, their health will jump all the way back up to full. At least, thats how it looks.. I just think the display mechanism for the health bar has gone screwy. The semi-invincibility factor doesnt seem to be any different from the original version vs. the title update.. you can still kill juiced players you just have to nail them consistently.

    A good way to see this is when playing as Assault or Support. Support with 3-4 shottys in the face will kill a juiced player as long as they're in a row with no reload or prolonged misses. An Assault can kill a juiced player in one clip if they are nailing them head on ... which is funny because many juiced players think they can just run head on @ someone... dont try running straigt at a Gunner or Assault, you'll be dead half way there.
  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    caught a guy by the name of x6FUxSheLLShocK who could smokebomb jump as much as he pleased, he did it consecutively all the way from his base to mine.
  14. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    It's a graphical glitch more than an exploit, but in splitscreen a Sniper will go invisible when cloaked (bar his rifle)
  15. PhiyerBayse

    PhiyerBayse New Member

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  16. mute

    mute New Member

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    today i went to adjust my look sensitivity, which I havent changed since before the title update. when i first went into the options, the value for that field was blank.. so I didn't know what it was previously set to. not a big deal, but something i noticed. not sure if its just limited to pre/post update changes to it ... the other fields were ok.
  17. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Here's something that's rare enough that it doesn't have a huge negative impact on the game, but I've encountered it on three separate occasions now. There have been times when I've activated juice, and for some reason my SMG simple won't deal any damage. I'll see the bullet effects hitting, but no damage is registered. As soon as juice is over I can deal damage again. I was thinking that it might have something to do with getting a status effect while juiced (getting stunned or frozen), but I was't able to reproduce it in a private match.
  18. dredd

    dredd Member

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    In certain spots on Steel Peel snipers can fire thru the glass and hit the money ball just noticed someone named dat 42 dude doing it firing from his spawn and hitting my ball thru the glassretaing wall during OT
  19. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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  20. dredd

    dredd Member

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    Aaaaa Bolt Action another cheater still useing that 80$ Modded controler ?
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