I guess he understands the native language and that trumps your dub. Entirely possible that he wasn't watched recent material (and why would he, Dragonball beats Naruto any day)
No, I graduated Naruto's anime when I was 11. I used to follow the manga until it became boring. Oh and lrn2watchonsubs.
Best Bot in SMNC. I used to use an old Bot Badge when I played MNC because Scramblers sucked then. It had both a Jackbot and Bouncer inside. All the MNC badges I used were taken from the SMNC/MNC Wikia way back when It was first made.
My Steam avatar is my mixtape cover. My forum one is ToeJam from Toejam & Earl Panic on Funkotron, one of my favorite games. I also sampled TJ&E in my music video in my signature
One of my favorite avatars on the forums. Poly's was too, but then he changed it. I lost the gay lion one, so I'm using this. Maokai's sapling from LoL, with his Haunted skin. My favorite jungler.
I'm sorry for this, but I'm going to call this on you. Someone using for themselves something another artist made, regardless of whether or not you try to pass it off as your own, is not okay. If you got permission or it's explicitly stated that it's free for personal use then that's another animal and is cool, but do not rip someone else's work to use as your avatar or post it somewhere without at the very, very least giving credit to the creator. says the guy who has a piece of hotshots girl concept art incorporated into his signature at least i gave (c) to uberent on the dA post ****
That would include at least 18 of the avatars in this thread already to some degree. He never said he made it, he's not using it commercially, and he's not imposing on the artist's profits, so it's fair use. Do you think the artist had permission to use a MLP Pony or the MNC logo in the piece? Speaking of MLP, you should criticize him for being a public brony. You also didn't notice that I said the same thing about one of my avatars in the OP.
Most importantly, the copyright holders most assuredly don't care about this kind of stuff. If it were a unique drawing made on deviant art (even if it was crappy), that would be one thing (out of respect), but it's just basic photoshop stuff derived from SMNC and MLP. I like copyright discussion.
Maybe I'm the only one who gets incredibly pissed off when I see somebody else using something that I made. and no i didnt notice shame on you too OH and I saw Dexter's Lab on TV today, emb4. No BS.