Everyone loses! Hahahaha!!!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by ZOoo00OOm, May 29, 2012.

  1. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    baited!? ohhhh noooooo! less "lol I thought he was kidding" and more he's all talk theres no way he's serious.

    Not sure when peachy, maybe late sunday night. I'm talking after 10:00EST. If not then, maybe a random night throughout the week. Between both my jobs and my desire to go out, you're pretty far down on the totem pole. You can try and twist that what ever way you like, but it's not something I expect you understand.
  2. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat that changed into PeachyPony vs. Teapot
  3. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    page 7 quotes...and resorting to deadeye tactics by putting your life on a pedestal on a video game forum is how you slowly backpedal your way out of something.

    i expect more from a legend in the monday night combat competitive scene.

    as a sign of humility if you kiss me on the lips now, I will return to the TEG forums and you will never see me again on the uber forums or monday night combat.
  4. eclairdelarmes

    eclairdelarmes Member

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    Bets anyone?
  5. 420mmmkay

    420mmmkay New Member

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    ill bet that in a 1 vs 1 between peachy and teapot, gunked will still be the first person to get juice. :ugeek:

    You guys should turn this into a tournement. winner faces rustclan in the semifinals and apocalypse420 for the championship. drizydrake can be an alternate.

    on topic korchanth will quit the second he cant push bots.
  6. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    Lol like I said peachy, I wouldn't expect you to understand. You consider two jobs and the fact that I would rather go out something to brag about? Lmao you want me to tell my friends, oh nah I can't do anything tonight I scheduled a match against some nerd on the internet. (cue deadeye reference) wasn't pulling a deadeye also refusing to play matches with good people?

    You said within a week, I said possibly Sunday, when I get out of work. I don't expect any less from you peachy.

    What are the rules? No using juice?
  7. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    Yeah, I will make a bet. What odds are you offering?
  8. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    why is teapot acting like he has a life outside of MNC?
  9. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    i like to think of my teapot as the rockstar of the video game forums. he talks about working jobs and hanging out with friends and I just look up to him thinking "wow, someday I want to be like THAT guy"

    we here at the uber forums are very gracious when teapot gets time out of his busy schedule to flood the forums with his competitive video gaming rhetoric

    you let me know when you can pencil me in and we'll start talking rules ;)
  10. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    Ironic, because I envy people who just have all the time in the world to play video games, and no major responsibilities.

    I wish..

    yeah lets get a time in stone before we talk about the rules.. :roll:

    if you really want/need to use juice just say so.
  11. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    Awww shucks Teapot, if you had more viable skills in life you'd have more free time to yourself instead of having to work 2 minimum wage jobs :D

    The challenge was issued a month ago. You argued with me for pages and coincidentally stop replying right after the challenge was issued and I thought to myself "Did Teapot REALLY really let me have the last word in a thread!?!".

    Even more coincidentally a month after that happens I make a post saying 1v1s don't matter and I wouldn't do it, 5 hours later you're all like "AW THAT'S TOO BAD BRO BECAUSE I REALLY WAS GONNA PLAY YOU"

    Now here we are as you backpedal further by throwing personal insults at my life trying to take the attention away from you being one of the most active users to this forum, one of the biggest private match ambassadors, and spent hours on end playing private matches, but you're unable to setup a 10 minute private match.

    Juice/No juice, whatever..I don't give a ****, why are we still talking about this?
  12. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    :lol: This is great lol. Maybe you're right though! Maybe if I didn't have motivation or drive in my life to be working hard and saving money while doing things I love, I could be spending all my free time playing video games too! Oh wait, you called them viable skills? Yeah.. you're just the guy I want to take advice from..

    I told you I didn't check this thread. I don't check the forums anything like I used to until recently, when I started playing again. Privates died 2-3 months ago and just about everyone good stopped playing. (must be why you're playing so much) The forums have been dead for a long time too, so I'm barely active. I don't spend 1/10th of the time playing as much as you do. You play more in a little under a week than I do in a month. So what are you talking about again? The past? right...

    Tell me, what makes you think I don't want to play you? Maybe if you wanted to play on host and use juice, I wouldn't bother, but you're doing something I've never seen you do in the history of this game. Playing off host and using no juice.

    Get real peachy lmao
  13. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    SO MUCH HYPE!!!!!!!!!!

  14. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    the least cared about match of the century.

    can you record sunday around 10:30pm gunked? I might have to stay at work a little later.
  15. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    if you mean 10:30 EST yea
  16. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    yup EST. Sounds good to me.
  17. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    If he can't I can. I can't stream is all - Gunked has a better capture card though.
  18. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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  19. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat


  20. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    Re: thread about Korchanth that changed into juice chat

    So where are you chickens at. Im ready to stream dis sh!t

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