Epic Tales of WTFudge Moments in MNC History

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Obsydianyte, January 18, 2011.

  1. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Re: Totally Gypped! Epic Tales of WTFudge Moments in MNC History

  2. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    Re: Totally Gypped! Epic Tales of WTFudge Moments in MNC History

    Mous, Shuny, Wildman and I did this yesterday, actually. It's usually the generally talentless players that love to juice-run/spawn camp the other team, because that implies that the game continues for a period of time that they CAN do that. A proper spawn-camp doesn't let anyone out for any purpose and keeps the bot lanes cleared, which means your bots are hitting the ball and taking it down. Shouldn't last more than two or three minutes, max. What happened to us is that we started off the game playing around with all supports. The enemy team started an extremely aggressive push to our side of the map. By the time we realized the jig was up, we had all switched classes, but they'd already begun their juice running and all our skills were level 1. Still, we struggled to keep bots out and do damage/crowd control and the juicers for the remaining 16 minutes. This meant all of us going pretty darn negative. Then, 22 seconds before the moneyball dropped, their juice machine was tapped out until 15 seconds and ours was fresh. I asked Shuny to juice off of that, and I started running distraction on their side of the map. They didn't have a full base, but they did have mostly level 2's and 3's, so I was whittled down pretty fast. I made it to the juice machine black-bar'd and initiated juice before getting to the moneyball (usually a rookie mistake). Somewhat hilariously, there wasn't a single person on their side of the map. Too bad for them, because Shuny and I simultaneously juicing on the ball meant the game was over in 3 seconds.

    4 people rage-quit.

    Lesson to be learned: If you're gonna spawn-camp/juice-rush: DO IT RIGHT.
  3. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    Re: Totally Gypped! Epic Tales of WTFudge Moments in MNC History

    All I'm gunna say Jackbot Gernade Three... How many times??????????
  4. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Re: Totally Gypped! Epic Tales of WTFudge Moments in MNC History

    My record is 3 in one match... :x
  5. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Thank you, Sah, for NOT attempting to derail my precious lovechild of a thread.

    GEEZ guys, get on the (MONEY)BALL here!

    And also, that's quite the turnaround! Good job, haha. It'd have been hilarious if you managed to pull it off without changing classes.
  6. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    So I was a being spawn camped my numerous forumers, because they're assholes, and we have like 4 tanks on Grenade III. I'm taking the lift up to our spawn room after killing psycho for the 20th time, and there are two tanks at the landing. So I just fall straight off the map.
  7. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    :/ I wish... Here's a question: How many people have had a perfectly good juice run wasted by bouncers? I'm about to run into a base fully juiced and ready to kick some tail, and then I get pounced on by a bouncer. Then another bouncer jumps me, and suddenly there's a huge pack of them who have cornered me. Now, instead of walking out of there all glaze-eyed, having sated my kill-whoring appetite, I'm severely ganked by INANIMATE OBJECTS. I die. I am sad :cry: This has happened so many times, it's ridiculous.
  8. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Still living on past glories, eh?
    Yesterday counts as the past.
    I contend that I was too busy trying to get Grapple kills to outrun you.
  9. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    I am the master of WTFun moments in mnc history!
  10. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    Hey Darnell, (metal music played by Shammas) thats called the Shammas and Miracle are leavin' Grand Prize song. (next day) (metal music played by Shammas) Thats called the errbody back on Grand Prize song.
  11. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    I think this is the first time I've ever actually been irked to the point of anger.

    Today I was in a lobby with a bunch of randoms, Psycho, and Zatch.

    I came across the try-hardingest, Juice-chainingest Assassin I'd ever seen EVER.
    Which is alright. If my teammates (sans Psycho) could have done anything about it.

    But no, Zatchmo was on the other team, which made doing ANYTHING impossible. If you weren't trying to avoid the constantly (and I DO mean constantly) Juiced Assassin, you were thrown into a frantic shower of Zatch's bullets.

    And then in comes Einarath to make everything that much more worse.

    Not only that, I kept dying to the most RANDOM things (face grappled in front of a Rockit, meaning as soon as I survived, I died; the most RANDOM Assault Bombs ever--insta Ring Out of COURSE, and even a Blackjack punch off the ring), and none of my grapples were landing on that particular Assassin. She later left, which caused a Migration. That explained a lot.

    New game, same people on the same teams sans that Try-harding neenja. This one would be what I like to call a Redemption Match, in which you win outstandingly after suffering a brutal loss. Somewhat of a reputation saver, if you will.

    The look of things continued to decline from there, still after the migration. I didn't die as much, but I still did so more than should have been necessary. It seemed Psycho and I were the only ones on our team that knew what we were doing--which of course is a TERRIBLE matchup against 4 or more people that also know what they're doing.

    But this is the icing on the cake--we get to the point that things are finally looking up. The enemy's ball is down, I'm pushing bots and tagging it (the ball), Psycho's doin' his thang--I start an Assassination on someone (one of two Assassins on the other team--dunno if it was Ein or some Rando) and as soon as my sword lands in her face, ANOTHER migration.

    Black screen of death.

    It's one thing to lose--I don't care about that.
    It's another to lose horribly--I don't care about that.

    But it's another thing ENTIRELY if I don't get to redeem myself (or at least, feel that I have). Redemption matches not only provide personal satisfaction but also closure, both of which I needed to soothe my rising ire. And I despise that I didn't get it, right as we were on the verge of victory.

    I guess what I mean to say is that I don't care about losing, as long as I don't look bad doing it. But isn't that the case for everyone?

    Anyhoo, there's my call to Whine-one-one for the day. As they take me away in the Waaaahmbulance, I guess I'll dance the stress away--here I come, Just Dance 2. Since, you know, I don't have a Kinect 'cause I'm broke.
  12. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    That Assassin posts here - Something Robot Ninja? I sincerely hate Juice-whoring Assassins. I CC'd him once or twice, and he then started chasing after me. I went to make a peanut butter sandwich - truly the balm to sooth a rage-wound - and let my little brother play, which may not have helped the situation. But the moment I just put the controller down and gave up was when I met Einarath escorting a huge wave of bots on LazerRazor. I took out most of the bots, scared him off and began retreating - those bot lasers bite when you run an armourless Tank - and then Einarath Juiced, shrookened me as I got stuck next to a jump-pad and taunted.

    I then calmly laid down my controller, grabbed my laptop and posted a ASASINS JUICE IS OP GRRRRR thread. And I may have to play a match with Scented Midget's team later. GIMME PEANUT BUTTER
  13. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Haha, yeah, I noticed that thread. I read it right after I made the post to which you're responding.

    I would say "jinx" in regards to addressing the matter at around the same time, but then you'd owe me a Coke, which would take months to get here via overseas shipping.

    It'd probably be flat by the time it got here anyway...
  14. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    This has been happening to me in literally every game this week. I HATE LAG. It's ALWAYS so laggy that I can't even get revenge

    "Oh, sniped through a wall"

    "Huh, grappled while I'm in mid-air from a smoke bomb"

    "Oh look, my Tank Charge 3 negated and/or didn't affect the enemy"

    etc. etc. etc.

    I had one guy today tryharding me for the whole game on Spunky. He never killed me, I got him once or twice (should have been more, but evidently death blossom didn't want to burn him). He keeps coming along the ledge at the back of our base, so I Juice, he explodes a bomb, I manage to stay on the ledge, kill him and taunt. They won, and he left the second after they did :roll:

    I'm kinda done with MNC for a while, until there's a new update. Fun levels have dropped dramatically for me recently
  15. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    It's quite discouraging.
    It's the little things that make MNC such the wonderful treasure that it is.

    But it's also the little things that can tear it apart, grind it to dust, and blow it to the wind.

    I can't stop playing it, so I won't say that I'm done, because really, there's SOME lag in ANY online game, really.
    It's just that it doesn't really seem to have as much effect on gameplay. With other games, lag is a pest, at best. A small nuisance.

    But with MNC, it's an abhorrent, foul atrocity. And I can't quite understand what makes it that way.
  16. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    It's just not worth the rage. I'll play if someone invites me, but at the moment, I'm no longer gonna say "Oh, how about I go boot up a laggy game of MNC?".

    Whatever about you guys, you have no idea how bad the lag can get for me :( The worst is when I play Assassin, grapple a Gunner, lag switch-esque lag ensues. The animation pauses when I grapple, then the grapple animation is delayed about 3 seconds. This delays everything by about 3 seconds, so no matter how much I bash the A button, I'm instantly rung-out by a Slam. :(

    Also, Jetgun just doesn't work for Europe.
  17. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    I've been playing a lot more Blitz, recently. Before Super Sudden Death, I used to use Seasonal Blitz to straighten bent nerves after Crossfire gone awry.

    The waves of bots were like those of the seas...except instead of listening to their blissful crashes upon the shore, I would slash them down in effigy.

    Super Sudden Death Blitz with friends (namely any combination Arbac, Grindout, and/or Boom) has become increasingly common behavior for me, I've found. Perhaps it's because there is no lag?

    The only issue within Blitz at all is framerate.

    I know lag and its related problems and incidents are out of Uber's hands to resolve, because it comes down to each person's connection, and each person's connection to each person's connection. So, I place no blame on them.

    I just wish that there were some way at ALL to deal with it, especially as Assassin, with her various errors (smokebombs and lunges failing, the infamous stutterstep, missed grapples that OBVIOUSLY should have connected).

    But I suppose we'll have to take with a grain of salt that there's nothing that can be done. Which is fine. I will always love Monday Night Combat. I swear it's laced with cocaine or something.
  18. Fojib270

    Fojib270 New Member

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    I had a wtf moment today...
    Threw my assault bomb at a pro and the other teams buzzer flies in front of him and i stick the buzzer instead. Not really an epic tale but its the first time thats happened to me.
  19. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    I'm drawing a picture of that.

    (That said, what class was the other Pro?)
  20. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Head crabbing Buzzers is SO much fun! Only managed to pull it off once

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