Epic ongoing games, how could that work?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by kryovow, August 29, 2012.

  1. chronoblip

    chronoblip Member

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    So, from a "I am not a coder" viewpoint, would this be achieved mostly behind-the-scenes?

    Like, the victory conditions aren't hard-coded into the game, so that the "subject" critera of the victory/loss condition can be changed even when the game is ongoing?

    That would allow someone else to step in and take control - as I think they'd talked about having multiple people able to control the same faction.

    Or perhaps even allow a new "ally" to arrive on the scene to try and bail their buddy out?

    The quote I like about flexibility is kinda like the one about having an open mind:

    Don't be so flexible that even the small stuff can get you bent out of shape.


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