Effects of "smaller explosions" on the landscape

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Kalaskow, February 10, 2013.

  1. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Well they will still do marks like the ones in most games, scorched ground textures etc (That may be permanent if you judge by the latest stream) and burn down forest.

    They may even leave permanent footprints/tracks behind them while they move around (also mentioned in the stream).

    Not to mention that they will leave those nice black husks behind when they die.

    So its not like the playing field will look the same even if normal units cant deform terrain for real.
  2. calmesepai

    calmesepai Member

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    Well i can imagine some one will try mine thier way to china with nukes with this feature lol
  3. Mechdra

    Mechdra New Member

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    Mike, you're obviously hurt whenever someone doesn't completely agree with you, and instead of saying "yeah, you can be right, if floating terrain were to be come an issue there could bla bla bla" and be constructive. heck, replace my 'statement' of using two armies, to using a commander being chased by nukes, eating away the spire and thereby making our problematic a real scenario.
    instead, you've written more words about how right you are, instead of contributing to the forum. I'm sorry, I like reading your posts(!), but sometimes you derail the thread completely.

    now, If OP nuked the foot of a mountain away- What would then happen and how do we/the game deal with it?
  4. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Can a nuke even destroy the foot without going trough the top?

    I assume it would fly high, fly to target, and fly down. Cant realy see how it would ever hit the foot of a montain without destroying the top first.

    If it cant happen theres little reason for Uber to consider it just to please the extremly small modder community, its not even the whole modder community just the few mods that will need it addressed. (the modding community starts of small and its logical to assume that the % of the mods that would need this addressed would be a minor part of that allredy small modding community.)

    The extremly few modders effected should be able to handle it themselves. Instead of Uber spending funds that could be used on more important stuff.

    Of course if it can happen (That a nuke can target the bottom of a mountain without destroying the top part in normal gameplay) then its a valid concern.
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I'll play along for your sake, because I've already gone down this path of reasoning, the first question, how does one Nuck out the 'foot' of the mountain without taking out the upper mountain first?

  6. tigerwarrior

    tigerwarrior Active Member

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    the same way we get metal ores? drills and explosives? a nuke would just vaporize an entire area of the mountain so that doesnt count... but its not nearly as difficult to remove the bottom of a hill (or mountain) as you seem to make it sound either...
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    But can you do it in such a way that leaves a floating piece of terrain?

    That the whole point to this thread no?

  8. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    We havent gotten any info to suggest that we will have access to drills and explosives (atleast not the terrain modifying kind) in the game, so why do you bring such nonexistant things into the discussion?

    Unless they add terrain modefying tools intentionaly (as more then just the side effect from nukes/astroids/super weapons) i find it very unlikely that there will be any way to remove the bottom of a hill (or mountain) without blowing the top up too.

    And if we wont be able to cause floating stuff within the normal (unmodified game), they (Uber) should not have to bother solving any problem (if any) that wont appear unless you modify the game (Since it would take time and money for something a very small fraction of the community will get anything from, as said its not even the whole modder community).
  9. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    Obviously if you have an explosion with a radius smaller than the height of the terrain that will deform the terrain, you can end up with floating terrain. Stop arguing about THAT. The engine is quite capable of it

    Neutrino already said the current setup is to remove floating bits.

    The only question is what that will look like. I'm guessing you'd have a huge explosion, big cloud of dust, and when it settles and you see the terrain, that top bit is just flat out gone. Simplest solution, easiest implementation, as far as I can tell.
  10. memorykill

    memorykill New Member

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    I would like proper terrain formation AND physics based destruction but, as long as it's there for planets and asteroids thats fine by me :).

    The bigger question is...to what maximun or minimun size can we make asteroids be used as weapons? Would we be able to use them as like a large AOE with lots of little asteriods smashing into the ground taking chunks out of it, to middle sized that can shatter entire continents, to larger which can destroy one side of planet and even crash it in half perhaps to finally, earth destroying that shatters the planet into many large, stray chunks? I hope the scale is very small to very big and to see what each type does, will be awesome. Will nukes be able to match damage of small asteroids, if so, how would we differentiate there use? surely a meteor will always have a greater magnitude but splinter the terrain as opposed to a bomb which usually is more likely to tear across the land, blowing away and also tearing.

    Suppose we'll see, in time, it's all budget related too as John has said many times.
  11. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    The engine looks like it'll handle any size. The limiting factor will be how the game plays out and what is fun. Huge asteroids that crack planets in half may sound interesting on paper and yet be completely boring to play with (or vice versa)
  12. turpiini

    turpiini Member

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    Blasting nukes at an overhang sounds like a very likely scenario to me and it would easily leave floating terrain if the engine doesn't take care of it.
  13. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

    Likes Received:
                 NUKE 1
    #####        #####
    ###            ###
    #                #
    NUKE 2
     \/            *
    ############   *
    #####        ***** SPLODE!
    ###           * *
    #            *   * 
      *   ######   
    ***** SPLODE!        
     * *        
    *   *         
  14. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    why not have the remainging ground just fall and explode into reclaimable rocks?
  15. Mechdra

    Mechdra New Member

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    I completely agree with Paws
  16. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    ooshr32, that's true if you find a hollow area that's pre-existing, which isn't what I asked technically and we aren't sure yet if that will be a regular feature of maps.

  17. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    The engine may be capable of it, but since normal weapons wont deform terrain a "explosion with a radius smaller than the height of the terrain that will deform the terrain" may not be a existing option ingame.

    And if its not a option then the problem wont appear, and if the problem wont appear then Uber shouldent have to spend funds creating said "huge explosion, big cloud of dust" for the fraction of the community effected (modders that choose to add smaller ways to deform terrain).

    Unless im mistaken and there is a way to create situation in normal game play: Let the modders solve it themselves.
  18. Pluisjen

    Pluisjen Member

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    There will be floating terrain, unless the game is completely devoid of basically anything except gradual hills. Any kind of pillar or straight rise can be turned into floating terrain by aiming a nuke properly.
  19. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    If it works like in your picture, then i admit my mistake. Sorry for making such a huge fuss about it.
  20. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    That masterpiece of ASCII art was supposed to represent a bridge, which I seem to remember being in, and if the game can load custom hand-crafted maps as per the latest Mavor-rant it's gonna crop up.

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