Dyson Sphere resource collection

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mprobison, February 21, 2013.

  1. bubba41102

    bubba41102 Member

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    Solar energy is not from the radiation it is from the energy of focused light. And also the robots would have a use for this large amounts of energy
    Last edited: February 25, 2013
  2. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    solar energy is electromagnetic radiation. just like radio waves microwaves, x rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared radiation.
    Last edited: February 25, 2013
  3. bubba41102

    bubba41102 Member

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    Do you really think the robots would block it then
  4. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    yes, so they could use it in their solar collectors.
  5. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Go back and study physics just a bit. Before talking about perfect technology and containment fields, look at these things;

    • blackbody radiation,
      conservation of mass,
      2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
  6. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    at the end of the day, robots would have use for a dyson sphere. but the main question is:

    what would it add to the game?

    The ability to construct a planet around the star for vastly more resources than could ever possibly be available in a normal game in return for infinite energy. Also its hugely vulnerable while you do this. When you are finished its basically a metal world. That doesn't add anything worth anyones time into the game.
  7. bubba41102

    bubba41102 Member

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    especially intergalactic ones but its use would most likely be for global energy meaning the Dyson sphere generates for all planets or like in halo would have a habitable surface inside
  8. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    of course...

    What would dyson spheres add to the game? dyson spheres...

    I probably sound more incredulous there than i actually am. Regardless while they might provide for some interesting maps, they would have to be pre-built meaning that they were dyson spheres is in some ways irrelevant. Playing on the inside of one sounds like a potential cool thing, but thats just because its an interesting shaped map. The one thing that you will always find it hard to get around though is that the structure is the size of an orbit. So the smallest planet magics its way to being a 5x5 map, its probably orbiting at at least 20-30k (which puts it at about 8 or so planet sizes away from the center of the sun). pi*2r you are talking that dyson ring at its smallest is a 120x1 map (the full sphere at its smallest would dwarf even the largest sup com map). So all those little cool ideas are terrible for anything more than gimmicky game play.
  9. bubba41102

    bubba41102 Member

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    you are still collecting energy via the field or inner solar collectors the field is to protect other equipment
  10. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    Frickin' lasers or a large extension cord ;)

    Depicting power transferral isn't an issue is it? Everything else already sucks metal/energy magically from the cental store, I don't think sim city realism is the way to go. I don't know the game mechanics in detail so correct me if I'm wrong (my understanding: planets are isolated, space units orbit a body, going from planet to planet is user-defined but scripted, all bodies on the map share a central metal/power store).

    The only way I can see something like this getting into this game, is like drsinistar says (orbital solar collectors as a dyson swarm around a sun). Scalable, and just-as-if-not-more-awesome than a sphere (if the sun is small enough and satellites numerous enough), particularly if they orbit the sun in a criss-cross mess :p
  11. bubba41102

    bubba41102 Member

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    do you know that you can power things wirelessly
  12. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    I vaguely recall tesla doing something to that end, talk of using the earth's magnetic field to that end (again tesla I think), and laptop chargers that work the same way in close proximity. What's your point? I hope you realise that the extension cord comment was a joke :D

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