Dumb question: do we has VOIP?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by numptyscrub, May 1, 2013.

  1. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    The advantage of integrated VOIP is that it will mean more people use it, and hence hopefully a greater sense of community.

    As this is not Xbox Live and is not the sort of game that will appeal to very young players, the amount of people being called knob-wranglers or piss-wizards should be acceptably low.
  2. blacksun777

    blacksun777 New Member

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    Integrated would be cool. But it should be possible to have a player muted coming in the game so it needs to be activated, for troublesome individuals.

    The benefit of the system being integrated is that you actually can play with random people against a (skype) team and have a decent way to play together. Also you would find out if people are candidates for friends way faster and even help noobs to achieve something.
    Short: Community.
  3. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I've said it before and I will say it again: 3rd party VOIP tools are far better than any build in solution. The developers of teamspeak, mumble and the sorts are putting their whole time into developing a program dedicated to that one function. How could a quickly build in feature of a game with such a limited budget as PA possibly be any good compared to dedicated tools?
    If at all maybe integrate the game's lobby with some sort of 3rd party software. I.e. you could easily embed a join link for a teamspeak server into the lobby. The lobby is a webpage, after all.
  4. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    If they do include it, just make sure you don't pull what Activision did with CoD2, basically, the game failed to launch if there was no microphone present.
  5. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    Are there any VOIP solutions out there that run through a browser?

    It would be trivially easy to connect / manage in that case.
  6. Sylenall

    Sylenall Member

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    I'd definitely appreciate a voip service, something like push to talk would be nice. World in Conflict is a great example of a game that did this well.

    I don't really have a teamspeak group(I've mostly played single player on my pc), and I'm sure there are many others who don't. Not everyone is an ******* on the internet(as the stream Q&A today seemed to imply) and it's not really a problem as long as you have handy muting options. Point is it's a good tool to meet new people and do some very necessary and efficient communicating during those big games with many people on different teams.

    This game may well feature/require more teamwork than any other RTS out there based on it's scale alone. For an online multiplayer focused game I think it's worth the work to make communication efficient and global.
  7. swappan

    swappan New Member

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    Indeed World in Conflict had a great VOIP. With easy to use mute buttons. You could mute someone or all people within 1 second. A person was highlighted on the mute-button when he was talking, so no real problem to accidently mute the wrong one. And it greatly enhanced teamwork.

    Besides 95 % used the VOIP for valid reasons. The 5 % trolls or immature people you will always have. If they dont have VOIP to annoy others, the use chat, 1000 pings or teamkilling to annoy you. And if that is not possible they will find something else to try to annoy you. But from the 95 % there is 90 % of those that will be easily able to deal with trolls or immature people. The small minority which cant handle this has issues themselves. I hope we are long enough on the internet now that we dont get baited by trolls or upset by immature people anymore.
  8. renrutal

    renrutal Member

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    There will not be a voice communication solution built in the game. Only text chat and probably a whiteboard/objectives painting.

    Use your own favorite third party clients if you want to communicate over voice.
  9. Morsealworth

    Morsealworth Member

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    We want VoIP. And I personally want it encrypted.
    Because it would be AWESOME.
  10. asgo

    asgo Member

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    the devs could always fake VOIP.
    a few blinking lights, when your mic is on ...
    a few sound samples of random grunts and curses ...
    nobody would notice the difference ... :)

    should be easy and fast to implement and the devs can add a checkmark behind VOIP support ;)
  11. magisterquis

    magisterquis New Member

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    Mumble doesn't run in a browser, but it lets you use a URL to connect the client to a server/channel.

    Seeing as how the UI is webkit anyways, having space reserved for a mumble URL or even generic server info would be nice.
    Mumble encrypts comms. I think ventrilo and teamspeak do as well

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