MrTBSC Post Master General

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    he basicly speeks about experimental/krogothtype units , while you speak about nuking before landing units with austreuses ...
    i speak about multiunittransports that dont realy need any of that ( atleast i hope so) ... no initial bombardmend, no forwardbase,orbital factory or teleporter ...
    just a couple of mainplanetfactories bulding units and those transports and go ...
    Last edited: March 29, 2014
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    That's not what I'm talking about.

  3. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    do you mind repeating what you were talking about then?
  4. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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  5. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    yea? guess what we don´t have that ... it is NOT there ... and it still doesn´t solve the issue with non orbiting/moveable planets ....
    the units that can currently travel everywhere without needing a forwardstructure
    are the austreus (that is illsuited for masstranports in its current state), the avanger and anchor (which are only helpfull in orbit) the orbital fabber with its teleporterbuildoption ( which is entirely useless when there ain´t nothing to protect it from ground ao or the teleporter)
    and the sxx (which is the only unit capable of doing something antiground but is easily outnumbered in counters against it)
    this is not enough ...
    the unitcannon will always requier a moveable or orbiting planetoid same with nukes ...
    Last edited: March 26, 2014
  6. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Yes we don't have it, but that doesn't mean you can tell me I'm talking about something I'm not actually talking about.

  7. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    my apologies for not being able to read in your mind to see that you meant something else that you considered available when in reality it currently isn´t ...
    how dare i make such an assumtion ...

    seriously though the unitcannon won´t help enough with the flexibility of the gameplay ...
  8. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Don't get dramatic, the conversation was fully available to you.

    I never said that the unit cannon would fix anybsupposed issues of variety, mearly that in any case where Invasion is feasible the Unit cannon can fulfill the requirements. Once invasion is no longer feasible(over saturation of defenses for example) there are other options available(KEW, going for the commander) that have thier own tools to enact and that we shouldn't be trying to enforce invasion when it's not feasible.

  9. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    no one asks for enforcing invasions ... i am asking for flexibility not neccesarily just variety ...
    and setting up KEW´s or especialy rockcarrierships requiers a lot of time and ressourses before it can be pulled off
    i am asking to have more options to be able to relativly quickly react to threads ... if i am driven off a planet i want something helping me still being present on that planet ... such a transportoption is not only helpful for invasions but to get everywere you need to be ..
    Last edited: March 27, 2014
  10. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Sadly, they are considering working on allowing halleys to change orbits to new planets. Not sure if they are actually going through or not, can never tell what is destined or not.

    That being said, that means you would have ways to move a body of influence into another.

    That being said, have you ever seen the 60% water level on lava worlds as single planet systems? No buildable land at all. Still allowed to set that up and play on it. Would you say that is Uber's fault as well? If you could make custom maps, and you could design one where you start by 6 metal points and the enemy starts on a foot sized island surrounded by lava and no metal, would that be Uber's fault too, or the troll that made it?

    Uber takes no responsibility for player made content. No company takes any responsibility for player made content. That has been the disclaimer on every game since player made content existed, companies hold no responsibility for what you get from non-official-sources, what non-official-sources say to you on games, what happens in non-official-made items with non-official-made game setups. You are liable to make sure you don't end up where you don't want. If you don't want to play a 60% water level lava world, dont join a server, see one, and click start. If you do that, Uber accepts no responsibility for that player made map generation.

    They are searching for "planet systems" for reliable games that are the most balanced anyone could find. They are having players submit them, checking and fine-tuning numbers, and then adding them officially in the game. If any of THOSE are unplayable, please submit a bug report to Uber, those SHOULD be playable.

    I still say orbital factories, are exactly like "transports", but with an infinite supply of landing units, and their only cap is "unloading time", via build time. If you can build 10 ants to drop down at once, every 20 seconds, then it unloads 10 units in 20 seconds. If you can build 10 ants to drop down every 5 seconds, then it unloads 10 units every 5 seconds. You are still unloading units onto a planet in bulk, it is just unloading via production at the speed of production.

    The game is supposed to have a legitimate landing sequence for the commander at game start. Anyone consider how that is supposed to be? They also mention an egg. May or may not come. Anyone consider how the egg works? Anyone consider being able to make an egg, and load it with 50 units, and make 4-5 eggs like that, and just rain it onto an enemy planet? That might be what happens, or the egg might be a launchable landable factory, or some sort of instant unpack base, or it might not be in the game besides initial commander landing at game start. Who knows? But, we should at least see what we are given.
    igncom1 likes this.
  11. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    That's very reasonable.

    On the other hand, where are the pre-generated contents? If Uber will provide pre-generated maps, your logic will be flawless. Otherwise, someone could object.
  12. krakanu

    krakanu Well-Known Member

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  13. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    no they aren´t in any way ... the only thing a transporter does is get to a unit, load it or put it on a sort of hook, get to its destination and unload the unit it loaded ...
    when you say "factory" no one but yourself things bout a transporter but a general static production facility ..
    a orbital planecarrier MAY ( though i honestly wouldn´t want that either) contruct its own aircraft and release those when in the airlayer ... at least it could maintain them ...
    also no factory has unlimited suply as the suply comes from your metal and enrgyincome ... you may generate unlimited resources as long as you have your comm or one metalextractor and powergen but you cant spend unlimited ressources ...
    look i generaly don´t have "too much of" a problem with the idea of producing units in orbit and drop them down
    but i still want a UNIT (not a structure) that helps my mainbasearmyproduction to matter ...
  14. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    I remember that thread.

    But as for the Unit Cannon, I'll judge the quality of what is there when it will be there. So far I can only acknowledge that the game still lacks of pre-generated and optimized maps and systems.

    Hopefully it will be fixed soon. But the point was entirely another: can we blame players 'cos they've generated a system to play in when that's the only way to play?
  15. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    don't need to read anything. Dropships are awesome and a kool idea

    +1 definitely.
  16. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    I like the idea of orbital factories. It would certainly render the possibility of opening up a beachhead on a fortified planet. Drop anchors - deploy factories - deploy invasion units, etc. You would need a very strong economy as if it stalled out you would lose everything.
  17. mredge73

    mredge73 Active Member

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    Why not add a unit cannon, dropship, and orbital factories?
    Just be careful with the orbital factories, they should never be more powerful than tier 2 units that way dropships are still viable for those who enjoy ferrying. Unit cannon is cool but would need to have a low rate of fire and very expensive ammo.

    I like options...
  18. doctoraxel

    doctoraxel Active Member

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    I would personally love having both a dropship/drop factory AND a unit cannon. I'm not sure a dropship and a drop factory could reasonably coexist, though - to me they both fill the exact same niches. The unit cannon's niche is different enough that it can stand on its own.
  19. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    such a unitcannon would be worthless it requiers at least decent fireate ... also it has expensive ammo ... the ammo are the units you have to build ... unitcannoncost should be limited to energy per shot

    building orbital factories isn´t niche it is rather a major thing as it would be rather easy to pull off
    same with dropships if those are dropping units there is no need for you to get planetside in any way your factories and transports would be relativly save ... and that is why i am not ok with it ...

    you want your troops to get down to a planet? fine, then bring your transports and carriers down to it ...
    Last edited: March 29, 2014
  20. doctoraxel

    doctoraxel Active Member

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    I can see where you're coming from - I guess my hangup is more aesthetic. My concept of a dropship would be built by the orbital fabritactor, and everything else it builds cannot enter the air/ground layers... in my head it would be better to keep it that way. But I can definitely see why we'd want to make the transports themselves more vulnerable during deployment.

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