Jaggaaff Im bringing vital valued opinion based of FACT! Many Forum readers and lurkers will not post about the currant dire/drastic state of the balance of the game For fear of receiving the bulling type of response I have weathered through both my insanely informative Threads. The Nosebreaker Had ENDURED!!!!! With an astounding three times the Likes of my post history.This must make me simply the most popular guy on this forum!!!!! Possibly THE WORLD! I The Nosebreaker put to the community most humbly, That we continue to support Uber The maker of this fantastic game with more balance feedback. I look forward to my suggested changes being implemented in the next patch Forthwidth The Nosebreaker is Impressed with this message
Dox are not the issue. They do their job fine. The issue is that they get no support from the rest of the buildable bots, since grenadiers and combat fabs are currently useless. The only other useful combat bot is the boom, and that is also a fairly situational unit...
Funny thing is that it was actually balanced because one dox would annihilate a group of 20 dox. That was a pretty silly mod.
I´ve read it and do disagree. Dox can outmicro bombers. Dox are still good at raiding! Dox are still Inferno-Killers. Masses of Dox are still good at beating tanks. Of course few Dox doesn´t work. But this should have never been the case...
To a small extent Dox can out micro bombers but eventually bombers always take em out. Dox are good at raiding.. Untill OP tanks turn up. If you dont want to buff Dox then tanks need to be delayed entry into the early game. Masses of dox get smashed by groups of tanks hmmmmm........... dont think a mass of dox has ever beat a group of my tanks. Have you tried sending tanks in oposite direction while still in engagement???????? The Nosebreaker approves this message
Yep, Dox are fine this thread is pretty much moot unless it changes to something else that is pretty much useless and needs some form of buff
you should never just have one type of unit in battle the artillery bot kills tanks fairly well and the dox aa it's not bad but i think it is in a good state after all..how hard do you think it is for a robot to fire up at a fast moveing unit? like i said befor...this s 10% true and 90% not true 10% is if the hostile base is undefended from turrets and wall if there are none you can easly destroy the commander but the other 90% tanks can't cut it the turrets will destroy every tank as they hide behind walls eather A use dox for a target for the turret so it can be destroyed or B use bot artillery.... i now lave
What about top 20 players, because of this whining we need only Dox meta? As Lenin said: "Learn, learn and learn again!"