Don't want to brag or anything but...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by mrman165, August 13, 2010.

  1. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Lite Blitz Strategy:

    1) Invest in turrets. - Too often games end early because no one but me spent their money on turrets.

    2) Know which turrets to build. - Rockets are best, followed by Lazer.
    Longshots should only go in 2 or 3 turrets at the back of the arena.
    Lazer are fine for the begining waves, but ultimately you will want rockets with some ice turrets to slow the enemy so the rockets can do the work. Helps immensely with gremlins.

    3) The annihilator button is your best friend. Costs 250, On top of the walkway above the middle. If your team is overwhelmed, hit it. Great for the Jackbot waves.

    4) Everyone must have mics- Communication and coordination is key.

    5) Play with friends, no randoms. Randoms will not usually want to work together, or have no idea what they are doing.

    And this is from my personal experience, no offense to anyone:
    Assasins and Snipers are not good for Blitz, unless all the ones I have seen are just terrible at it. Assassins and Snipers are great for taking out individual targets, but not meant to handle massive overwhelming waves.

    Best classes for Blitz:
  2. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    Good tips paradox, I wish there was a way to replace turrets and get some money from it too or a discount, leaving a turret till it's blown up so you can put a rockit there can be dangerous. Anyone know how long the hazards take to recharge?

    I have a few that sorta help with hazards( :lol: )

    • The hazards have a red circle inside them when recharging like the bot spawner, I know a lot of people have missed it.
    • You have 2 hazards on the ground that take out your money ball attackers and two on the bridges. The small ones take no time to recharge so use them against bouncers if you must. If two black jacks can get under the bridge you need some breathing room!

    Hope I didn't mess all the tips up. :|

    Yeah, you may think the sniper traps or assassin's grapple for jackbots will save your team, but you don't do enough damage or survive long enough to help your team effectively. You just add to the amount of bots.

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