Do you think we need female units and commanders in the game

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by flamerage, February 9, 2013.

  1. drsinistar

    drsinistar Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    Also, drop commanders from having any special abilities over other ones. They all have the same stats.
  2. zeus9999

    zeus9999 Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    no... i want some to be agile and fast and some to be slow and powerful, others would be like more research, or can build faster UP WITH VARIETY also there is already a suggestion for commander upgrading so yeah
  3. drsinistar

    drsinistar Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    A suggestion does not mean the same thing as confirmed. Maybe you can make your own commander mod, where the commander has 9001 build speed! And besides, commanders with different stats is, well, not fun. I don't want to have to ponder what commander is best.

    Suck it up.
  4. ayceeem

    ayceeem New Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    At this point I just want to see Uber Entertainment go ahead with the original post's idea because it gets a rise out of you lot.
  5. rockobot

    rockobot Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    You know what? I give up. Sure let's put in some clearly stereotypical female commanders just for kicks. Why stop at female commanders though? There's so many different ridiculous variants we could add, the game could literally be swimming in DLC by the end of it.
  6. lophiaspis

    lophiaspis Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    Honestly, I don't see why they shouldn't do exactly this. For multiplayer immersion doesn't matter. It's a great DLC income stream that adds fun to the game rather than removing it. Unleash the ridiculousness!
  7. Jaedrik

    Jaedrik Active Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    Form follows function, but sometimes form creates function.
    The commanders, all having the same stats, should then only have one model, but that would be unacceptable to most people. Obviously you do not need hyper-sexualization to make something look 'female' as has been pointed out before, narrow shoulders for frame and movement optimization, wider hips for a stronger base and wider range of motion and so on. Thus, within acceptable limitations it follows making things look more 'feminine' is not unacceptable, and it does not always go against the conventions of robots solely for function.

    So how about the other units? There will be some units that turn out to be inherently more feminine than others, no matter how blocky we make them, and that's human psychology, so in the interest of not having a communist world of same looking office buildings, I say the design of the robots should follow function first, and not shy away when that function may include some 'feminine' form. And no, raising your libido is not an acceptable game design Planetary Annihilation function, unless it includes mildly associative feminine designs or blowing everything up.

    Wow, first time using the forum and I already Necro'd a thread, and a controversial one at that, sorry guys :(
    Ohlolwaitnevermind, that's the forum join date, not the last post date xD
    Last edited: February 15, 2013
  8. dosbag

    dosbag Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    I see ridiculous designs as interfering with their choice of aesthetic. I don't see an issue with having no female commanders ingame due to the fact that these are genderless machines also.

    If a player wants their robot to be female they can project this themselves. Slapping a pair of breasts on or bending the torso at a different angle will only hurt the game.
  9. Jaedrik

    Jaedrik Active Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    I don't see an issue with having them, see my above post for further detail.
    Feminine does not always equal ridiculous, neither does male for that matter, subtle things.
  10. dosbag

    dosbag Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    It seems like you are suggesting things like wider hips for range of movement would help feminize a robot. I am under the belief that if this thread didn't exist and they created a commander with a wider hip area people would look at it and still say it had masculine features.

    We are dealing with robots that have no concept of gender, they have no concept of slimming down to anything that you can consider feminine they are interested in designing the perfect device capable of surviving the harsh murder vacuum of space.

    The issue is we have humans trying to assign a gender to a cold hunk of metal with things like your hip and shoulder size being considered feminine.

    How would wider hips benefit an already bipedal device? and what benefit would narrow shoulders provide in terms of movement over a normal set. If they did make any commanders that had these features I would never consider them feminine or masculine but rather a design decision that has been refined over the course of thousands of battles.

    Trying to ask them to make a robot look more feminine or masculine is ridiculous, the current Delta com looks the way it does not because its masculine but because it needs room to contain all of its moving servo motors and power supply along with its massive gun and construction laser the way I see it.

    In a way what I am getting at is don't make design choices to try and balance out with a mix of masculine and feminine, design them based on what you think a brutal AI would create. Arguing gender should be completely irrelevant. Their goal is to destroy everything, generally the one with a bigger stick wins and the one who decides to use less armor plating or a narrow shoulder blade with a reduction in protection a normal one would offer more of would possibly be annihilated and made obsolete. When dealing with super weapons and asteroid impacts with fire from massive enemy armor you don't need mobility you need armor and lots of it.
  11. hearmyvoice

    hearmyvoice Active Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    I don't think anyone has said that robots should have breasts or curves. Actually, if it's done properly, a commander can feel more feminine without looking too much female. It can be done with small differences.

    For example, if the head is cube, it looks more masculine. If the head is upside down pyramid, the head looks more feminine/neutral. It doesn't really have to be too noticeable, just a few details in some commanders can make it feel more feminine/neutral. I think the progenitor looks the most neutral from the current commanders and theta looks the most masculine (gorilla like).

    I don't really care are about are the commander more feminine or masculine. I know they're all going to look cool anyway.
  12. zeus9999

    zeus9999 Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    i know i mentioned this and i said upgraded "suggestion" and 9001 build speed really? thats the best you got cause i was thinking like 33% faster than the "base build" of a Commander so your arguement there is invalid cause a feminine frame would sacrifice armor and allow speed. cause i said before i am not a brute fighter i like to escape hide then STRIKE and a huge chunky fat bot will NOT help with this and i just want a commander editor like this where it can modify it to the max except for the model which i want to change ok?

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  13. drsinistar

    drsinistar Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    Your paragraph is all over the place, and I'm having trouble deciphering what you are trying to get across. The jab a 9001 build speed was to make fun of the idea. I was not serious whatsoever. An increase in build speed would be an unfair advantage, because you, who'da guess it, build faster than your opponent. You can get your economy, defenses, and army off the ground faster.

    Keep in mind that while this game is going for awesome, it is also trying to achieve balance.

    What are you talking about here? Where did I mention physical construction of a commander affecting its stats? I'll answer that for you.

  14. zeus9999

    zeus9999 Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    well im just pointing it out multiple times and ok i get what you are saying but if a commander has increased build speed vs a commander with all over 10% attack bonus for infantry then it kinda gets a feel for balance and i mean like im not your average player. i mix it up mostly every game and i will hide, run, then STRIKE and so a faster/building commander would be my style.
  15. drsinistar

    drsinistar Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    For the record, you don't need to quote someone every time you respond to them, let alone quote everything they just said.

    And no, a damage buff does not balance out faster build speed. If you read my entire post, you'll note that I said what makes build speed so OP. So, unless everyone has a faster build speed/upgrade, then no one should have it when someone else cannot.

    You don't need to keep telling me about your playstyle. I really don't care. Everyone should have the same strategies available from the start, not have a predisposed strategy that is boosted by upgrades. I don't feel like fishing for the quote, but someone from Uber said that everyone should have the same options from spawn.
  16. zeus9999

    zeus9999 Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    well hey im just saying i would like to customize my commander instead of having pre-picked stats... ok?
  17. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    First: i don't understand why we're talking stats when this is about aesthetics.


    having a female-esque robot seems, well, optional. IE, a less blocky commander. however, i think the main aesthetic of the game is blockyness, so this only goes so far IMO.

    The simple problem "female" anything has, is that females commonly have rather distinguishable features. Simply put: an "asexual" (if that's the proper term) commander would still look rather male.

    breasts etc? no. Bipedals quite easily look human, but adding clearly human things just detracts from the "we are killerbots" theme.
  18. drsinistar

    drsinistar Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    Well lucky for you, you can pick different commanders. They just all have the same stats.

    EDIT: Zeus said that he hoped a female form would be slightly faster or something like that, and I was trying to clear up the balance issue.
  19. zeus9999

    zeus9999 Member

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    i never meant i wanted a really feminine form i meant a less blocky commander and yeah
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Re: Do you think we need female units and commanders in the

    Females (or humans for that matter) come in all shapes and sizes. Generalizing just makes you look more like a douche.

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