Do we need T2 anti air vehicles/bots and what should we do with the T1 ones?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by zweistein000, February 13, 2014.

  1. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    Afaik flak helps gainst missiles aswell so.... yes to mobile flak with low to medium range and give t1 aa medium to long range?
  2. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    Well I believe that perhaps mobile flack really isn't that necessary, but like I said. We need a good ground based AA that will not be a liability if you mix it with your normal attack force and can hold down the fort when oyu invade while you set up Flack turrets.
  3. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    Also there is no garanty that we might only be limited to groundunittransports ... we may get aircraftcarriers of some sort for invasions as well ... it would be preferable at least
  4. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    I like my ground based AA units, if your escort fighters get destroyed, your in a tough spot. My spinners can destroy there air cover opening the door for my own air units (gunships etc.)

    yes to a flak unit and spinners.
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I think this is a case where we need to go back to square one I stead of just trying to build on what's already present. It's difficult to create an advanced AA option when the basic option is already a homing missile you know?

    To that end I'd like to bring up my AA Trinity proposal again, for those who haven't seen it before;

    "The Anti-Air Trinity of Weapons is such that Basic Direct Fire is usable in most situations.
    Flak is an Advanced weapon that trades some raw damage and maybe overall range in favor of doing AOE damage and being very effective against clumps/swarms of Air units.
    Missiles are an Advanced Weapon due to it's potential for hit Hit Chance(Tracking), long range and high damage leaves it unable to completely replace the other AA weapons but complements them nicely."

    Keep in mind these are only broad strokes, there is a lot of room for fine tuning and adjustments within, this is meant more so as some rough guidelines.

    The basic idea is to make every option workable, but to ensure there are still situations where he other options excel.

    iron420 and zweistein000 like this.
  6. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I too agree it could use a complete rework regardless.

    But to fix it here and now, buff T1. Double their DPS maybe.
  7. leighzer

    leighzer Member

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    If you want a tool to hit targets on the ground from the air build T1 bombers. Allowing T1 fighters to hit ground wouldn't do bombers justice.
  8. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    I agree with diversifying AA fire types. Flak for bots and missiles for tanks wouldn't hurt, or vice versa. Still, the core issue is that AA needs targets to kill - or targets to deter - to make its investment worthwhile. The former should never be too big a problem, unless your opponent has invested heavily in a shoot-first-cover-with-AA-later approach. The latter is an issue of making sure AA has enough punch to get their job done.
  9. drschuess

    drschuess Member

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    I think T1 AA units will become more useful with the introduction of transports. Assuming the opponent has air supremacy, there's nothing else besides these T1 AA units (on the battlefield) to keep him from airlifting his army away whenever it's in danger and move it to your now undefended proxy or main bases. That T1 unit will then be able to destroy units much more powerful than itself by catching them in the transport ships. Overall though, I see the T1 AA unit as playing much more of a support role, but would be in favor of a slight DPS increase.
  10. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Not really.

    Bombers depend on energy, so any sort of energy suppression would wreck bombers.
    Bombers attack with a high yield payload, so any sort of tmd would be extra effective against bombers.
    Any sort of death explosion can cause stacked bombers to chain react.
    Any sort of snare is crippling to units that depend on speed.
    Any sort of cloak will cause the first bomber attack to fail.
    Front loaded damage keeps parity against other front loaded weapons (like bombs).

    Should I go on?

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