DLC still in the works?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by DonnyD, February 10, 2011.

  1. thrustbucket

    thrustbucket New Member

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    I was afraid of this the moment I heard the Steam announcement.
    Uber is a small team. Now that they have a platform that's infinitely easier to update, I expected them to more or less abandon the harder to update platform.

    I gave up on upgrading my pc for games long ago. If MNC worked with OnLive I might play it there.

    I think it's probably safe to say that the next time we see MNC content will be the sequel, if a sequel exists.
  2. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    So wait, how did you change Bullseye's clothing for Christmas in the game then switch it back again?

    Can't you just mess around like that? Only. . .with the maps or classes?
  3. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I bet Bullseye clothing was already in the game, but it was set to change based on the console clock.
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Paper. I win! Yay!

    Nah, still, the xbox crowd got a solid dlc already. Steam does get a lot of goodies, but they are easier for Uber to release. They just do it, no asking mommy (microsoft). It's easy to play with in case changes need made.

    If they blow one of their limited DLCs for XBox360 on something defective, nobody will be happy. Their first one was solid, and their current work means that a future DLC is guranteed to be solid as well. No chances, microsoft doesn't allow for as many chances as steam does.

    I have a question, XBox gamers. When Uber does release as many DLC as microsoft will allow, and it's out of their control, yet steam continues to get new material, you guys aren't going to post whines-without-end here, are you? They would be more effective here.
  5. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    i think the moral of the story is that we as xbox gamers need to get microsoft to make it easier for developers to update games. I have faith the devs will not abandon the xbox side.

    Remember this when you mad about how updates are taking so long to come. Its Microsoft's polices that have developers jumping through hoops and also remember we got this masterpiece of a game months earlier than the pc.
  6. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    1. Uber may not be able to release any DLC
    2. There is no DLC limit, as far as I'm aware
    3. There won't be more than 2 more DLCs, if any
  7. mute

    mute New Member

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    What I take away from Ekanaut's post is that work hasn't yet begun on any 360 update, and since we all know how long that process takes when it gets into MS's hands.. if work were to begin on a update tomorrow, we wouldn't see it till May at the soonest..and it'll probably be even later than that (if one was submitted now, maybe by the end of March, if one was submitted in early/mid march, maybe by the end of April,..etc). I do not attibute such a delay or hinderence on just MS or new insight into how/what should have been built/modular. I'm not mad @ uber or anything, but sometimes excuses even if they are valid, are still excuses. The real fact of the matter is the work on the PC so those fears are valid.. splitting attention between 2 platforms definitely has its downside for a small team and as a matter of logistics regarding update mechanisms the console version has taken a backseat (as of right now, seemingly halted altogether). Hopefully there will a least be a patch in the next month or so. Just stating it as it appears to be. Hope I'm wrong in terms of time, but it doesn't appear so.
  8. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    At least give us a bloody Valentine's Bullseye for crying out loud, I mean, they did have one for Christmas, why can't we have one? Even it IS just one small thing.

    Ah no, just give us anything. Don't leave us out. I'm not getting shafted.
  9. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Plus there's a limited amount of data stored server-side, meaning certain variables can be tweaked there without a need for an update or DLC. So maybe Bullseye's colour palette is part of that. But there's not much of this storage space available. Large items like maps can only be updated via a DLC package.
  10. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    So they can at least give us a Valentine's Day Bullseye? At LEAST?
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Start on an update?

    They pretty much do a lot of copy-pasting from the steam stuff, and make that the DLC.

    I saw a cool game mode they could do too. That's elsewhere though, and although it's wonderful I doubt they will accept the idea.
  12. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Well it's pure speculation that Bullseye's palette is stored there, but if that's the case then yes I guess they could.
  13. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    This is totally not the reaction everyone laughs at.
  14. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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