DLC, DRM, Monetization

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by lophiaspis, January 26, 2013.

  1. Gruenerapfel

    Gruenerapfel Member

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    I mostly agree with him, but needing to be logged in to play multiplayer sounds obvious to me xD, i like the idea that updates needs login. And some F2P or pretty much Trial version is also very nice to have, people who would pirate the game, maybe would rather play the Trial version, this version SHOULD be able to play limited online custom games tho, and buy it for the full multiplayer experience.
    About expasion: the basic game should be patched as much as possible before releasing an expansion, this expansion should have really NEW stuff tho, after release, the basic game should be updated to and getting lots of the features(like in StarcraftII right now, 2 major patches which were REALLY big).
  2. ultramarine777

    ultramarine777 Member

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    It always boggles my mind how people insist on paid DLC, instead of full fleshed out expanions with tons of content. People ACTUALLY want to be nickle and dimed and it's pathetic.
  3. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Incorrect. People actually want to nickle and dime their parents.

    Despite what crazy people say on forums, the rules of the market don't fundamentally change. People will buy something that they know, something that is good, or something with no alternative. Not many people know of the TA/Supcom game style, so that's the biggest challenge. Half of the posts here are arguing over how to make PA good(with varying interpretations of 'good'), and to be honest the market won't have a real alternative to an RTS that takes place on round worlds that blow up. :lol:

    DLC is just like any other product. If it is not good then it won't do well. Larger companies trade their goodwill by selling lots of lousy overpriced DLC. Some earn their reputation by selling cheap, extremely good expansions. But the same things remain true. We want more, we want it for less, and anyone who says or performs otherwise is undermining the core ideology of capitalism.
  4. bubba41102

    bubba41102 Member

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  5. davidrg

    davidrg New Member

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    I don't know about the whole "login to get updates" thing. My preference is that the game itself shouldn't be permanently tied in to any online services. These online services cost money to run so you can guarantee they won't be run forever. What happens when they're eventually shutdown?

    In the case of SupCom and TA the engines weren't really tied in to GPGnet or Boneyards allowing community replacements to be built after those services disappeared (FAForever and PhoeniX WorX).

    I suppose long term the ideal situation would be to do what ID Software does - Once there is no more money to be made from licensing the engine to third-parties release it under the GPL. Nothing to loose by doing it but the community gets to keep maintaining it for the next 20 years without breaking the law. People who want to play the game still have to buy the original to get the assets (maps, graphics, sound, etc) - an engine on its own won't do much. Just imagine if Cavedog had done this before they disappeared. Instead 15 years later the TA source code is now apparently lost forever never to be seen again and the community is left fixing bugs and making improvements by disassembling the binaries (probably not legal). Certainly TA will never run natively on Linux or anything else. But I guess I got a little off-topic there. Although perhaps being able to still sell the game in 20 years might count as "Monetization"...

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