In game will also render things differently. My textures are pretty damn close to Uber's as far as I can tell (using the Delta as a reference) I'd love to know exactly what filters Steve and the other artists (I assume there are more ) are using. Maybe I'll get some info when Uber opens up the modding scene.
So like I said, gettign that ball rolling again, so here is a couple more Optimized Models, the Inferno and Hailfire; Inferno - Flame Tank - 642 Tris Hailfire - Hover Multiple Rocket Launch System - 868 Tris Mike
I'm noticing a lot of manifold geometry... Color me curious, Also, you said Uber uses 2048^2 PNGs? Okay, so I guess I'll have to use 3 times that... Maybe 4...
I've noticed a lot of Uber's models use Manifold, and while it's not something I normally do, but it makes things a bit easer from a texturing perspective so I'm just helping NAnolathe out a bit ;p No, OUR textures are 2048x2048, I don't know off hand what Uber is using, but I think about it as just planning ahead for the inevitable High-Def Texture mods and such. Downscaling textures is easy, Upscale is hard! Mike
1024x1024 for pretty much every unit, including Commanders and the largest buildings, even the Unit Cannon
Brilliant work, you two. I think we have a dream team on our hands. My only 3d modelling experience is in Google Sketchup
Don't forget the brains of this operation, Hawkeye and Exavier, without them there wouldn't BE a BlackOps! ;p Mike
You have no idea how fiddly the Cougar was :| Total revisions for that texture alone are sitting at about twenty three I think. I've been out of the game too long...
Hold on a second... Mike you can do skeletons, right? Could you not attempt to give Uber a hand with this whole Alpha commander thing?
Well FA ain't going anywhere! Just click on my Sig and READ THE DAMN FIRST POST....*cough* sorry, it's just you know how many times we've had to tell that to people over the last 5 years? ;p Well this isn't the place to talk about it, being a Backer's Lounge topic, but in short the issue is not the Rig itself but the system behind it. Mike
Hey every body Nanolathe is still plugging away at textures, so we got more pictures to share! Some basic tweaking on the Rapier; And some detail work going into the Cougar; I don't have anything new to show model wise yet, been getting into some other projects like my LEGO Megalith from Forged Alliance. Don't forget to check out the first post to see everything I've been up to. Mike
Knight LEGO Megalith from Forged Alliance fantastic.i like them all,but the Strider great when finish. Can i use it on 3d studio that i work. This week i will try work again to finish the texture model,im try to learn some new hard surface techniques from ZBrush. ZBrush is very good to mechanical editor to the models im try to start learn by the tutorials