Digital-Only $100 tier?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ghargoil, September 1, 2012.

  1. thedbp

    thedbp Member

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    if it's shipped within europe, it's going right to the door with no issues.

    but from outside of europe, if it cost more than 15 euros then for an example I wrote

    and all the different fees you have to pay is in offices spread across all of Sofia, and they have different working hours and days and all such, some of them have a long processing time so you can first come through to them 2-3 days after the package arrived.

    Oh and one more thing, NONE f them speak English and my Bulgarian is pretty bad.
  2. megrubergusta

    megrubergusta New Member

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    Does anyone know how it's handeled in europe? I know what i have to do if i import something (When I buy something). But in the kickstarte case we invest and get some presents for it. We didn't really bought the t-shirt, poster etc....
  3. Spooky

    Spooky Member

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    What exactly do you mean? The only thing that is different for non-US citizens is, that you have to pledge an additional $15 for shipping.
  4. DeadMG

    DeadMG Member

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    Fulfilling those rewards like the miniatures is gonna cost Uber money. IMO it just makes sense to offer a pledge level where you don't get them and don't pay for them. Saves money for all concerned.
  5. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    that depends on your local laws.
    I can only say how it is for germany, since thats were I live. I actually asked the zoll about this, because I never before imported a package of a worth more than ~50€.
    Here we have to pay 19% on everything thats worth more than 22€ and additional taxes depending on the goods if they are worth more than 150€. The question now is how much the package will be worth. This depends on how Uber handles this. According to the german zoll, it would be best if they were to add a "pro forma invoice" to the package that states the actual worth of the goods, this is especially important for the 250$ and higher tiers, since the amount pledged and the worth of the goods are not the same by far.
    If the package will end up with a worth beyond 22€ you will -probably, sometimes you can be lucky and your package slips through- have to pay the taxes mentioned, which is handled by the post mostly, they will just ask you to pay a few € before they give you the package at your door. However there is the possibility that they MIGHT think your package is suspicious and keep the package. You will have to visit them and show them the content of the packages to confirm no illegal goods are in there.

    I already spoke with Uber about this matter and they said that adding a pro forma invoice "sounds like a plan"
  6. megrubergusta

    megrubergusta New Member

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    Thank's. I'm from Germany, too. So that helps a lot.

    Uber isn't responsible for our costums duty, so we have to help ourself. And that helps a lot for me.
  7. Souleater

    Souleater Member

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    I had held off from the $100 tier because of the physical goods. Shipping adds a little but I'm concerned more about the addition of customs duties (and then possibly having the Royal Mail charging me for collecting the customs duties).

    I think many people would like a digital-only version.

    Regarding customs duties can Uber (or whoever dispatches the box) ensure that the shipping docket is valued only the level of the contents and not the full $$$ amount, please. Otherwise customer could be getting unfairly charged import taxes.

    (I am keen to get physical version now because of the Commander models.)
  8. terrormortis

    terrormortis Member

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    it's pretty much the same for Austrians Zoll (Customs),
    anything worth over 25€ you have to pay an extra 20%, for electronics there can be an extra 20% (if I would import an Ipad for example), but i think Computer Games and T-shirts should be no problem, I once Imported some Dead Space 2 Merchandise and didn't have to pay any fees.

    BUT, Uber should definitely include some kind of invoice and declare how much the package is worth, this speeds up the process a lot.

    I think i would stick with a pure digital Version if we could get another game key instead of the BOX and T-shirt..
  9. Souleater

    Souleater Member

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    A second game key sounds like good trade off.

    And perhaps a digitally themed TRONesque Commander skin?

    Dammit now I want that TRON skin.

    *mutter* and Chicky Cantor Commander. Yeah...Chicky CanTRON Commander. Dammit if only I had $1000!
  10. thebigalex

    thebigalex New Member

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    That is exactly what i'm missing. I currently pleged only 40$ as I don't want any physical stuff shipped to Germany. But a digital only package like described by bgolus would be awesome for 80-90$!
  11. allot

    allot Member

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    I'm just saying making new tiers in the middle of the kickstarter might not be so appreciated by people who have already pledged. They also maby just wanted to get alpha access and paid 100 for it. And now a new tier comes where they get what they want much cheaper. But I always like that we get pledges. I would love to reach 1.5
  12. megrubergusta

    megrubergusta New Member

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    The higher tiers can pledge lower if they "feel betrayrd". (As long as this project runs on kickstarter u can change your pledge and tier as you wish)

    But I think there are a lot more people pleding less, becasue they don't want with struggle with their local import laws. So a digital pack is a good idea.
  13. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    do as i do, they deserve the money anyway so instead of prizes demand they spend that money on bacon.
  14. megrubergusta

    megrubergusta New Member

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    They deserve a lot more money at the moment ;)
  15. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Just make a 100$ digital pack that has alpha access + some other digital stuff.
    Like a second copy of the game or something like that. That way nobody will feel "betrayed" and everyone can chose what he wants.
  16. megrubergusta

    megrubergusta New Member

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    I think nobody will feel betrayed anyway (becasue you can change your pledge).

    So just make the digital tier. the uppers won't care and some lower tiers might up their pledge. Both sides win.
  17. Kekouse

    Kekouse New Member

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    A digital-only 100$ Tier would be really cool.
    I want the alpha access but all this Poster, box, figs thing doesn't interest me at all.
    And I'm sure it's not as profitable as a 100% digital-version for Uber.

    So what should I do dear Uber?
    Wait for an official digital-Tier or buy the normal 100$ box-version and spam you to death for digital content instead?
  18. bathtub

    bathtub Member

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    Yeah I am quite keen for 'digital only' alpha pack. I don't need the box & toys.
  19. evildonkey

    evildonkey New Member

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    Im at 50$ right now, as this is the max I can go, without also paying shipping and extra tax.
    Too bad, would have had liked a digital only higher tier, but guess I will be staying at 50.
  20. thedbp

    thedbp Member

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    Well as I wrote earlier, at least so us that want to back you can do it without getting in trouble with our country. other european countries have the same ridiculous as we do here in Bulgaria, and even though I would love to have the physical items it just gets really super mother f***ing expensive and troublesome if it is actually sent here.

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