DEVS: the gunner deploy thing

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by TOM12121112, November 11, 2010.

  1. ForeverZero

    ForeverZero New Member

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    I kind of like the idea of all star mode. I just hit 99 this week and already i'm feeling the blues about it. I miss watching the levels climb, probably related to some misguided sence of self improvement.

    Bro has a point that MW2 pretty much wrecked our beliefs on "prestiging" but the way uber makes it sound, its more like a mile marker than bragging rights. I play a lot of MNC, but not as much as say tom, jon, or rev (just to name a few). I think they should be able to have something a little more than the same "99" as me.

    Right now the game is still a LOT of fun to play, but for personal improvement the only thing to do is grind pro tags. </rant>

    Oh and the solar panel thing would be way cooler as a boom box. That way I know when there is a free headshot waiting for me. :twisted:
  2. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    It would be hilarious if you could make it play a song for other people to hear when you are deployed but that would just be abused. Someone would probably make a techo song of "tikistyle remix" (if it hasn't been done already) and play that on a loop.

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