Destroying air transport - units and damage

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by xanoxis, January 16, 2013.

  1. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I fail to see how crashing into the ground after being dropped is any different from the air transport itself crashing into the ground, and considering AA units carry the firepower to knock out combat air units, the idea that they can't absolutely shred a transport vehicle.

  2. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    So it boils down to this:

    How are transports destroyed?


    How are units transported by the transport?

    Does it just blow up in mid air and fragment into a million pieces? or do we assume the craft will actually be too damaged to fly before the craft itself is destroyed?

    Are units carried ala Supcom 1, in a small niche on the outside of a transport? or do we encase them in some kind of ejection pod? or are they beamed up?

    I can combine these variables:

    -only when in a droppod, and when the craft looses flight ability before actual destruction, can the units Immersively survive.

    (i'm using the term immersively in stead of realistically: this game isn't very realistic to begin with, but you can maintain immersion and suspension of disbelief)

    In the other cases, it's unlikely that the units will NOT be hit or otherwise damaged.

    Now, they can be carried inside the ship too, but it seems like you'll have a lot of ship for little transport capacity.

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