(DeS) Destiny recruiting!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Kappy, December 23, 2010.

  1. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    I never called him spineless. I said the internet is 95% full of spineless people. If he wanted to get the thread back onto topic, it only required him saying, "Hey, let's just drop this and get back onto topic." But that is just to difficult. And tiger, I couldn't give a flying **** who thinks ill of me on the internet.
  2. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    I've asked you plenty of times to stop, so you can't say I haven't. I shouldn't have to say specific words that you request, its just common sense for you yourself to drop the subject. Also, by saying on my thread "The internet is 95% full of spineless people." after someone commented about me, makes it look like you called me spineless, don't deny your foul. But if it will get you quite, I'll say those specific words. Hey, let's just drop this and get back onto topic.

    Thanks btw tiger

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    uh oh looks like someone else is gonna get the boot now. lol
  4. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    Wow, please cry more about getting kicked ghostmerc. Its making me so much happier that we kicked you from the team because I don't wanna hear you cry over the mic too. You're just mad because you can't get on a top team competitively now. You got kicked for acouple reasons, I dont have any reasons behind Deadeye yet and hes trying out, not on the team yet.
  5. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Just because you assume something, doesn't mean it to be true. That is common sense. And just so you know, you didn't ask me to stop one time. I read through the posts again. But since you asked that time, I will drop it.
  6. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    I didn't assume anything, you clearly said 95% of people on here are spineless, which was a comment back to ghostmerc's original post. That shows you calling me spineless. Asking you to take your comments some where else counts for saying stop talking about I'm pretty sure.
  7. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Actually i was kinda just kidding around. There's not enough competition in this game to worry about getting a team and dealing with all the shadiness that goes along with it. Especially seeing as how privates are so dumb to organize, every host I've played a private on has been terrible, and I would much rather just play for fun, then care.
  8. Govnerplatypus

    Govnerplatypus New Member

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    ^+10 cool points. even though i can't really talk i'm on a team...naw, oh well. But seriously guys, you made me lolz so hard after this whole convo. from one flame war to the next. Seriously people, everyone has their own opinion, no need to start RAAAGIN and Crying like when you first found out the Easter bunny and Santa Clause weren't real.

    Back to the comment i originally replied to though, DeadEye, i think it depends on the team you are on. I'm actually on both a competetive and a fun team( two different teams) and no bs like on the major ones, apparently.

    But, Gentlemen, all of you should take a bow after the show you provided us all with.Thank you and have a Happy New Year. :D
  9. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    I am actually going to the PC version for this game with frequent updates on balancing issues. It has little to no lag with the dedicated servers. It also gives things like clawing a no need because of customizable keys and making sniping easier with custom sensitivities to your liking for the quick scopers and hard scopers. I will be playing xbox 360 still but will be playing PC more I think.

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    that was a joke sorry i forgot the internet is serious buisness. :lol:

    You're just mad because you can't get on a top team competitively now.

    define top team? there are like 4-6 teams in mnc i'd hardly call that competative.
    des wont ever be the number 1 team so wouldnt you infact not be part of a top team. jesus shammas ego is rubbing of his nuts and into your mouth. good luck going pro dude. lol

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    btw being the best team in mnc is like being the winning driver in a race of ford pinto's nobody cares.

    try something harder like being the best team in cod many more players many more teams much more competition.
  12. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    I told you I would drop it, yet you keep replying to me. So I will not drop it because you refuse to take your own advice. And Ghost has a very good point. Your little "des" team will not become of anything. There are not enough teams in this game to do anything. Oxy and Grand Prize are the only ones that people really think of when people talk of teams. I even agree with Deadeye too.
  13. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    Some people don't like camping behind a box all day. Stop being negative just because you were cut from a team you keep pretending not to care about, but yet keep lurking in the thread.

    I wish this game had a more competitive scene, but really it's just not going to happen. I just hope my piece of s**t computer can run the PC version. I'm actually much better on the PC then xbox.
  14. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    orz, team's in COD suck almost everytime. I have yet to actually meet a good REAL clan in any COD. Honestly, the best team/clan/whatever in video game world is just dumb period and proves that those people need better hobbies than xbox. MLG is child's play to real life PERIOD. Shoot that well with a real gun, have the fortitude to serve for real, THEN we'll talk. (don't get me wrong, vets do play xbox but at least they can differentiate between real life and the video game world)

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    you right some people dont like camping behind a box some people do. thats an opinion and we all have one. as far as me being negative. i'm not i wish mnc had a big enough community to actual have competition but fact is it doesnt. being the best of 4-6 teams is easy compared to being the best of sevral 100 teams. i only used cod as an example because it's player base is much much larger than mnc and it is supported by many more teams clans.

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    i agree with most of what you said. but cod has some damn good teams. if they didnt and they suck so bad as you say then why not go prove how much they suck on gb? oh yah thats where the real life part of your post comes in. so why are you here convassing on the internet? was a real life conversation too difficult for you. lol j/k

    your right some people take gaming to serious. but some people enjoy competing for fun. some people compete too prove they have big internet cock. too each their own right.
  17. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    Hope to see you on the PC version Kckzi, add me on steam if you get it.

    Steam: bbkapp
  18. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    I only said I have never met a good real clan on COD. That does not mean there aren't or that the ones I met weren't just friends sticking together. My world isn't the entire world, nor do I think it is, but apparrently you think I think that. Also, just because I internet surf or post does not mean I'm here to prove my cock size. I like to think I have an average cock and I'm fine with that nor do I need to prove it's size or girth. I've played with you before Merc and you aren't bad, quite the opposite, but if you proclaimed to be the best of course I'd have an involuntary twitch against you because not only would I expect more from your game but I also would expectly humility on your part to some degree.

    Having a cock fight on the internet is nothing. At the end of the day not only will you probably never see that person, but more often than not, neither side is right or wrong, just extremely opinionated. However some of the same can be said towards real life debates. So, at the end of this night, whether you're right or I, this debate has no further point or meaning that what get's flushed down a toilet daily. lol jk

    I will personally take real life over video games or internet any day but often it seems not many people share this opinion. And I find MLG or clan gamers don't take video games for what they are, fun.
  19. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    Im very competitive and I personally think its the funniest thing in the world to compete for the bragging rights. Not all gamers sit on their asses either, it just so happens that some of those gamers get so good that they start to make money and get their name out there. Thats called real life success and gives people entertainment just like musicians do. I also play track, football, and basketball. All very competitive for me and I think playing sports give me an edge in gaming because of my fast reaction speed from those sports. So, basically what im saying is, you can be pro at gaming while achieving other things in real life.
  20. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I play competitively for the fun and drive to be the best you can be. If I was in it for the money, I'd play CoD. Don't get me wrong, I'm still better than all of you at it. It's just that this game is more fun to me, and it's what my friends play.

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