Debunking the Assassin Overpower Myth

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bambam Bm, August 22, 2010.

  1. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Shuriken launcher does decent damage to turrets, since you can have it bounce around to make it so you can shoot the turret and it cant shoot you. But it probly is the least damaging out of all the classes to Turrets.
  2. Louis010

    Louis010 New Member

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    reload dash = AOE, takes out the bot you hit and injures the other 2, grapple the jackbot, dont comment on a class you obviously dont play or dont know how to play :roll:
  3. Downfall

    Downfall New Member

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    So you shouldn't talk about EVERY OTHER Class, I played her enough, but I don't like sucking. Now...

    1. Every other Class does it better, and that was my point. Why is everyone trying to defend her by saying she can do X. I know she can but other classes are better.

    2. I know you can Grapple the jackbot, just a Grapple on a JB is a Please kill me target since it is so easy to see and takes so long, plus Assaults Bombs/Supports Airstikes do decent damage on them. Her JB killing power doesn't justify an otherwise terrible teammate.

    3. I didn't know her dash was good for AoE I would admit it (figured the damage was just a Dash+Slash), but still she is in a Wave in the open.
  4. Louis010

    Louis010 New Member

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    I dont actually play her i tend to play sniper or support

    1. They cant, they all have different pro's and cons to taking them out, sniper can do aoe damage from long range, good for taking out slims, tank can death blossom killing them all < probably the best lane pusher, gunner has morter, assault has grenade launcher, support has firebase and assassin has reload dash and just her slash can quickly kill

    2.If theres no snipers on patrol it can take a jackbot down quickly as well as slashing it can do lots of damage.

    3.Yeah its really usefull for taking out groups of bots

    But i am sick of all the 1/20 assassins getting $800 all game, if someones good with her though shes a very useful teamate and one of the best lane pushers
  5. VawnOTheDawn

    VawnOTheDawn New Member

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    I'm not sure if you caught the /sarcasm, there. I'd assumed saying "Nerf everything" would have gotten that across but if not my bad.
  6. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Wait, there are people that think the Assassin is OP?!?!?!?!

    <--- News
  7. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    An Assassin can pin down an entire lane even in Blitz. Her lack of AoE is made up for by her attack rate and overall damage. Even using just her blade she can clear groups of bots in Crossfire faster than any class except for the Tank. I play a Gunner very often and the Mortar, although powerful, is less effective against bots than the Assassin's blade. You are entitled to your own opinion but good Assassins can push a lane faster than any class save the Tank.

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