Dear Uber (update review)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Rev Rabies, October 13, 2010.

  1. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    You bring up a great point. In order to bring the Support class in line, all they need to do is lower the amount of juice they get for healing things. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere they can do this without actually patching the game...

    They could also do with having their firebase health decreased and airstrike damaged toned down.

    While I'm on the subject of class balance:

    - Snipers need their grapple throw distance/damage toned down and explosive shot radius slightly decreased.
    - Assassins need a slight buff to their shuriken launcher and their smoke bomb radius and blind duration increased greatly.
    - Tanks need a head shield for their lvl 3 deploy.
    - Gunners and Assault are fine.

    Hopefully we see some balance changes in the next DLC. Doesn't change the fact that this update has fixed a ton of the glitches and problems and is a great start. I can finally play this game without lag and enjoy one of my favorite titles of all time.
    Last edited: October 14, 2010
  2. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    That aside, thank you for making a valid point and addressing more than just one class in your argument. I actually agree with every point you made, especially the need for an increased blind duration on the smoke bomb
  3. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    You didnt touch on the level three ice traps. i refuse to use them unless im playing by myself. they are freakin ridic. not sure why the tank needs a head shield. or are u refering to a level three deploy?
  4. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    The traps are definitely crazy, BUT I have seen every class successfully avoid them. You just have to watch and be careful. Its easier to sneak up on a sniping sniper than most people think.

    And yes, Tank should get a head shield for their level 3 deploy.
  5. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Tanks are already the only class in the game that can survive a head shot while UNDEPLOYED (Passive + Silver armor). :D

    Plus, tanks need to be headshotable while deployed. Deploy + Headshield + Level 3 Passive + Level 3 deploy + juice + railgun = guaranteed 80% of your money ball gone. Zero risk of crowd control, and can survive airstrikes AND headshots. The biggest reason to use deploy is for damage mitigation and crowd control immunity.
  6. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    n that case no headsheild. you hard enough to snipe when your bunny hopping around like a coked out cheerleader
  7. Superchicken

    Superchicken New Member

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    As someone who reads more than he posts i'd like to preface my post by thanking both Rev and Bolt for being helpful and friendly posters as I've been learning this game.

    For the topic at hand: It seems that the main complaint you guys have is that with the update changes your team wins so quickly you can't get your (now needed)upgrades in time to enjoy the class fully. Is dominance an argument that garners sympathy now? I mean, honestly i can think of worse situations. Maybe the solution would be making it easier in some way for you guys to find other teams and more balanced competition? I'm not a game designer so I don't know if that is doable, but it is an idea.
  8. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    i wish everone on the fourms would post like super does. that is a very well thought out post. and yes its just a change from what were used to so of course ppl are going to gripe about it. but good post
  9. represent601

    represent601 New Member

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    hey its me again with, you guessed it, another complaint/question; sorry about it, I am really just wondering about this, whenever I first start playing and I start searching for a match in crossfire I find one, then it says I cant connect and then it freezes on the mnc emblem thing. so I have to go back to my dashboard and keep starting up the game till this doesnt happen. is it due to a bad connection?

    oh and I would like to add that although I dont really like what the new patch has done to the assassin(and I am hoping that somebody from uber will notice that a "few" other people arent too excited about it also) I still support the game and I am still bringing in new friends to play.

    the way I look at it is the assassin is a versatile class sometime calling for offense and other time support so assassin players must use different tactics and adjust their playing style for different roles. the patch is just another variable to think about when figuring out what I should do, and I challenge everybody else to do the same instead of complaining constantly. just state what you think and let the uber team do the rest.

    once again thanks for the great game and for listening to your community, keep up the great work uber!!
  10. QuestionMarx

    QuestionMarx New Member

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    I agree with you there the support needs less juicing abilities, but so does the everyone else IMO. I have to say the airstrike is fine, but the firebase does needs a little less HP, especially with RoF LVL 3 becoming a staple in Support classes(or at least in my classes).

    - Yes the sniper grapple and their explosive rounds need to be toned down. I can't tell you how many times I get killed by walking past bots that just happen to be hit by an explosive round. The sniper grapple should only have its damaged lower, it should just be use to get opponents away from them. Plus their LVL 3 traps adsorb your skills way to quickly. Ive gotten stuck in a LVL 3 trap just to have my full airstrike gauge instantly depleted within 5 seconds(maybe less).

    -I think the assassins are fine. If they were in stronger in those aspects their turrent destroying abilities would be even more ridiculous.

    -No thanks for this one, others have already brought up the reasons against this one.

    -Gunners need to have their damage at far/medium range lowered a bit. it's really annoying being torn apart by a gunner when I'm a adequate distance from them.

    Hopefully they will address this for the DLC. It would be nice to have this game be more balanced and to be glitch-less. Be kinda fun if it was accepted in MLG or at least I think it would be.
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Lets look at it this way guys. They are more than open to changes. Lets just hope they can keep doing minor tweeks here and there and once the free DLC drops there will be fixes that can please all of us.
  12. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    The assassin doesn't need anything. It's enough that you can be invisible, don't have to aim, and can lead your team just by sitting on the bot spawn.
  13. represent601

    represent601 New Member

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    even the bot campers cant camp there too long, if the opposing team is any good then that assassin should be taken out almost immediately due to the fact that they are right by your respawn. and I am just saying that it would be nice to have some punch back in the lunge, it is one of our major moves. :|
  14. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    With the new hit detection nobody has to aim, support never had to aim either.

    Invisible? Don't you mean Temporarily transparent?

    I honestly do not think buffing the dagger lunge damage back up...just a bit...a BIT...just enough so that a lunge grab from the front will actually kill the lowest armor class in the game, another assassin is to much to ask.

    Leading with bots only works against terrible players.

    Even in team vs team fights, the match can and very often is over in the same time frame. You need to consider...when you have SIX players who are all good players pushing the **** out of the objective.....the game is gonna end fast. Win or lose,it will be fast.

    I'm not asking for sympathy, just the other day while playing with hudson and some people we got beat on grenade 3 by a pub in under 4 minutes. Now granted it was mainly just us being completely surprised and caught off guard that the entire pub team was working together for the win. But my hat is off to those guys even though we spanked them in under 2min the next round.
    I would not really call it dominance, games were never meant to be played out till overtime...that is kind of the point of overtime.

    I just find it odd people are so against a very small buff to it's damage.
    It literally does about the same damage as a melee now, the katana lunge feels 10X stronger now.
  15. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Maybe a small boost, but the fact is that before it would 1-hit kill with a lunge-grapple from the front. It should definitely be a 1-hit kill on anything but a tank if you lunge-grapple from behind. But it would be stupid to have an attack that requires no aim and can't be dodged to deal as much damage as it did.
  16. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    To be fair, lunges required rather careful aim and timing. Grapples perhaps not so much, but to get there in the first place was never as easy as that.

    You're barking at the wrong class if you want to complain about not needing to aim. :?
  17. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Lunge grab from the front with the pre patched dagger would only KILL assassins-snipers- and supports/assaults without silver or better armor

    It would just tickle tanks, but redline most gunners or assaults
    Now..if you are not wearing an armor endorsement...well that is your own fault
    You don't get to complain about dying too fast, you chose firepower over survivability

    The dagger lunges is TOO weak now, not even killing another assassin or sniper with the front lungegrab combo

    I found it unfair to kill gunners so easily with the dagger, but now it does so little damage, it may as well not even have a damage component period.
  18. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    You shouldn't have a 1 hit kill move from the front is what I'm saying. At least not one that is so easy to perform. The assassin is fine the way it is, you still have your exact same abilities. It was never meant to be a slayer class, you either push lanes or get kills with stealth, not run up to someone and press 2 buttons simultaneously.
  19. Superchicken

    Superchicken New Member

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    As far as team vs team games ending quickly i guess i can't really comment. I usually run with only 1 or 2 friends but we've had some longer non overtime games. But maybe we are just bad!

    As for the balance of the lunge damage I could envision that uber intends the ability to be used for escape-ability, utility, and general map mobility as well and the damage is low taking that into account. Or maybe it is too low- I guess it would help if they clarified their vision for the ability. *cough*cough* ;)
  20. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    If the assassin shouldn't have a 1 hit kill from the front or be a "slayer" then why can she do EXACTLY that after upgrading the katana?
    Your logic is impeccable.

    And seriously, I have yet to see anyone from uber say the assassin is not a slayer class or never meant to be and should ONLY push bots and never attack pros. Stop with the "Your doing it wrong" "The class should be played MY way" bullsh1t.

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