Dear Uber (update review)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Rev Rabies, October 13, 2010.

  1. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    And these numbers are from?
    The damage from behind is...not so bad....but from the front it's almost non existent
  2. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    As a side note regarding the update.

    Does anybody else think they went a little overboard fixing the hit detection?
    it feels like the game went from "I cant hit anything" to "I cant, NOT hit something."

    Goes both ways, I never miss my shots, and I can barely ever dodge or juke any enemy shots.
    Also the support shotgun feels a lot like the spas12 from mw2 now......

    And is it just me or is it near impossible to jump over jackbot slams now?
    I'm starting to think I have some kinda connection issue or something
    Even on flat ground, at the height of my jump the slam effect is still hitting me soooo much :shock:
    heck, I can even jump with the assault, hit jetpack at the height of the jump sit there and hover as it does the slam, AND IT WILL STILL HIT ME?!!?

    So...anybody else or am I just crazy?
  3. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    I've found it's harder to avoid bullets, but at the same time I typically play Gunner, so dodging isn't my strong point anyway. Not having a problem with Jackbot slams, though.
  4. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    Considering the dagger lunge did more damage than the katana I can see that is wrong right off the bat. But thanks for the ejookatun.

    Yeah it's like the Assault went to easy mode. The gunner went to very easy mode lol.
    No more running away with a sliver of health. You red, you dead!
    My main concern with this is the area that I can get grappled in. I'll be at least 1-2 guys distance from a guy and still get grappled, not lag btw.
  5. Galcian420

    Galcian420 New Member

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    OMG this, I freakin love it.
  6. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Oh, i threw this off as lag. I was like, "whoah, you weren't even near me". Well, at least that's an assassin boost.
  7. MagnumVeritan

    MagnumVeritan New Member

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    Yeah, I thought the reason he posted is because it's not ignored or tolerated. I'm pretty sure he was telling people to stop doing that.

    I missed the part from Eka's first comment about being taken seriously where he said "oh, and this only applies to the posts against the changes. The rest of you who are being ridiculous to the assassin players are totally cool to keep it up". The only individual I saw eka call out was you. Whether you feel that was warranted or not I won't argue, but you do not embody all of the "people against the changes".

    And to be honest if at this point you make the sweeping generalization that no one was trying to make a point except the folks on your side, you are as guilty of ignoring a side of the argument as you claim uber is. Yes, there have been plenty of flames and trolls. Just make sure you are actually listening to the others not against the changes who weren't just flaming.

    Not even going to bother. After all the attempts Uber has made to listen and communicate with its fanbase and the changes that are already in game that are because of that (not even counting the ones that just fix mechanics and glitches) if you still think "business as usual" is complete dismissal I don't have a clue what it would take to make you think otherwise.

    One, fanboys are people too and I promise I don't have rabies.

    Secondly, anytime there is a maintained, uniform service for large groups of consumers the entity providing the service cannot act without planning and forethought. In this day and age of communication even statements and responses have large repercussions and will be thrown back at the provider in some cases. The update has been out for what, 36 hours? And a large portion of this thread was done before peak hours and the largest sampling of players got to see what its like.

    Personally from working in an environment like this in my career, I believe it would have been irresponsible of Uber to make a statement saying one way or another on the changes before they had at least a day's worth of statistics to pull. There is also high emotion and lack of adjustment time right after a change. As another poster already stated, the support would have been nerfed into the ground by the initial outcries of how overpowered it was but in the end, shocking I know, the guys who made the product actually knew better. So maybe we should let them do whats right for the thousands of folks who play this game and lose some of this sense of entitlement.

    And here comes the subjective name calling and insulting on an exaggerated scale. You do realize when you go to this you are doing exactly what you get on the "flamers" for doing and what Uber folks ask you not too.

    As a final note, neither Eka nor other Uber folks i've seen have commented one way or another on the changes. The post here stated that if you wanted to be taken seriously, don't be insulting. That doesn't mean the posts prior to that that contain valid arguments are not being taken seriously. It means what it said, those of us being jerks for the sake of being jerks need to chill or get ignored.

    Anyway, I'll shut up. This post was more for my sanity anyway as I feel for the Uber guys from going through this kind of thing. At least in my company, people are required to be professional and civil in their complaining (aimed at the trolls, not the majority of folks).

    Dang it, now i'm up to three posts.
  8. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Amaranth won't be posting here anymore.
  9. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I suppose that fixes the problem from your end...I still thought he has some good point that are being ignored.
  10. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Amaranth is my buddy and asked me to post this.
  11. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    Dude, if I were you I would zip it and not draw anymore attention to myself. I think you know what I'm talking about.
  12. Bulletr0k

    Bulletr0k New Member

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    So I'm not the only one with this revelation? I was running around with a boomstick last night on Lazerazor and felt like a god.
  13. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    There are some obvious "u suck, lrn how to play" trolls on this board that need the ban hammer as well. I hope they get some attention.
  14. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    A couple of those are regular posters.
  15. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    So I played yesterday for the first time in nearly a month.

    The update is AWESOME. Yeah some class balancing still seriously needs to take place, but I wasn't expecting that from this update really. I was expecting the removal of bugs and netcode enhancement. Before the patch it would take 15-20 minutes just to find a room that wasn't lag-tastic. Now every single game I went in last night was nearly lag-free and playable.

    I had so much fun playing this game again. ...Too much actually :? ...I stayed up too late (2am) and was late to work this morning.

    Either way, thanks for the update and here's to hoping your next update focuses on class balance and adding content.
  16. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Honest question, not trolling. What did they change that makes the support so bad? Hit detection went up, making the shotgun much more useful. Firebase and Airstrike skills went mostly unchanged (other than the obvious glitching). Even the Hack skill didn't lose a whole lot. What was changed that makes the support so bad? Again, not trying to troll, just want to see where this is coming from.
  17. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    I'm also curious because Support still rocks and rules in the games I've played.
  18. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    He is one of those obvious trolls.
  19. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    My only problem with the support as I posted in this very thread:

    Obviously not intentional and I'm sure it will be fixed eventually.
    Outside of that however, the shotty detection is ridiculous now and gold rof helps the shotty and h/h gun instead of just one.
    If hacking an enemy turret at level two is the only thing that makes the support good to you then i feel bad for you.
    How anyone can say the support is bad I have no idea. The most OP character (popular opinion) was just made better.
  20. QuestionMarx

    QuestionMarx New Member

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    So I have been playing the Support since this game came out and I have always been confused at why everyone screams "OP" at him because he could over-heal and camp an easily destroyed fire-base. But now with the update I'm getting the slightest notion of him actually being OP. I run my Support LVL 3- RoF, LVL 2- Armor, LVL 1- Juice and I will always have juice in 30sec-1min time slots. Before I would get something like 25-20-4 every match, but now it goes 35-22-6 every match. This is because I will always have juice from pushing bots and over-healing all the turrents I can purchase with the extra money from streaks. Even without juice the H/H gun has allowed me to take out...well every class, but the Tank relatively easily. Plus the already having RoF LVL 3 alows me to use my shotty like an assault rifle. The rest of the updates on him are fine, but I have a fight with the slow hacking times. They don't really bug me that much though cause I only hacked enemy turrents to be a a**h****

    The only thing that really counters this is an sin that pushes bot then gets juice to wreck me, but hey I always have juice so I'm not complaining.

    Edit: Oh almost forgot to mention the Healing aspect. With LVL 3- RoF I believe I can heal almost as quickly as 2 supports before the update and that gets me jucie like no other. Oh and think you're gonna take down the guy I'm over-healing? Hahaha. :lol: No. :twisted:

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