Dear Uber (update review)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Rev Rabies, October 13, 2010.

  1. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    You guys do know that a Deployed Tank gains a lot of juice from damage taken right? Not to mention Deploying right in front of a JackBot under a bridge can slow its progress since it can't walk around you easily.
  2. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    about the big problem with grapple cooldown...
    1: skill recovery endorsement much?
    2: 8 minute average match. 1 grapple every 15 seconds = 32 grapples, 25 would be conservative for kills. NOT counting shuriken or regular sword kills. 25 is good enough for me. gold skill recovery = 1 every 10 seconds = 48. Much more than i think is needed.

    and is it REALLY that hard to get the sword?
  3. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    This seriously might be one of the dumbest things I have read on here. Honestly.
  4. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Actually simple logic would dictate that the fastest class should also be the weakest. Likewise the slowest should be the strongest. Which class is the fastest again?

    Personally I think a great alternative to the increasing the dagger's lunge damage would be to allow a cloaked Assassin a higher chance to score a critical hit. Since Cloak 3 is 100% then Cloak 2 should be 50% and Cloak 1 25% or so. Grapples should also be capable of critical hits but only when the Assassin is cloaked. In this manner just as any Pro can use Gold Armor to survive an Assassin's grapple attempt the Assassin can use Cloak and Critical Hit Damage to offset this strategy. This would also make Dash more important as only your first attack when exiting from cloak would score the critical hit so since Dash allows you to remain cloaked while lunge does not, you can see how grappling while cloaked would be important.

    On a side note this would also improve the lunge damage when attacking while cloaked so technically everyone gets what they want, just in a slightly different manner.

    I would also love to see the Assassin's dagger/katana melee attack daze the target for a short period of time (1.5 seconds at most) but deal next to no damage. In this manner the Assassin could combo the normal attack (right trigger), grapple (left trigger), lunge (reload button), and daze (melee button) depending upon the situation. Sure this would be quite an overhaul but it would make the Assassin much more strategic overall.
  5. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Just did some testing with lief in a private match

    Few things Ill note

    -The dagger lunge+stab to the back WILL kill a gold armor assault, barely
    -It will not kill a silver or gold armor gunner
    -The right stick melee attack does MORE damage then the dagger lunge even from the back
    -A support with passive 3 and gold/silver armor will easily survive a lunge/stab from behind
    -leveling up smokebomb does not seem to increase the blind duration at all.
    -Assassins with silver or gold armor can now survive a sniper lvl 3 grapple

    Side note: Something that I have yet to bring up but has bothered me since I started playing assassin. You can jump and slash at the same time, but if you jump while sprinting it does not allow you to hit the right trigger and slash.
    Anyone else feel you should be able to slash at people after jumping while sprinting?
    This is the big reason I don't use the katana much to slash people down as they can just back peddle and avoid it.

    I would just put a 2 second daze on the melee so that slashing people becomes viable if you combo.
  6. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Now we're starting to get to actual facts of the update instead of just hyperbole. The dagger lunge was doing double damage before and now it's not. The mele from behind does more damage than from the front, which has always been the case. There are other stuff people are mentioning about the update that isn't there or has always been there but no one noticed because they weren't looking.
  7. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    Y'all have done a good job with the game. It's extremely impressive that y'all created such a balanced game on your first try. I think I will trust whatever changes you guys make for the game. I like the update very much, other than the host migration issue and party splitting issues continuing.
  8. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We know there are issues and the next update (free DLC) has a bunch of balance, bug fixes and new content as well. We're going to incorporate more changes based on feedback of the TU.
  9. kamakun

    kamakun New Member

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    I was more mocking him for his use of the phrase than actually saying it was simple logic.

    I like this idea. I feel like there needs to be more to her than only being able to attack a target who doesn't know you're there. If there's a target that you can't attack from behind, this idea would help a lot.

    I may not completely understand what you are saying, but that seems like it could be really OP because you could just hold R on a target while your teammates shoot and he can't do anything.

    After not reading and re-not reading my message again, I completely agree with you. In fact, I feel as though it could win in a "post most likely written by a retard" contest, especially since it disagreed with what you said, as I feel that one of the more obvious signs of a low IQ is disagreeing with someone. Of course, that would also explain why you said the same thing the last time I disagreed with you.

    Consequently, as my post was very likely to have been written by a retard, simple logic states that your post was most likely to have been written by a genius, and would have probably won the contest associated with that title as well. One of the signs of a genius post is, if I recall, to not reply to anything the post may have mentioned, which would consequently make this post that I am writing right now very likely to have been written by a retard.

    I would not like to start insulting you like last time, especially since I would never win the resulting argument to a genius such as yourself. I have read your arguments, and besides your "this is the dumbest thing I have ever read" argument, I especially admire your other, arguably more effective "this seriously might be one of the dumbest things I have read" argument. I, with your permission of course, would like to use it on other future arguements against anyone else whom may disagree with me.
  10. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    omg, when is the next patch coming out *rolls around the ground whining and throwing a temper tantrum*

    It has been days is the first patch came out and I can't stand the wait anymore.

    I hope I don't have to tell you that was sarcasm
  11. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Well I'm doing a Blitz right now as a Support, and I managed to get Bacon. The Accuracy buff Bacon is supposed to give does not appear to be working, as my shotgun has the same size crosshair as it normally does. Other effects such as rate of fire and clip size are being applied though.

    Also, grappling a bot at the same instant it dies results in the player grappling thin air and still resets the grapple cooldown.

    Edit: After firing a shot from my shotgun, the accuracy buff of Bacon went into effect.
  12. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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  13. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    I'm pretty sure we are saying the same thing but yes, using the melee attack to daze would make normal slashes much more viable.

    When dazed a player can still fire their weapon and use skills, they only move at a decreased rate. If you feel that as an Assassin you can stand within melee range for a long period of time and survive then more power to you. So to answer your concern, there is nothing stopping you from constantly dazing that player although there is also nothing stopping that player from simply killing you either.
  14. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    I'm glad you agree with me. Yes, you may use it.

    On a side note, would it possible for the devs to explain how the changes to hit detection in high lag situations work at all in layman's terms? If not, that is fine too. However, I find myself getting shot around corners a lot now (as in I have dodged back behind a corner, see bullets going where I once was, and then am dead.) This mainly happens when facing gunners or snipers.
  15. represent601

    represent601 New Member

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    yeah, I just got done playing a match and I was behind a wall and an assault was shooting where I was then I just died(not the first time this has happened). It kinda made me mad because I had a VERY good kdr and it ruined it. :cry: haha oh well, If somebody could look into that it I am shure it would make a lot of people happy :D
  16. kamakun

    kamakun New Member

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    That happened a lot before the patch.

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