Dear Uber (update review)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Rev Rabies, October 13, 2010.

  1. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Yeah, I've played against you quite a few times recently. But that game it was only you I had trouble with, the rest of the gunners and the supports fell quickly :twisted: Problem was, i can't keep 6 people out of our base by myself so it ended badly.

    Easy mode gunner? Do you mean with the new hit detection or a class loadout?
  2. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I'm sorry to be a jerk, but you obviously have not read even half of the thread.
    Nobody is using the broken damage as a reference, we are using the current katana damage as reference.

    I did notice your first post, but ignored it as it didn't seem to contribute anything to the thread, much like your post now.

    In YOUR opinion, the lunge damage should do the same as a regular strike, however most people here, including myself do not share that opinion.
    I don't think uber does either, seeing as how both the dagger and katana have damage added when you lunge.

    I'm not surprised you don't feel the lunge should have damage as I highly doubt you ever play assassin.

    Ya the new hit detection.
  3. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    I play a bit of every class actually, including the Assassin. Anyway my post is on-topic; just becuase you do not agree with my opinion does not mean that it is not contributing to this thread, it simply does not contribute to your opinion. If Uber felt that the lunge should deal increased damage then they would have adjusted the values as such so do not expect your assumption to validate your opinion.

    I think that once the Sniper gets toned down (read: nerfed) then it will be easier to see exactly how to adjust the Assassin. As it stands now the only classes that cause the Assassin problems are the ones running Gold Armor. Isn't the point of running Gold armor to be able to survive for longer? I'm just saying. Sure it could be possible for classes with passive health bonuses to get away with Silver Armor but again that would the point on investing into a health bonus passive. By that point the Assassin should be able to afford their Passive 3 and the issue is null.

    EDIT: To be honest I would love to see the Assassin more clearly define the differences between the normal, grapple, reload and melee attacks when using a dagger/katana.
    Last edited: October 15, 2010
  4. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Yeah, gunners are BRUTAL now.
  5. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Gunner is the new Sniper.

    So incredibly freaking overpowered I refuse to play games with Gunners now. As in, I refuse to play MNC in general now. I get killed by Gunners as ANY class. They can almost literally snipe with their dual minigun because it's so accurate. It is absolutely ridiculous. The way it was before was fine.
  6. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Posted this in another thread but feel it has more relevance here.

    I'm tempted to believe that gold armor assaults can also survive a backlunge/grapple combo
    And will be testing that soon.

    This just does not seem fair. Especially considering the huge indirect buff all the other classes got via hit detection.
    Not that the sin did not benefit from the change as well, but not nearly as much as the others since her main form of attacks are not rapid fire/bullet based.

    Side note: Since Im already here posting about the assassin I may as well mention a few other things.

    Thank you so much uber for fixing the cloak fall damage and persistent effect bugs
    These changes make the sin much more playable.

    Please look into the "sprint lock" and smokebomb glitches that were not fixed though.
    I often have to kill myself at least 5 times a match as it is the only way to rid myself of the sprint lock.
  7. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    Re-posted for your benefit.

    I'll try and spell it out a little more clearly, as you did not seem to understand what I was getting at in the other thread.

    You clearly are being influenced by how things were pre-patch, as you are talking about how the changes are unfair because Assassins are losing something while other pro's gain something (somewhat). Saying I don't know what you think isn't even really a response, because I am basing this on things you are saying.

    So I will say it again, why should a backlunge+grapple w/ the dagger kill ANYthing? This is to say why should it even kill a non-armored Assassin? You make this assumption based on how things were pre-patch. A backlunge+grapple w/ the Sword still kills things in the examples you give. However, having played against you, I know you didn't upgrade to the sword until very late, if at all. I also know you relied heavily on the lunge-grapple. I'm not saying this makes you bad, I'm just saying you need to take time to adjust and change your play style. After some time has passed, then you will be able to make more informed judgement about how the changes affected anything.
  8. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    You seem to have misunderstood. Bolt said a backlunge+backgrapple. Since the back grapple is supposed to be "lethal" to pros, a backlunge + backgrapple should be a kill in all situations not involving the Tank. Surely you can agree with that?
  9. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    No. It is supposed to be lethal with the sword. Thus the whole upgrading thing. They did nothing to the sword damage. There is no divine right for the lunge grapple with the dagger to kill anything.
  10. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Then how does an Assassin kill a pro pre-sword?

    No other class needs upgrades to be lethal. Why should the Assassin?
  11. Magikarp

    Magikarp New Member

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    This is why we are complaining.
    The assassin shouldn't have to be useless early game, and early game for the assassin is dagger.
    The sword is OHK on everything but tank with backgrapple.
    The dagger should be OHK on everything but tank with lunge + backgrapple.
    Makes sense I hope.
    Also, when you say the dagger is not supposed to be lethal, do you mean the assassin should just fight with a wet noodle until passive 3? Dagger is meant to be lethal, or we wouldn't get OHKs with backstabs on assassins, snipers, and supports with gold armor, and assaults and gunners without armor.
    Every class does not deserve to be an assassin counter.

    Tl;dr read ObiFett's post.
  12. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    There is this thing called the Right Trigger Button, with both the dagger and the shuriken gun. You can even combine their use with the backstab and lunge.

    Where did I say it was not meant to do damage? I was stating that by no reason whatsoever should you feel entitled for the lunge grapple to kill anyone. The only reason you are is because of how things were pre-patch. You are used to being able to do these things. Guess what, you can't anymore. Stop trying to rely on it and being like "OMG LUNGE+GRAPPLE IS AWFULZ" I was simply stating to take time before you make your judgment.
  13. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    I don't get this doom saying about the assassin...

    You have a secondary weapon you know, to weaken targets prior to a grapple or to finish them after. And lunge with back grapple kills anything short of tanks and gunners with gold armor with the dagger now, that's not completely unreasonable is it? Especially since you literally just have to slash the gunner at most twice after the lunge/back grapple with dagger.

    The sword is still the same, and assassins never need any of the other skills to be higher than level 1 to be proficient. Though auto-crit shurikens now are just ridiculous since, again, they actually hit things.

    Perhaps I should write a revised assassin guide.
  14. Magikarp

    Magikarp New Member

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    But what I'm saying is that you SHOULD feel entitled for the lunge backgrapple to kill. If you can catch anyone from behind with any class, why not the assassin? It's a 2HKO, so people with good reaction can escape. Good players watch their back; assassins should be able to punish others for carelessness like every other class can.
  15. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Where are people getting the idea that a class called an assassin should be able to kill any other pro?
    Last edited: October 15, 2010
  16. Magikarp

    Magikarp New Member

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    well put.
  17. represent601

    represent601 New Member

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    haha, I created a post patch assassin guide, and I did it to the best of my ability.
    hope that helps with some people, it is the strategy I use and I am starting to forget they even patched the game. while I do completely disagree with the super nerf that took place on the dagger, we cant do anything about it other than to adjust our playing style and show that the assassin is still a fun class to play and that it takes the most skill to play as, the patch is just another way to prove it too :D

    just state what you dont like about the class, and move on, hopefully uber will take into consideration the very high amount of unsatisfied players and do something about it. but other than coping with the problem and adjusting our playing style there is nothing we can do about it.

    so we should get online and just keep enjoying the game
    hope to see you on.... I know you wont see me :twisted:
  18. ShreddieMercury

    ShreddieMercury New Member

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    What's strange is that even with all of this constant bitching, I've seen just about the same amount of good assassins with positive stats as I did before the patch. I see absolutely no difference whatsoever besides the lunge, which I've still seen assassins use successfully to kill other pros. Color me completely non-sympathetic.
  19. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    There, I colored you non-sympathetically green
  20. ShreddieMercury

    ShreddieMercury New Member

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