Snipers are easy mode. Only thing I have found that counters them well is an Assault. A very good Assault is the most powerful class. The problem is that most Assaults are average and due to this a Sniper with half a brain can win. Super long AoE damage is just THAT good.
1. Will require character redesign or you can rename headshot to eyeshot. Or noseshot. 2. Sniper will be obsolete because of the tank. Or increase bodyshot damage to 300-400, which would make sniper OP again. 3. Might work though still silly, since all classes have some way to oneshot (headcrab, backstab, airstrike, charge, flapjack). 4. No, please let at least traps 3 to still freeze you in place for a few seconds. Taking away skill leach won't matter much. 5. Would make the skill useless. Flak isn't powerful as it is, so nerfing would make it completely pointless. I'd say though remove the skill grapple and replace with something less lethal.
To anyone who doesn't know, just jump after grapple, if a sniper get's you with lvl 1. On-Topic: The most competitive part in this game is not winning, it's pvp, even though the objective should be winning. All of these topics about sniper being OP is mainly because it's the pro of the pro when it comes to pro killing... pro.. If I'm against horrible assassins such as Myst or Vlane, I wouldn't win, it's just almost impossible. As well with the tank if you walk the ninja road, you'll get the upperhand in botkills. And I mean come on, if he's so god damn overpowered then why not a team of 6 snipers?
>2 are useless, not enough heads to shoot, probably because of lack of coordination. Also, assaults. Also, nobody's perfect so an unlucky streak of missed shots and your moneyball has it's pants down. We tried it, don't you remember.
I remember the first time I heard your voice you said to me "ROBINSON! WE'RE PLAYING FAGWAY WITH 4 SNIPERS AGAINST GRIMBARS TEAM! YOU IN?!" We lost.
Yup. Though I still beleive that a team with 4 insanely coordinated awesome snipers + gunner + support will rape everyone and everything.
why cant people realize that the only thing making snipers OP is the quick scope? Thats it! Remove it and you remove the snipers run'n'gun tactic forcing the sniper to zoom completely for a small time will cancel his instant headshot kill and limit his view, the way the zoom was meant to do.
I think sniper headshots should not do more than 2x bodyshot damage and increase the bodyshot damage a bit, so bodyshot pros can shine. + 6 round clip Headshots are mainly annoying and overpowered because of OHK.
I think snipers should get 1 bullet per life, but it's 2.85x the size of the map and travels through all objects. Thoughts guys?
So, basically if assaults around the game had a slightly higher rate of headcrabing, we should nerf the **** out of the bomb? Sounds reasonable.
clearly because the bomb can be thrown across the map, can't be dodged, and has a 0.7 second cooldown only difference is that it's harder to aim
I'm taking a wild guess here and going to say it's a medium-long range tool used at close range for a 1 hit KO that no one can do extremely consistently, but I'll wait for an official response. I'm not sure why people are so heartset on shoving their nerfcocks up the snipers arse, they have so many counters, if you are too bad to use them kindly do one.
Consistently, no. But I do it more often than not. And always feel bad for the tank that was about to burn me.