Dear snipers:

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by zarakon, June 4, 2011.

  1. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Everything you say is irrelevant from now on.
  2. verden

    verden New Member

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    It's true.

    I mean I've got to admit I don't hit on EVERY shot as sniper, and surely not a headshot, but it's the same with the assault, I mean, why should the sniper deal so much damage compared to the assault rifle? I've tried a lot, but it's damn near impossible to hit anyone with it, and though I have a bomb, I always end up throwing it away in an angle of 45 degrees as that's how far of a miss I would have to do to miss the AOE of level 3. I could charge him though, but that would mean I have to hit him, and again, it's damn near impossible. The same with the gunner, I mean you're almost required to deploy if you want to hit ANYTHING with the minigun, and it's not like mortars deal a reasonable amount of damage to a sniper. In any case, they all have the same amount of health, so I clearly see why headshot is unreasonable.

    I'll be honest, I don't use aimbot. Do you?

    L. Spiro
  3. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Sniper really might just need a bit of recoil TBH. 1 Shot kill is fine, spamable 1 shot kill with minimal aim adjustment AND AoE body shots is what is a bit much. Maybe a slight nerf to repeated quick scoping, but not one time use "burst" quick scoping.

    They can't nerf the sniper too much more though: He can't solo push effectively (though he can clear bots defensively with great ease), he can't siege turrets while juiced (though flak works wonders against level 1 rockets and area denying healing supports), his juiced utility is bottom tier because he already has 1 shot kill abilities. A stiff breeze will ring him out, armor endorsements barely/won't save him from a death blossom/katana face grapple, and his bot spawns are pretty much absolutely useless.

    He is strong enough to drag out a game, but he can't solo carry IMO.

    Snipers in every game are pretty much annoying though.

    *Goes back to PC to continue sniping*
  4. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    One shot kills work in games where you have complex maps with lots of hiding places, creatable cover, and mutual lethality across all ranges. In "real style" military shooters for instance you have lots of detritus on the battlefield to hide behind, smoke grenades and flash bangs for all characters, and assault rifles can kill as far as you can see...just not as easily as something with a scope like a sniper rifle. All these things give the players being sniped at some agency. MNC doesn't have these things. Grenades and mortars are slow, bright, very obvious projectiles shot by candy colored characters on open simple maps.

    The arcade style of aiming suits the sniper in MNC who is suppose to be a gestalt of videogamers and things like recoil and sway are generally frustrating mechanics that can be scripted against. It works for ARMA because it's assumed that everyone is "roleplaying" a bit but it doesn't work for your general shooter.
  5. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Recoil and sway make snipers balanced.
  6. verden

    verden New Member

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    There'll be a skillplay this saturday, you should join. :D
    Those obvious big and bright projectiles look nice up close.
  7. TrollBranquility

    TrollBranquility New Member

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    SMGs can kill in 1 hit on hardcore as far as you can see. That is why you are crazy to use a sniper in those games in the first place.

    In this game, I say just reduce the headshot damage slightly. Just because you don't get OHKOs on everything, doesn't mean you don't use it as a great killing tool still. Plus, this change won't barely mess with snipers that don't dome pop constantly.

    If snipers took 2 shots, a headshot and a normal shot, on heavies, then at least they gave them a chance. Headshots can still do enough damage to OHKO supports with up to silver armor and/or bronze+passive. This sounds like the nerf they should have done, instead of making the class worthless to all but MLG players.

    The sniper would still do his job at denying areas, pushing bots, balancing vs heavies, and being good in the hands of someone without an aimbot (sounds like most PC players use Aimbots if everyone thinks the sniper is this good). The sniper would no longer be able to hold an entire team back across map from his spawn, using OHKOs, but would still pick up kills with massive damage shot groups, without using one bullet but just 2 or 3.
  8. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    I don't even want to argue with you.
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Fyi, that's Bro's alt. account he made after he got banned last week. ;)
  10. ars0n1st

    ars0n1st Member

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    In that case:

  11. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    Having your scope jiggle around on it's own is a mechanic that is often combined with a "hold breath" button that keeps it from swaying and jiggling around as a limiter on how long you can scope effectively. Because swaying and jiggling around is ineffective and annoying.

    If you are talking about a change that will ruin the sniper forever seizing control on the player's scope is it.

    On the console where the control scheme serves as a barrier for refined aim the snipers there seem to get along just fine being bodyshot oriented. The PC sniper was nerfed straight out of the "box" so it's not like the issue of the class's ceiling being addressed is's just that Uber needs to come to terms that an arcade console shooter can't just be plopped onto a platform that defines how shooters can be played with some minor tweaking to the ammo count.
  12. hobo-with-a-shotgun

    hobo-with-a-shotgun Active Member

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    Sniper needs a nerf. Something like completely nerfing his skills (giving a class that can one-shot most other classes a flak skill and a freezing trap is silly) or giving him similar properties to the TF2 sniper. I had a game earlier after not playing him for ages and got this score;


    It's silly considering I'm a terrible sniper.
  13. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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  14. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    omg hardest game i've ever played on the gameboy arcade collection i hate you for reminding me

    OT: i always agree that the MNC sniper feels a lot like a spammy quick-scoping type (character-wise) even though i'm not a supporter of that kind of play; however, i'm not too sure about removing 1-hit-kill ability still.

    PS: haven't been on forums much lately, how/when was BroTran banned? lol
  15. azure

    azure Member

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    The truth is, Snipers don't win games. Their anti-turret and -bot strength is laughable, and they lose nearly all of their playerkilling advantages once they move out of their optimal positions to push.

    That said, Snipers can be really annoying. Pur simply, it always feels like a massive risk being anywhere in a Sniper's line of sight, kind of like going after a Gunner who may or may be spun up, but it's very difficult to gain a tactical advantage against a Sniper by way of long and potentially fruitless flanks. Especially considering MNC's emphasis on building streaks and juice, this can be a massive annoyance.

    The clearest example I can think of this was when I was playing Tank on Spunky, on the upper area by the ejector near mid, ready to rip up the other team's base with juice, and a Sniper popped out on his side's little tunnel. By all means, the tactical advantage was mine, in height, distance, etc., but in 1 shot he killed me, dropping my juice and sending me back to spawn. By the time I was back in action, the previously back and forth game had my team pushed back, awaiting our eventual defeat.

    It might be a bit cocky of me to say that that shot cost us the match, but I think it is fair to say that it had a greater effect on the outcome of the match than anything else that happened previously.

    I think the worst part is that Snipers punish even people who are playing properly by conventional standards (In the example above, for instance, there was no reason for me to fear the Sniper, the only thing that should have shaken me would have been a spun-up Gunner). Short of great luck, or being sure only the move through MNC's sparse cover by way of charge or cloak, there is no way to avoid the danger.

    Phew, that was longer than expected. I hope my point came through OK.
  16. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    Don't know about everyone, but when I play sniper my most "optimal position" is as close as possible. A few years ago I asked a good friend of mine, a really good sniper, "how do I headshot people up close?" and he said something like "BUT THE HEAD IS SO BIG OMAGAD".
    So yeah, the closer I am the easier it is for me to headshot. Also, grapple headshot. Doesn't mean I can't headshot from far away as well.
    My point is that sniper is ridiculously powerful at all ranges without even giving an opportunity to flee once in danger, which doesn't make sense.
    Wrong. Overhealed tank/gunner/support can easily survive a headshot, and unless the sniper hits two in a row, a second headshot. That's why I think tank and assault are best anti-sniper classes (hello to all assassins I grapple-headshotted over 9k times). Though it's still silly that it takes two people to eliminate one sniper.

    Also, no sway please thank you. Name me one good comp. game with sway. Not implying that MNC is majorly competetive, but the sway itself is a very annoying mechanic that is used to dumb down people with good aim. Recoil on the other hand, sure, why not, unless it's an insane kick that sends your aim spinning all axes, it's mostly a cosmetic change. But please don't remove the headshots, that ding with small broken target icon is one of the most satisfying things in the game, especially multiple dings in a row.
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Server settings, 0 Snipers = Problem Solved.
  18. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    Then you'll have to disable tanks as well.
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Then you'll have to disable Gunners.
  20. six_pounder

    six_pounder New Member

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    Here are some ideas about how to nerf the sniper

    1.making the head hitbox smaller (alot, so it would actually be hard to HS) decressing ROF.
    however, for me the most annoying thing about snipers is their ability to control engagements in close range with their traps + flak + uzi and and the grapple, the sniper has both long range capability and an amazing close range capability too, I think that nerfing his close range prowess is in order, imagine after dogding his fire from a distance ur getting close just to pass through flak, uzi and then to get out-grappled because of stupid mis-sync with ping

    other options are
    2. cancel the headshot completely but make it somehow easier to hit targets
    3. headshot removes 80 percent of damage, if the character has less then 80 percent then it dies
    4. make the ice trap to just slow u down and remove the skill steal thing, so chrachters can escape the damn thing
    5 nerf the flak

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