Dead Island: Official Announcement Trailer?

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by FB Zombie Chaos, February 16, 2011.

  1. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    I haven't seen a ton of emotional attachment of humans in zombie games/trailers like what this trailer had.

    Guess what...zombies aren't so much fun to kill when your family is getting mauled by them. That part was more than your run of the mill zombie crap you usually see, aside from The Walking Dead.
  2. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    BTW look up "Flight of the Dead". Lol. Zombies on a Plane!!!! :lol:

    I have never seen something so emotional in anything zombie related. The Walking Dead came close, but I wasn't anything like this.
    This wasn't fun to watch at all imo. Again maybe it's because I have a kid, but this trailer hit me hard...
  3. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    I dont know, i enjoy it when the kill children in horror. It is the extra boarder that people are afraid to cross, but i love it. It really gives that extra woah feeling. I cant think of the movie but when it had a couple banging and the dude looks over the chicks shoulder and saw a little girl hanging by a rope...i was so happy they went there. I think it was the remake of Amityville horror

    Maybe im just too cold hearted to find the emotional ties people keep talking about inside this video. the only emotion you get is when your looking into the girls dead eyes in the start. The whole mommy save me crawling on the ground and superman dad trying to save the day.......Did you feel bad for the little girl in the opening scene of The Walking Dead too? when the zombie girl gets shot in the face(too awesome btw)

    Really i wouldnt be surprised if this game blows lol.
  4. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    Actually I didn't! I just saw her as a zombie. A zombie kid is just another zombie to me, but the girl in the trailer was shown alive and happy at one point. You could see her parents trying to save her. The look on her mothers face when she started sitting up on the bed... Gave me chills. She has somewhat of a back story.
  5. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I'm with you on this. That trailer just makes me super sad faec :(
  6. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    Maybe its my stubbornness but youd think that backstory happens with most Zombie children :) Id like to see someone stuck in an elementary school full of dead children would be aweeeeeeesome. Little bastards

  7. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    I know everyone has to have one, but when it's actually shown as opposed to leaving it to your imagination, it's a little different to me.

    Elementary School of the Dead would be kinda neat though. lol
  8. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Interesting. I like the whole flashbacky thing, interesting effect. I also wonder if that family will have to do with the game, or if they were just promotional, like lollipop girl from GTA. And I have never understood why people get worked up over kids dying. We're kind of like you, just smaller, and a bit less knowledgable. And cuter.
  9. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    *dashes to Wiki*

    Call of Juarez is their best game. Crap.

    I thought it was fairly uninteresting after finally watching. Oh look. It's a zombie attack. In reverse. *yawn*

    Unless your family crawled straight out of the uncanny valley. Then you care a bit less ;)

    Yes. It's not pleasant to see digital kids being harmed or anything, it's just it's that odd little taboo that is never thrown to the curb properly. It's either gone to the extreme NC-17 -rated comedy or something. Or it's just left there. Like dropping F-bombs. Why is it always done wrong?

    It's a trailer for a video game featuring characters that have crawled straight out of the uncanny valley(look at the little zombie's face at the start: ew). There's something wrong if you do feel anything for them in my book.

    That would suck. Think about it. They're smaller and given video game logic, that means they'd be much faster and probably able to crawl on walls and ceilings.

    Retirement Home of the Dead

    I'm trademarking that right now.

    Well #&$%. George Romero's already got it trademarked.
  10. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    I can't stop watching this trailer. I don't know why. :shock:

    I must've watched the trailer 10 times already, and watched the reversed trailer 3 or 4 times
  11. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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  12. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Maybe it's because I'm a sadist, but I had to giggle at that.

    Watched it yesterday after the Roosterteeth video and didn't like it.
    I hate it when trailers/movies show something in slowmo with sad music and try to hammer in emotions. Shows me that they are lazy.

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