Day 11, still no alpha...

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by thedbp, June 7, 2013.

  1. SirChristoffee

    SirChristoffee Member

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    I made this mistake; seriously, double check your email has been verified in the Uber Store.

    • Go to store site
      Sign in
      Click "My account"
      Under contact should have your email and verified or unverified underneath
      If the latter, click edit then re-enter your email. Then something about verification will occur
  2. helacious

    helacious New Member

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    Thanks, I'll do that.... but why don't Uber just don't send the keys directly to the emails of the kickstarter backers?I gave them my 90$ and did not expect to have to to all this stuff, for me it was fire and forget, they have my email.
  3. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Well, given *certain web mail service* is notoriously bad about preventing mail from getting through, I was trying to suggest getting in touch was the best way to resolve the problem, rather than complaining on the forums.

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