Poll Results: Are these kind of posts useful? (thinking every two weeks or so to keep updates flowing)
Members who voted for 'yay, you are actually sharing info in a useful way (but I may have still left feedback below)'
- Col_Jessep
- Pawz
- jables
- KNight
- hostileparadox
- bathtub
- cola_colin
- bradaz85
- wpmarshall
- monkeyulize
- kryovow
- nateious
- DangerBag
- dietshnurd
- whiskeyninja
- Xankar
- abaddon1
- pieman2906
- lilbthebasedlord
- eukanuba
- raevn
- burntcustard
- Regabond
- LeadfootSlim
- felipec
- ozonexo3
- harrierx
- exterminans
- tollman
- TealThanatos
- ooshr32
- doud
- pizwitch
- zagra
- mwreynolds
- lafncow
- warrenkc
- TerrorScout
- Teod
- murcanic
- rorschachphoenix
- lackoffaith
- Consili
- Quitch
- selfavenger
- mgmetal13
- larsethearse
- igncom1
- silenceoftheclams
- tatsujb
- ChillAAA
- bill280
- CryFisch
- bornacorn
- bluestrike01
- cwarner7264
- DeathByDenim
- devoh
- jamesosogood
- WataCoso
- Dusanak
- dukyduke
- pudeldestodes
- jhnphm
- jtibble
- Ringworm
- Cryonicfire
- paulusss
- nanolathe
- shellacofna
- tohron
- robintick
- carn1x
- cdrkf
- lapsedpacifist
- Tomasina
- Tormidal
- hearmyvoice
- gunshin
- gerii
- Corang
- Jaedrik
- superouman
- clopse
- zweistein000
- infuscoletum
- Schulti
- eroticburrito
- GoodOak
- janusbifrons
- plague11
- ballsonfire
- iyenrithe
- ZaphodX
- ace63
- masterofroflness
- PrinceAAwe
- dionytadema
- ghostflux
- cmdandy
- maxcomander
- cg49me
- krakanu
- JudicatorOfGenocide
- alphring
- commodorenarwhal
- darkvortecks
- nonesuchnick
- lucidnightmare
- stonewood1612
- toastybro
- spartan234
- primeius
- onesparxy
- zihuatanejo
- cptconundrum
- archangel1788
- wandomvandom
- liquius
- Uggeli
- daelderly
- mrchris2000
- cmdrflop
- LavaSnake
- ghoner666
- mot9001
- shenroth
- enderdude
- jshigashi
- stonberg
- FSN1977
- squishypon3
- skipyx
- tommybananas
- shiwanabe
- jaykat77
- netnazgul
- zakpack48
- dudeinblack
- edeetee
- Dementiurge
- rancor47
- Klauth
- drz1
- Fr33Lancer
- vackillers
- tunsel11
- Planktum
- Knub23
- Flyingjester
- jheguy2
- apollozani
- axidion
- mayhemster
- nixtempestas
- wolfpld
- codylc
- jjss2
- fullestdarklink
- germanyxx3
- HackerOperJP
- websterx01
- shotforce13
- Paappa
- akovac35
- pialgo
- Bsport
- Peori
- popededi
- totalannihilation
- nlaush
- emraldis
- sierra159
- Telvi
- stuart98
- reptarking
- whatgravitas
- mishtakashi
- Necronome
- proeleert
- towerbabbel
- galaxyisos
- Jimax
- DalekDan
- nofear1299
- loussdale
- nhac
- vrishnak92
- melhem19
- radongog
- abilawey
- valheria
- jamiem
- mjshorty
- remy561
- Szmadar
- archmagecarn
- optimi
- spicyquesidilla
- komandorcliff
- lizard771
- eratosthenes
- jonasmod
- MegaSuperBeasto
- wheels12
- damnhippie
- s03g
- tyrelionprime
- leighzer
- kothanlem
- wondible
- philoscience
- iron71
- Alpha2546
- kogoeretasakana
- j4cko
- badfucatus
- sius
- SolitaryCheese
- improvised1
- ArchieBuld
- torvenral
- raphamart
- thelordofthenoobs
- LmalukoBR
- Tenocticatl
- draiwn
- maldor96
- killerkiwijuice
- Christer1966
- evilhands
- elodea
- exsys
- rivii
- lolm333
- ladygreyevel
- 007papa7
- le4dgolem
- Obscillesk
- sparcks
- exhibitdave
- thoth4444
- m1dnightmoose
- mwy3510
- jomiz
- DarkGift
- obamadagodman
- Ksgrip
- schoolisforwinners
- kjotak109
- thatspencerb
- Aliessil
- mutrumbo
- disownedpear
- langile
- ef32
- Felig
- sleepykid12
- jellymcnelly
- s6xse7en
- icycalm
- danielaahs
- steambirds
- jvickers
- crizmess
- laurentgdh
- ReLiFeD
- kaminfreunde
- davostheblack
- fredegar1
- 7555g
- Zainny
- Spododo
- Kryoclasm
- Rekansen
- blazingrathalos
- takfloyd
- nytonial
- mbusc1
- l30n64
- Zaphys
- foxzorz
- nacs
- nlgenesis
- ollic
- gmase
- jtisgeek
- Perahoky
291 total votes.